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Everything posted by Capt_Uhura

  1. If it were my daughter, I'd give her the WWE placement test which can be found on the Peacehill press website. See where she places. If she places low, for ex: WWE1 or 2, I would get the WWE textbook (not student book) which covers years 1-4. IT gives you 10weeks of lessons, and then you use your own resources for the next block. It gives you things to look for ie passages w/ proper nouns etc. Using the textbook, you can accelerate her quickly as she acquires the skills. She may only need a 10w block before being able to move to WWE2 for example. After that, I'd look at WWS. SWB doesn't talk down to the student. It's written to the student but there is a teacher book to help you guide your student. It takes your student from writing from notes given (history, science, lit) to writing her own notes. You can easily, easily transfer this to your own history and science. Once you see SWB's methods, it is easily transferrable to anything.
  2. Can he write a narrative from notes? Can he take notes? Can he outline? DOes he know how to use sources and document them? We haven't seen a full TOC for ALL so I can't answer the grammar question. My son hasn't done much w/ verb conjugation (He's done MCT Island/Town) so he'll be doing at least parts of ALL.
  3. I don't know. The pdf will be available sooner but it costs an arm and a leg to print where I live and it would be horribly expensive on my inkjet. I may have to consider a laser printer.
  4. It sure is!! And I've seen the whole thing! Counting down the days!
  5. Yep, if your weight loss has plateaued despite exercise and eating well, then you should try increasing your calories by 100 and then 200cal/day. If you're in a calorie deficit, your body will hold on to fat and burn muscle instead. THis can lead to a decrease in performance. Once you increase your calories, can perform better, harder - you'll find that you actually lose weight. I did a full round of P90X w/ no weight loss. My body sensed that as a stress! During my recovery week, my body felt it could safely shed 4lbs! From one week to the next, all my clothes were too big in the waist. And it was most definitely not water weight!
  6. I've been religiously weighing and calculating protein:carb:fat ratio of everything that goes into my mouth for about a month. I'm doing Insanity - which is intense cardio 40min/day 6 days/week. I've switched to the INsanity nutrition guidelines of 40:40:20 protein:carbs:fat ratio. ON my regular diet, which was closer to 25-20:55-60:20, I had no problems getting to 1800 calories per day. That 1800 is based on my age, height, weight and doing an extreme exercise program daily such as INsanity and wanting to lose weight. Most people i know eat wayyyy more than 1800 calories and are quite sedentary. Now that I'm doing the 40:40:20, I'm finding it difficult to get to 1600 calories every day! Some days I'm below 1500 calories.
  7. I've experienced this first hand and most folks do/did not understand it. DS was bored to death in school. He did the work easy enough in school but homework was a different story. It would take him HOURS to do a worksheet (1st, 2nd grade) which should have taken him 15min. He. just. couldn't. do. it. I was give up and say "Fine don't do it. NOthing bad will happen if you don't do this." Then the tears would start b/c the teacher told him he had to do it and he didn't want to do the wrong thing, he wanted to make the teacher happy. So he was having this eternal struggle. Soon he developed stomach aches at night. He wasn't eating as well. He was having trouble sleeping. He'd cry every night about going to school. One day, as the bus rumbled down the street, my poor 7yr old, stood in the door, burst into tears and screamed, "I just can't take it anymore." Friends just thought he needed everything he valued taken away, spanked, punished, electronics taken away......I know it wasn't obstinate behaviour...there was something about the way his brain is wired. He did their stupid work during the day and felt like home time was his time. It took me a small bit of time to realize it wasn't that DS was "broken" and needed to be fixed, he was just different and needed something different.
  8. Yes a couple of folks have done it. I'll see if I can find it on a search but it's on this forum.
  9. My mom got a call from this woman. The woman told her that I, using my maiden name, had signed up w/ the company to do this work from home job. My mom said, "I wouldn't know anything about that. My DD doesn't live here." "Oh she doesn't? Well would you be interested in a work from home job? You could be earning blah blah blah." She used my name as bait to get my mother signed up for some crap just to take her money!!! Then I had a company call me and tell me I won a free General Electric security system for my home. WHen I asked to have all the information in writing I got "Oh we don't put anything writing. We do it all over the phone." OH I see, well no thank you. We already have a security system. Click. :cursing:
  10. Hi Nestof3!! Brag away!!!!! Come on Aaron! 5 more weeks! You can do it!
  11. WOW I'd be thanking her too!! Here's my issue. Currently, my DS8 does his work at the kitchen table. On the floor near the table I have two baskets. In those baskets, I keep their daily work and some junk which I need to clear out - ie old workbooks we never got to and never will. :D My DS11 works at the dining room table. Currently, in the dinning room I have a floor to ceiling bookcase which has history, LA, science stuff on it. That room is a mess right now b/c we had the basement finished and just got the Cert of Occupancy on Friday. So I'm in the process of sorting through all the stuff in the dining room and figuring out if it's going in the basement, in a closet, in the attic, in the trash, or donated. Anyhow, the boys do not work well together at the same table. DS11 needs quiet. DS8 needs to make noise and move and shake the table and sit on the table and fall of his chair. My thoughts were to move everything to the basement but buy an armoire-ish thing for the dining room to put curricula, current books in so I can try to keep the dining room neat and tidy. The other option is to tell DH I'm turning the dining room into a full-fledged school room and line the walls w/ book shelves and keep most things there. :001_huh: We do use the dining room for dinner and on weekends. A third option is to move everything to the basement and HS down there. It is a really nice space. It's a full walkout so it gets lots of sun after 12:00pm. It has a bathroom, sink. The bad thing is that the Wii will be down there and if DD4 wanted to play, it would be distracting for the boys. AARRGHH..... did I mention I want this done tomorrow so I can start planning? And our summer schedule is hectic w/ all the activities going on....not. enough. time..... Where is the smiley with it's head spinning round and round? (not the laughing one...Think Exorcist). Capt Uhura
  12. JudyJudyJudy - I'm speechless. WOW. Can you tell me the demographics of your school? Was it predominately middle to upper class? Low SES? Predominately white? Mixed?
  13. OH that's an idea! If I find something like that, I can put a small bookcase inside of it! Genius!
  14. OH MY! THat's what I want!!!!! Ok, I'll search for armoire! Thank you!
  15. Finnela - Kudos to you for teaching it at night! I'm sorry you found he had such a hole in his education. A friend who tutors kids at the $25K/year elite private school is finding huge holes in the writing instruction. A tough pill to swallow when you pay huge amounts in taxes to the public school, and an additional $25K/year to the private school, and then more money for a tutor!!! It can happen anywhere.
  16. The two smaller walls are 7'5" long. the longest wall is 12" long. The other wall is all window. _____windows_________ |---------------------------doorway | |12' -----------------------| |-------------------------- | |---------------------------| |---------------------------7'5" about doorway___7'5"________| dining room table is in the middle of the room.
  17. I wasn't sure what to title this. I'm looking for something nice to go in my dining room that will conceal our homeschool supplies we use daily. If you have something you love, please provide a link or photo. This will fit language arts, history, science notebooks, etc. Thanks, Capt Uhura
  18. Danestress - that is difficult. What I've read in P90 literature is that if you've hit a plateau w/ weight loss or even gaining weight, the solution is to increase your calories. Counter-intuitive I know. But think about it.....if you're not taking in enough calories, what does your body do? It burns muscle and keeps the fat and tries to store more fat. Have you noticed a drop in performance? When I dropped 4lbs, it was on my recovery week!!!! My body no longer felt stressed and was able to shed the pounds. I held on to those pounds the entire 90days of P90X doubles!!!! one week of taking it easy, bam, dropped 4lbs! And it wasn't water .... my pants are baggy! So you might just try adding 100-200cal/day to your diet for a couple of weeks and see what happens. Also, be conscious of water weight due to female cycles. I gain 2-3lbs of fluid around 2weeks before Aunt Flo is due so it's best not to get on the scale during that time. The P90X fat shredder ratio if 50:30:20 protein:carbs:fat. The maintenance ratio is 40:40:20 The athletic ratio is 20:60:20 Where in there do you think you fall on most days? Have you calculated your calories required? If not, I can send you two of them and you can compare and see where you fall on avg each day. Capt Uhura
  19. :001_smile: There is a video of a man shooting his scale with a rifle....but pushing it to the back of the closet works as well. :lol: Seriously, I've been keeping a food journal. Dh might say I'm fanatic about it. But, it has really shown me why so many AMericans are over weight. We have NO IDEA how many calories are in foods we eat....especially bad foods. According to a calorie calculator, at my height, weight, age if I am a sedentary person, I only need 1500 cal/day to maintain my weight. If you're eating a lot of carbs, you can hit 1500 cal by 1pm! I've been playing w/ my nutrition. I'm currently doing INsanity. The Insanity nutrition guide suggests 40:40:20 carbs:protein:fat. Well, when doing that, it is hard for me to get to my 1800 calories (1800 is for my age, weight, height doing an extreme program like Insanity and wanting weight loss) b/c the protein is quite filling. When I was eating my regular, usual diet, I was hard pressed to stay at 1700-1800 b/c of carbs. And I've lost a lb or two! I'm getting close to my ideal weight so it's getting harder to lose any weight. I've noticed a bit of drop in performance so I'm going to add 100cal of carbs each day.
  20. The scale is not your friend! That's what I keep repeating to myself. It is so common to gain when starting a new exercise routine. Your muscles retain water in order to heal, hence the weight gain. If you're combining weight training w/ cardio you're also building muscle. Muscle is more DENSE than fat (it weighs the same :001_smile:) so even though you may be gaining weight, you'll be more compact, more slim, hence the need for smaller pants! If you truly want to gauge, you'd need to do regular body fat testing. Also, when starting a new exercise program, your body tries to get you to eat more b/c it wants to hold on to that fat ....so carefully watch your diet and make sure you're not unknowingly, eating more calories than you need.
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