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Everything posted by Entropymama

  1. I have a 1st, 2nd and 4th grader and am deciding what to do for memory work for them. We're doing SOTW 3 this year. Does anyone have a list of pieces they've used? Poems, Bible verses, lists of monarchs?
  2. I don't understand it either. They can't legally do ANYTHING, so how can they hand over a legal right to their medical records? It's completely bizarre, but that's how it works. Mind you, my oldest isn't 12 yet so I don't have personal experience with it. That's just what the woman at the office explained to me.
  3. I have a friend who is currently getting into this field. I don't know anything about it but I could connect the two of you if you're interested. She just finished her schooling and got a job last month.
  4. Exactly what I was thinking. :D You say your older DD is 17.. does that mean in a year she'll be moving on to college or elsewhere? If so maybe younger DD can wait a year before going to work there. 14 is pretty young, especially to be getting all that teen boy attention.
  5. Not to stir the pot.. but I'm wondering why you feel like your dd has to get over being modest and shy about getting undressed around strangers? To me that seems like a good thing. She can get over it when she gets married :D. As to the missing an important exam.. my kids haven't been to the dr. since they finished their shots at 24 months unless they've been sick or I have a concern. I could be in the wrong here, so RNs speak up, but what are they looking for that is so important that I wouldn't notice signs of? I have no intention of taking my kids in for physicals unless they're required for sports or something. We live in CA and here once the kids turn 12 the parents DO get kicked out. I'm not allowed access to their medical records or anything. Really REALLY makes me mad. That could be one reason I won't take them in unless I have to. :glare:
  6. Wow. WOW. Please tell me where you got the glasses your colored pencils are in! I want some just like that.
  7. One of my favorite biographies of all time is of the Von Trapp family (Sound of Music folks). The true story is so much better than the movie (which I still loved). It's written by the mother. Here is the Amazon link http://www.amazon.com/Story-Trapp-Family-Singers/dp/0060005777/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1309296475&sr=8-1 HTH!
  8. I hate to sound negative, but in this culture having a grown man drive a teenage girl around alone is asking for trouble. Of course, that means I get stuck picking up and dropping off the babysitters, but that's better than an allegation.
  9. A deck of cards! That is brilliant. What are button snakes and latch boards? I love the idea of the shoe box with cards! I may have to get that book.
  10. Or maybe the two of you could do something to earn money together? My girls and I are learning to knit this summer in hopes that we can open an Etsy shop. Maybe your ds won't want to knit but maybe there is a service you could provide together, like car detailing, tree trimming, landscaping, house sitting, house cleaning or organizing? You might have to drive you the bigger city to do it but you'd make the gas money back, and then you'd be there to do free stuff. Is there a church youth group he could attend? They often have summer stuff going on. You could build something. Troll Craigslist, Freecycle and garage sales for scrap lumber and stuff and build a bike ramp, a fort, a bench, uh... I find my kids are less bored when they're doing something productive. Good luck!
  11. Could he get some kind of work? Mowing lawns, walking dogs, raking leaves (in summer, ok maybe not), tutoring, anything? Then he could spend the money he earned on fun stuff to do.
  12. These are great ideas! But I think I need to be more specific. Anything like puzzles, lincoln logs or tangrams are out, because he won't sit still and do them. Maybe in a year or two. Dry erase markers would be used on the hardwood floor. (Hey, do you think it would come off? Maybe that's a good idea...) Floam is a good one, too, and I like the idea of ramps for cars. Pots and pans are good.. The only other thing I can think of is to gate of part of the patio and let him go with a water table. Any suggestions like that? He has to keep moving.. ETA: Oh, and I think he'd eat the moon sand.
  13. I'm jumping into MCT this fall with the Island series and was wondering.. if you could only afford to buy one would you buy the student books or teacher books? I had thought I would buy the student books and go through them with the dc, but it looks like maybe the teacher books have the student book in them? Thoughts?
  14. Ok. I've read threads and threads of ideas for things to keep a 2 year old occupied during school time. They all sound like fabulous ideas, and my older 3 kids would have spent hours doing them. Enter child #4. If I gave him pom poms to put in an egg carton, he would stick them in his baby brother's nose, or the DVD player. Any kind of paint, markers, glue, glitter, other craft supplies are out unless I'm working with him (and that defeats the purpose). Scissors, toothpicks and craft sticks are weapons, folks. I happen to like his eyes, and want to keep them. He is BUSY. I'm fine with this; it's who he is and he's wonderful, and it's one of the reasons I'm glad he'll never have to sit in a classroom and be required to do busywork. BUT. Does anyone have ideas for safe, confined activities? I don't mind messes as long as they're contained, and it can't be anything I have to watch him doing. Thoughts?
  15. I do this too (am in the middle of it right now, actually) and so far it's worked well. Sometimes I wish I could go with an 'open and go' curriculum like Sonlight, but I'm never satisfied with it, and like you I always end up changing it.
  16. I'm doing my ordering for next year and noticing that many of the Step into Classics editions aren't available on Amazon. Is it worth finding them elsewhere or do the other publishers suffice? I'm looking at Illustrated Classics or Classics for Children or some others. Are they comparable?
  17. I love your quote! ETA: That is, the one in your signature.
  18. OK, you're right, not sure a total switch is the best way to go.. but are these the kinds of methods that require an all-out approach? If I go half way will they still be effective?
  19. Thank you! These articles are very helpful! Good point about the schedule. The difference with CM, if I'm doing Year 4 for my 4th grader, is no formal grammar/writing/spelling program or Latin. This sounds good and not good. I'm looking at her 'wrap up' of 4th grade, and added up it's 7 hours per day, including the 45 minutes of Latin per day and 2 90 minute periods of history or science. But like folks have said, no one needs to follow it exactly. I didn't mean to say AO is slacking (I don't think I said that), I actually think it's very rigorous, especially in high school. I only meant that it's less 'text book'? Fewer formal programs in the early grades with more emphasis on nature study and play. I'm not criticizing the method at all, I'm thinking it might be better for us. Just contrasting and comparing. :001_smile:
  20. Ok, I found a recent thread about this here: http://welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=265810&highlight=ambleside+online I'm reading through it, JENinOR you might find some insight. These are the days I wish there was only one way!!
  21. After 3 years of following the Classical route, I'm considering jumping ship and hopping on the Charlotte Mason bandwagon, ala Ambleside Online. I've loved SWB's books and the classical path, but looking at 4th grade I'm starting to waver. 45 minutes of Latin per day? 7 hours of course work every day? Plus soccer, piano, church, etc. It just seems like so much. I'm starting to feel we're missing out on play time, and I want to read more 'living books' but where do you find the time? Has anyone done this? How did it work for you? What do you like/not like about AO? Is AO too far the other way (too much free time, not enough academics?) Thanks for your help, oh wise hive! :001_smile:
  22. For us, at least. :001_smile: I did a end of year wrap-up on my blog and it's a linky! Anyone want to link up and share what you did this year? Happy summer! http://www.brieanasmith.blogspot.com/2011/06/welcome-summer.html
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