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Everything posted by Capt_Uhura

  1. Ok you guys have me intrigued. Is the $18 ebook the 1st edition or an early 2nd edition? When is the 2nd edition coming out? I need another math program like I need a ......... Waiting for AoPS Pre-alge.....but for $18...even if it's a 1st edition.....
  2. Another average joette...... :001_smile: I liked how he started w/ a question and then backed it up w/ statistics. I don't see a clear topic sentence. Is it an expository piece on what has caused our national debt to rise? He states, "One reason we have so much debt..." so I expected to read about another reason. But the "In addition, ... " was not another reason but a consequence of debt and of not having enough money to support the government. I'm still learning about essays, expository essays, etc. I don't feel like it has all come together in my brain just yet. :001_huh:
  3. Nope no plan, ha ha ha. I'm just going to pick and choose. Mostly, we'll use the Oxford Series b/c my library has them. I'd have to buy the Strauss Art books. I'm using these in conjunction with K12 Human Odyssey texts. I didn't get a chance yesterday but I should have some time this AM to do it.

  4. That's where I get confused. I don't ever recall outlining paragraph by paragraph. I would outline an entire section.
  5. Plain Jane - I think it's good to outline from multiple sources. I have plans on using the World in Ancient Times as well as Suzanne Art books as well as any other books of interest. It's nice to have a set that's outlinable but I think it's also helpful to use several different sources. I think in WTM SWB suggests to have DC to pick something of interest from Kingfisher/USB, research that topic, and then pick a source to outline and re-write. If I have some time later, I will outline a page from World in Ancient Times and a Suzanne Strauss Art book and see how it goes for me.
  6. I'll have to see if I can find it. I thought he said to Mason "Let's give the folks a sneak peek at the new set for MC2 and and a peek at some new moves." One on ONe was him testing out various workouts for MC2. I'm counting down the days until it comes out!
  7. There was a quick peak of the set. I think it was posted on the P90X facebook page. Tony does a pull up and then pulls his body HORIZONTAL to the ground. The wall is filled w/ different weighted medicine balls. He does push ups w/ each foot and hand on a medicine ball. YIKES! P90x on steroids!
  8. Ok, you state that you like what you've read in WTM. I have a rising 6th grade boy as well. Here is what I would do. Download this file: http://wtm-pdfs.s3.amazonaws.com/wwe/wweevaluations.pdf It is the evaluation for SWB's Writing WIth Ease curriculum. Give him year 1, then year 2, then year 3 assessment until he doesn't pass. Then put him in that level. Now, he's older and you can condense this very quickly by doubling up and doing it 5days per week. You can choose either the workbooks where it's all laid out for you or you can choose the one book w/ all 4yrs combined where it guides you in choosing passages for narration and dictation from books he's reading. He's good in math. Do you need hand-holding or is he an independent learner? I'd go to singareporemath.com, mathmammoth.com, saxonmath.com (not sure if that's the website but you can google it) and give him some placement tests and see where he places. Many PS'd kids place a grade level behind when given Singapore math assessments as it tends to be a bit ahead of many PS. Look at samples online, post here w/ how your son likes to learn and your ability to teach the subject and we can help you find something. Is he visual? Is he highly verbal? Would he like a video-instructor? Does he like to read it on his own and ask for help when needed? For science, I'd ask him what he'd like to learn about and supply him w/ resources...books, documentaries, museum visits, experiments etc. For history....6th grade would be a good time to get in on the WTM history cycle depending on strong his school was on history. Has he had ancient history? Middle ages? Did he play an instrument at school? If so, can he continue that privately or is he able to continue music at school? Will he be able to continue w/ his sports or are they school teams? That will get your started....I'm pooped and my brain cells are dwindling.... If he's reluctant about HSing, I would definitely start w/ interest-led things. If his love is science, start there. Field trips, documentaries, discussions about what he's learning. Capt Uhura
  9. WEll, wait until you're in your 40s like me! :001_smile: Seriously, P90X is challenging and you make it as challenging as you want by increasing your weights and reps etc.
  10. Happygrrl - absolutely DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT wait for the new one. The new one is for P90X grads. I've seen snippets and I am afraid!!!! Definitely start w/ P90X. even if you have to modify it alot, just keep doing round after round rather than buying Power 90 and then feeling the need to upgrade.
  11. I was thinking about P90X and Insanity today. These programs are tough. I hear folks saying "oh I can't do that, it's too hard." Well, if it was easy, why waste the $120 each on the programs? These programs are designed to be hard. You won't master them in one round. P90X is how I worked out in my early 30s. There wasn't the thought that it was just for 90days. It was a lifestyle. The 90days for P90X and 60days for Insanity etc are marketing ploys. It's to give people a time frame. "You only have to suffer for 90days." Knowing that by the time 90 days comes around, most are addicted. :001_smile: Don't think of this as 90days or 20lbs or 50lbs.....b/c once those benchmarks come around, it's easy to stop and before you know it, you're back where you started. Think of it as a lifestyle change. Sure, do think of it as a short term goal. OK I can do this for 90days and then I'll continue to do X,Y,Z. And let's face it, for $110, if you do 5 rounds, that's pretty darn cheap. My local Y cost $55/month plus gas to get there, and time to get there. Also, think about what in your life being fit helps you to accomplish. I was relatively fit when I started and didn't have much weight to lose but I want the cardiovascular endurance. I need to be able to bike w/ my kids w/ DD on the back. I need to hike w/ her in the back pack carrier. Also, Dh can say, "We need to move the boards out of the garage," and I can do it all by myself. He was shocked I was able to do it b/c they were very long and heavy boards. No problem for a P90exer!! :001_smile: HappyGrrl - I'd check out P90X or Chalean Extreme and watch the sample videos. Also youtube search folks doing those videos. I love Tony. I've watched snippets of Chalean and I think she'd drive me insane. Another poster felt the very opposite. A big part of this is connecting w/ the trainer - they make you want to come back every day and push play.
  12. :lol: I sent you photos....did you get them? I agree about those Sphinx pushups. For some reason, my left side is always ahead of my right side coming up. Again, I think it's one of those exercises where you think it's in your arms but it's really all about the core.
  13. EVery one's body is different. I think the fewer pounds you have to lose, the less you. It seems to be women with a lot of weight to lose, will drop 10lbs the first few weeks. I was also more muscular than most women b/c of shoveling 3 cu. yds. of topsoil at my new house and running so I don't think I saw much different at 30days. I saw more definition in my back by 60days and A LOT more definition in my back by 90days. I also lost that little fat pocket women tend to get right below your bra on the back. Unfortunately, I also lost several inches in my boobs. :001_huh:
  14. mmasmommy - It is very common to gain weight w/ P90X. Your muscles are likely retainingg a few pounds of fluid as part of the healing process. Also, make sure you weigh yourself first thing in the AM and naked. Also, don't weigh yourself during the 2nd half of your menstrual cycle. Now, at my age, I just gained 3lbs in fluid due to PMS. So, if you're sure you're not eating way more calories than you need to be, the culprit is fluid. THE SCALE IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. THE SCALE IS NOT YOUR FRIEND (repeating that as much for me as for you.) Also, you're gaining muscle and losing fat so you may say no net weight loss or even a weight gain. But muscle is more dense than fat. A 140lb woman w/ 17% body fat will be ALOT slimmer than a 140lb w/ 38% body fat. Go by inches, how your clothes fit, and how you feel. Also, I've been monitoring my resting heart rate. It was in the mid 70s (still good) before P90X. After 1 round of P90X I was upper 60s (now in excellent range). After my 2 round of P90x, it's now in the low 60s. (50s is elite level). Dr. Oz did a show the other day (saw it while in the dentist office) and he said one single indicator for heart health is your resting heart rate. I say this b/c you know what my weight change has been? I went up 4lbs during Round 1. I then went down 3lbs (so net 1lb gained). I was also eating more since I didn't change my eating habits b/c added recovery drink each day (210cal) and a protein bar (270cal). After my 2nd round, and watching what I eat more carefully and for the past 2 weeks really watching my calories, I'm down to 138.5lb. I've been at that 140lb brick wall for 4yrs since my last child was born. So I'm only 2lbs lighter than before I started but I have very nice arms, lost inches on my waist, can see the beginning of abs, lost inches on my thighs, my butt is 2inches HIGHER than it was. And I'm a whole heck of a lot healthier! I did a walk the other day that used to leave me breathless due to this huge hill at the start. I didn't even alter my breathing nor my heart rate. THE SCALE IS NOT YOU FRIEND. 8-) Got it? And after battling insomnia for years, when doing P90X and now INsanity, I sleep like a baby. 8-)
  15. Jennifer - Great job!!! I'm on Day 5 (tomorrow) on Insanity. I will likely do two rounds of Insanity (mixing in 2-3 days/week of P90X) before doing Asylum but I can't wait. It looks like fun. I really want to increase my agility. Have you seen any of Cary Potts you tube videos doing Asylum? She makes it look so easy!
  16. The word was that the PDF wouldn't be available until December so the hard copy is even later than that.
  17. Ruth in NZ - Thank you for posting that list! I'd love to see your curriculum list!
  18. Do you need any science supplies? Do you need books to help you prep for high school?
  19. Well, not knowing your kid, I can't really say. :001_smile: My 5th grader used it just fine but we're a science family.
  20. Swimmermom's DS enjoys the Art books. I have two of them, Alexander the Great and one on the Renaissance. My son hasn't used them yet but I've enjoyed reading them. I find the writing engaging. I also think they are outlinable. Each chapter has discussion questions and ideas for projects as well.
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