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Everything posted by Capt_Uhura

  1. Happy Birthday Luckymama!!! While reading your post, I can see your lovely face. I am so teary eyed right now. I have no sense of HS community where I live. But I definitely felt like part of a community at the conference. I felt like I have known many of you for ages. I wish there had been more time! I'm so sorry I had to miss dinner. There aren't many Hsers w/in 40min of me, and those that are further away, tend to be unschoolers. Fortunately, I've added two WTMers to my not-so-local peeps....just have to get myself out of the house more often to meet up with them. It was just such a phenomenal 2 days. I feel like SWB's son when she asked him about The Once and Future King. It was just....WOW...amazing.... when can we do it again? :001_smile: Capt Uhura
  2. Well, I asked Tom and he said if we want it, he'll do it. Please post your feedback at the RFWP facebook page. Tell him what you would like to see. Unfortunately, due to the lack of available conference space, we were unable to get other vendors or speakers. There were other speakers from the NOrtheast Conference who wanted to come but there wasn't the space. I know I wasn't anticipating how exhausting the conference would be. Also, given that I only averaged about 4hrs of sleep each night over 4days, that likely was a contributing factor. But now I wish I had more time with all of YOU!!! Dr. K (Tom) said several times about how wonderful you all were. You were so understanding about the very late registration. It was a first conference for him and so there are certainly details to be worked out for next time but personally, I think it was a huge success and I hope there are others. I know there was talk about doing this in other parts of the country as well as planning another for Valley Forge next year. The Northeast HS convention will be in Conn, I believe. Capt Uhura
  3. Hello All, Thank you for your kind words. I had such a wonderful, crazy, busy time at the conference. It's all kind of a blur. And when I'm caffeine, since I don't normally drink coffee or caffeinated drinks, I tend to get hyper and full of nervous energy. :001_huh: The experience of meeting my WTM peeps is beyond words. I'm still associating faces w/ board names. I'm simply exhausted but I feel empowered to start the next HS year due to all of you, SWB, and MCT. And lucky me, I get Laurel everyday. :001_smile: If you get a moment, please send me a PM and tell me what you liked about the conference and what you would change so we can make these events even better. Capt Uhura
  4. HI, I'm heading out for the RFWP conference today so if I don't get a chance to answer your questions, I will when I get there assuming they have wi-fi. If not, when I get back on Sunday.

  5. Why don't you call about 6:30pm and let me know how far you are out. If most are registered, I'll head out to dinner w/ the WTM peeps but I'll make sure Dr. K. is at the registration area.
  6. Jumping in Puddles - yes, give me a ring on my cell. :blushing: I have a small, 25cents/minute cell phone and I have never sent a text nor received one. If I were you, I'd just call me to be on the safe side. :lol: Do you have my cell? If not PM me or send me an email. I'm heading out about noon so I'll be there early.
  7. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/19/education/19graduation.html?pagewanted=1&tntemail1=y&_r=1&emc=tnt
  8. Yes, it does. I once had a woman ask me if all my children (I have 3) have the same father. :lol:
  9. Rivka - Call RFWP tomorrow. You should have gotten an email. Another one is coming out tomorrow. I put my first name, my WTM username, and my state on my badge.
  10. It looks like he shows you how to modify though b/c if you look to the side, the guy is doing regular pushups. I can't wait though. I want to do 2 rounds of INsanity and then at least 1 round of Asylum and then P90X2. Or maybe P90X2 in between Insanity and Asylum so I don't lose muscle definition while doing all this cardio.
  11. yes, just reply w/ the info you want on your badge. Another email will be coming out tomorrow. We will be registering folks in earlier than 7pm so everyone can make the dinner.
  12. Great idea! I'll do my best to remember about tags and to use them!
  13. Dr. K. is working on an email to send out shortly w/ registration times and asking for any info you would like put on your badge, so check your email and your spam folders in a couple of hours. Capt Uhura
  14. ARe you bringing DM and the workbook to the conference? Pretty please? :D
  15. Math in RUSSIAN!!!!!!!!!:lol: Love it! That would certainly change things up, now wouldn't it?
  16. SWB said she would be posting samples of ALL soon. I hope soon is tomorrow. :lol: Or maybe at the RFWP Valley Forge Conference??? OH please Susan!
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