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  1. *********


    I'm so very sorry for your loss.
  2. Shhhh. Don't give 'em any ideas. :p I dunno why they can do that. Good question.
  3. I've got an idea, but I dunno if it's a good one, lol. Perhaps they rotate turns. Everyone knows who's turn it is AFTER them, and it's that person's responsibility to make sure the next person walks the dog. For example, Bootsie walks the dog on Monday. Tuesday, it's Sugar Baby's turn. On Tuesday, it's Bootsie's responsibility to make sure Sugar Baby walks the dog. Once Sugar Baby has walked the dog on Tuesday, Bootsie gets a reward. On Wednesday, it's Monkey Man's turn, so Sugar Baby has to make sure he does it. Once Monkey Man walks the dog on Wednesday, Sugar Baby gets a reward. And so on... Hunh. Maybe I'm making it too complicated. But it's just an idea.
  4. Here's how dishes go in my house. (I'm gonna be totally honest here.) Everyone is expected to put their dirty dishes in the sink. Those big/old enough to *should* rinse/scrape their plates, but they never do. :/ Then I go to the sink when I have time, rinse the dishes, and load them in the dishwasher. I really hate washing dishes by hand, but I do it sometimes to either save room in the dishwasher (we have the world's tiniest, I swear) or because it's something that needs to be scrubbed by hand anyway. My family is kinda spoiled in the dish department, I think. They don't even rinse their dishes ususally. It irks me.
  5. Oh Melissa, I'm so sorry. Praying here.
  6. You are absolutely right, mouse. It is his own decision. I was talking to a friend the other day, and she was asking why we don't just move dad in with us. I told her that dad would never do that, because it would upset mom. (Mom would be upset because that wouldn't look good, and mom is ALL about appearances.) The conversation with my friend really helped cement in my mind that dad is choosing this for himself.
  7. Thanks ladies. Since Dad's heart attack has opened up so many new situations in my life, I don't always know how to react, you know? And sometimes I feel so terribly conflicted. I don't want to add to my father's suffering in any way. And yet, I don't want my mother to control me, either. But if that's just my flesh rising up, I need to know it. Sigh. I had no idea so many emotions could exist at the same time in my head. i just want my dad to have whatever comfort I can give him, even at the expense of my pride. He's my earthly example of my heavenly Father. I adore him so much. I miss him. I wish I lived closer to him. I want to cry right now because my mom texted me that he's miserable in the hospital. I just want to show love to my daddy, that's all. Sigh again.
  8. To answer your questions: Yes, my mother is an evil person. She claims to be a believer, but there is no fruit in her life to point to as proof of that. No, she wasn't persecuting me for being a Christian. She was trying to take advantage of me. My dh's wishes supercede my mothers, of course. My dc and dh would not have suffered if I had done mom's shopping. Yes, my mother has a long history of bullying me. Here's the thing. I could easily pick up the food when I go grocery shopping. It wouldn't put me out at all. And mom offered to reimburse me. But dh and i decided that I wouldn't do that. Kind of like a "What else is she going to ask me to do?!" sort of thing. And now I'm wondering if we weren't just being petty, and I should have gone ahead and done it.
  9. I *had* and engagement ring. I loved that ring. So, when I was born again, it was a bit of a stumbling block for me. I mean, the thought of NOT having/wearing my ring was nonsense to me. It was a 3/4 carat, heart shaped solitaire. I loved it. Which is why the Lord had me get rid of it. I sold it, along with my original gold wedding band, and gave the money to missions. The Lord has really broken me of materialism, for which I am very grateful. I now wear a silver band.
  10. Ok, here's what Jesus says in the Sermon on the Mount: You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.If anyone wants to sue you and take away your tunic, let him have your cloak also.And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two.Give to him who asks you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away. - Matthew 5:38-42 So, how do you reconcile this with setting healthy boundaries in your relationships? For example, the latest ridiculousness with my mother, where she wanted me to not only menu plan and cook for dad, but grocery shop for the food as well. I set the boundary with her that i would not do the shopping. But in light of Christ's words here, perhaps I shouldn't have? Wouldn't that fall under the 'go the second mile'? Anyone want to share some insight? I know my dh would NOT have approved of me taking on their shopping, and he is a Godly man. I want to discuss this passage with him this evening, but am not sure if I'm missing something. And no offense, but I'm not looking for any opinions based solely on feelings. Can you tell me, BACKED WITH SCRIPTURE, why I shouldn't have just done what my mother wanted me to do, even though she was asking far too much of me. I feel a bit lost here. :(
  11. Thanks for the reminder to treasure all our blessings, Remudamom. Even with what's going on with my dad, that's really NOTHING compared to losing a child.
  12. Because of creation. There is creation, hence there is a Creator.
  13. Well, my dad isn't looking well. He's very grey. Looks beaten down. He's not in the mood for chatting or joking, which is unlike him. They can't find the source of his infection. Basically, his infectious disease doctor is stumped. So, they keep running tests and cultures, and giving him antibiotics. And he keeps spiking fevers and having high white blood cell counts. Dad seemed, well, kinda defeated today.
  14. Sheryl, *my* dad would want the ladies here to pray for *your* dad, too. I'll pray for your dad, and for you.
  15. Headed to hospital. Have my bible, but no leading on what to share with dad. Nedd your help, sisters.
  16. My only half sister is 23, and my stepdaughter is 18. So pretty close. I was 12 when my half sister was born and moved out 5 years later. I missed most of her childhood. When she was 18, she moved in with dh and I for a year and a half. I was, um, "surprised" at what sort of personality she had. :p We're not close at all now. We've had to spend a bit of time together because of all this stuff going on with my dad. One day at the hospital, she was introducing herself to a nurse, and said "This is my dad". For whatever reason, that REALLY bothered me. My gut reaction was "No, he's not YOUR dad. He's OUR dad." Don't know why, but it didn't set well with me. I always introduced myself as "I'm Bethany, his daughter". Just semantics I suppose, but that's how I felt. So yeah, I get what you're saying.
  17. I'm short, but I like long shirts for modesty's sake. I wear an Old Navy tank under most things, because they are long, thin, and make a good base layer.
  18. Uh, you sure *can* be concerned with both. I never said you couldn't. ?? I said that *I* agree that a woman should be MORE concerned with being a good wife and mother than her 'rights'. I answered the question the best I could. Honestly, I'm not fully sure I understand what the author of the survey means by 'rights'. But the best I can guess, I'd say they're less important than being a good wife and mother.
  19. So funny you mention this! Dh has an evidence bible that he takes with him evangelizing, and it's duct taped. :D
  20. The religious preference question was worded something like "what religious preference, if any, do you identify with". I think the 'if any' is what covered atheism. And the question you quote doesn't say that women should concern themselves ONLY with becoming good wives and mothers, but that they should worry MORE about that than 'their rights'. A statement I fully agree with, BTW.
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