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Everything posted by Entropymama

  1. Yes! Those computer guys are geniuses. They can do amazing stuff. I hope you get it back! I don't know what I'd do if that happened to me! :grouphug:
  2. Because I suck. I can't think of a single thing I like! Right now it's called The Living Well but I think that sounds a little too much like I know it all and I'm going to preach at you. I do like that it sounds refreshing and, I don't know, like Martha Stewart. I have 5 kids. We homeschool (duh). We're modern fundamental Christians (we believe the Bible and wear makeup and jeans). We live in SoCal. We're slightly crunchy. I'm anal retentive and clumsy. Any thoughts? You guys are so much more creative and brilliant than me. I mean that. :bigear:
  3. I don't really know what Flat Stanley is, other than what I've heard in passing on this board, but I'd love to participate if somebody wants to put it together.
  4. I have a 9 year old and a 5 year old who do this sometimes, too. This is really good perspective. I hadn't thought about it that way before. I can't really agree with this, maybe because I remember being over-upset as a child about small things (losing a balloon, for example). I was truly heart-broken, and being told to 'get over it' hurt. As I got older and gained perspective I realized those things weren't the end of the world. We have 5 kids. The older ones almost always share their things with the younger ones without complaint. But they do have certain things that are theirs alone. It sounds like the PP's older daughter is an artist and this paper is important to her. I allow my kids to select a few things they don't want to share, and I defend their right to 'own' them. Other things are community property. We do encourage sharing and praise them up the wazoo when they do, but we don't require it. One thing that has worked for us: in our house throwing fits isn't allowed. So the behavior (beyond initial disappointment) would fall into the category of fit throwing. This way it isn't the emotion being disciplined, it's the behavior. You're allowed to feel defected and sad; you're not allowed to sob and scream and throw yourself on the floor. We came up with code words for the older kids. When they start to act inappropriately I say the code word and that's their cue to change their behavior. If they can't change on their own I'll do it for them, by time-outs or whatever other discipline I deem necessary. The code words work well because I can catch the fit before it escalates too much. HTH and :grouphug:
  5. Do you use your real name? What about your husband/wife/kid's real names? Why or why not?
  6. The first quote sounds like a John Rosemond idea, then somebody beat me to it. He wrote a books called The Well Behaved Child which is a bit harsh in tone but has great ideas. One practical suggestion is to deal with one issue at a time. Decide which one or two behaviors are particularly bad and ignore the rest for the time being to help keep from being overwhelmed. If you want to tackle back talk, for example, I'd sit him down and tell him he's not going to speak disrespectfully to mommy any more, and if he does there will be 'X' punishment. But also have a reward system in place. I have two jars, one with marbles in it. I'd tell him that for each hour that passes without his saying anything disrespectful, he can put a marble in the 'good' jar. When the jar is full there is a reward. Or someone like that.
  7. Yes, I'm bumping this. I just really want that iPad. :blush:
  8. Ok, maybe I'm just a pansy, but we put the 2 year old in Montessori three mornings per week. My husband has a hook-up so we got a great deal on it. Those three hours make all the difference. If you can't afford preschool, how about finding another mom with a toddler and switching off? You could keep hers two mornings (having a friend to play with might help keep him occupied) and she can keep yours two mornings, giving you free time for schooling.
  9. Thanks for the vote JudoMom! I peeked at your blog, too. Love it!
  10. My husband has a children's ministry blog that was nominated for a blog contest. The grand prize is an iPad 2! I really, really want an iPad 2. For my husband, of course. :) Anyway, here is the link: Please take a moment to vote for Justyn's blog at: http://polldaddy.com/poll/4750624/ I have to get like 50+ more votes to have a chance!! :) ...and we only have until 9pm today--Saturday!! Thanks!! His blog is http://www.justynsmith.com Of course, you should browse through the other entries to make sure you really want to vote for my husband's. To be fair. Thanks for helping! You're an awesome hive!
  11. I agree with this. I'm afraid other countries will start uprisings assuming the US or UN will come to their aid.. the aid will run out at some point. Amy, why did you protest Iraq but support Libya, if you don't mind explaining? Yes. Does that make it ok for the President to authorize it without the consent of Congress? Off topic, but I would really love to see a source for this.
  12. I do it, too. Late at night, when the kids are in bed. I organize it all. And label it. And stare at it smiling. I just got SOTW vol. 3 on Tuesday, and it's still on the kitchen counter because I like looking at it.
  13. Agree, agree, agree. Honestly, if she's willing to put that on FB for all to see, what's she doing behind closed doors?
  14. I love Duncan! I had a good friend who called her little girl Arwen. We all thought it would be weird (LOTR anyone?) but it isn't it's lovely. My SIL did this.. named her 2 dogs her favorite baby names because they thought they'd wait a long time for kids, then she got pregnant right away. Also Desmond, Jabin Xavier (almost got that one for the last ds), Evangeline, Audrey and William. I've wanted a William since I was a little girl and it's been suggested for each of our dc, but it never stuck. *sigh*
  15. Basically what you've asked him to do is dictation, and that's a tough one for littles, especially boys. Maybe try asking him to sound out and write down single words? See if there is improvement there? The only other thing I could say is to trust your instincts. If you feel like he's doing ok, just keep going. If you're concerned that something is wrong, trust your gut and see if you can get him looked at for dyslexia or some other learning disorder. Good luck and encouragement!
  16. We don't do snacks in our house. I will concede that this year we've started having an after-school snack.. but that's because it seems as they get older they need more. When they were toddlers they didn't have any snacks. It does seem like it's the normal thing to do; all the nutrition guides and books suggest it, but I found with my kids that they would only eat their favorite foods at mealtimes because they weren't really hungry and they knew they were getting a snack in an hour or two. So they ate lots of bread and fruit and almost no meat or veggies. Skipping snacks meant they were good and hungry come mealtime and ate better. I guess it's different for every family, though.
  17. That would be great! So, as for registering online.. I had read that you're supposed to send in your affidavit between Oct. 1 and 15. Someone told me that since we moved here in January, I should just wait until the beginning of next school year to register, but I'm a little nervous schooling under the radar for that long.. What do you think?
  18. Thanks guys! Can you give me the run down on CA laws? I'm getting confused about charters and co-ops and being independent... What do you do? In NV all they required was a single document to pull them out of PS, then you never had to report again.
  19. Do it! I hesitated for a long time before I started blogging.. it seemed so narcissistic and, like you, I didn't think anyone would be interested in what I had to say. Then I started following other blogs, and found that I really enjoyed them and got a lot out of them. What's the harm? If you decide you don't enjoy it, you can stop. I think a lot of people would really benefit.
  20. You ladies are so great. Thanks for all the advice!
  21. Well, the weekend was full of missed events due to sickness... those of you recovering, I just put up a whole post on this, but maybe you had the same thing my dd does? High fever with almost no other symptoms? Could this be a virus that will pass.. debating the dr.'s appt... No snow here! Sunny and 70.. gotta love SoCal.. Lunch.. PB&J. That's what happens when we're sick. Waiting for myself to decide about the dr. Waiting for approval for the husband to order new school stuff. Do we all order in January? :) Today.. um, no last week was better. But it's still good. :)
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