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Everything posted by Capt_Uhura

  1. OHElizabeth - Can you tell me more about Crossing the River with Dogs? Do you need the teacher book? Are there any threads about it here? I looked at the sample pdf and it looks interesting! I need another math book sitting on my shelf unused like I need ...... Can you compare Crossing the River with the Zaccaro problem solving books?
  2. I was going to say that WTM2009 does a better job of teaching outlining than those books. Those books are very easy. The text is very easy. You're outlining a paragraph about ladybugs or cargo ships. But when you then try to apply that to K12 Human Odyssey or World in Ancient Times or a science text, it's a whole different ball game. WTM2009 will help w/ that transition. It's also explained well in WWS.
  3. Doesn't CW get into 5 paragraph essay in the level after Homer? Later, I'll pull out PWME but from my recollection, PWME is not what the OP wants. It's very basic. It teaches what paragraphs are and teaches outlining.
  4. I don't know if you were dreaming but if you find out anything about it, please post!
  5. Well AoPS has an online scheduled slated to start 9/5 using this book so I would hope it's available by then!
  6. Much longer as in 2 weeks or a month or 2 months?
  7. I saw it last night as well. NOw if they would just publish the darn book!
  8. I think the folks who got the first 20weeks were part of the beta test group. We are reading through for any corrections etc. I don't think they are sending out the 20weeks to everyone.
  9. That's true! THat might be the perfect solution!
  10. I don't do other stuff although I'd like to add a few runs in each week. I hope to do a 5K the end of August. I won't know until I do Asylum of course. I was thinking more of do P90X Monday, an Insanity workout on Tuesday, Asylum workout on Wednesday etc...not doubles just rotating. When I was in my 30s, I used to do an hour of solid weight training and then 45min of cardio. The cardio wasn't as intense as Insanity Max.
  11. :iagree: w LG Gone Wild. THey are very different and many people find a P90X/Insanity hybrid to be the best of both worlds. Insanity is high-intensity cardio but there are a lot of push-ups so you do get some shoulder, chest, back in there and there is some tri-cep work. there isn't a lot of bicep. Of course w/ all that jumping you're getting tons of leg work. If you've done PlyoX, think some version of PlyoX daily for 60days and you have Insanity. I did two rounds of P90X (half of 1st round was doubles and all of the 2nd round was doubles). I'm in week 6 of Insanity. Next I'll check myself into the Asylum for 30days.....If I come out alive, I'll do a P90X/INsanity/Asylum hybrid until I get P90X2 for Christmas.
  12. YEs that is my plan as well....a P90X/Insanity/Asylum hybrid after I finish Insanity and a round of Asylum. I miss the X! Then I'm hoping to get P90X2 from Dh for Christmas. Let me know if you find a P90X/Insanity/Asylum schedule published or if you write your own.
  13. 8Filltheheart - Thank you! We're not even to high school yet and I think sitting down and writing plans out for 6-8week blocks might ensure that it all gets done. Unfortunately, it's been another crazy summer but there is still time lol for me to get it together...I hope. :001_smile:
  14. I'm not there yet so I'm not qualified to give advice but if I may ask 8filltheheart a question. When you say you wrote lesson plans for the first 8 weeks, what does that entail? Can't you just open Foerster's and start on page 1 and move through or are you assigning days to the various chapters?
  15. Here's a post by Dr. K. from Sunday, July 24 on the RFWP facebook page. "Many of the literature orders have shipped, but we suspended shipments on Thursday when the temperature in our plant rose above 95 degrees after we lost power and air conditioning. Shipments will resume on Mon, and every order will be shipped by Tues or Wed."
  16. yes, that will definitely get you started! Enjoy!
  17. yes RFWP is run by I think 3-4 people!!! It's Dr. K's passion to print these books. He is not the best w/ emails. :001_huh: Yes, Dr. K and his wife were side-swiped by a tractor-trailer who kept going! They had to run him down in a vehicle w/ a door nearly ripped off and shattered glass all over their skin! He had to leave half the inventory in storage in NJ which included the credit card machine, schedules for the conference, and other books for sale. He also checks for everyone, for about $5, who was charged tax on the rooms! I had forgotten all about that and would never have thought twice. I know as HSers, we stew on purchases and then we decide to buy it, we want it NOW! LOL. But in this case, let's give them the benefit of our patience and I'm sure all the shipping snafu will be taken care of shortly.
  18. You will get used to it quickly. You did well to drink. Drink all day. Where I live, it's been hot. After all my sweating w/ Insanity, then out in the hot sun for a 3hrs, I've been dealing w/ nausea and headaches from dehydration. Also, I highly recommend a recovery formula. Beachbody sells ones, many use low fat choc milk and there are other formulas online for making your own. It really helps to drink that w/ 1hr of exercising. It helps greatly w/ soreness and will fuel your muscles for the next day.
  19. Yes, INsanity is 6days/week with one rest day. Jennifer - You go girl! What do you think of Asylum? Do you love it as much as Insanity? More? The same? Is it harder? Is it the same but different? I just received the bonus DVDs for Insanity. I like the upper body workout (only viewed it) and the Insane Abs. Someone mentioned the sports training DVD is her fav of all the Insanity workouts. I can't wait to view that one today.
  20. Yes, I think what you did last year fills in the holes nicely. However, once you have CC in your hands, you'll be able to tell if there are any holes. I think w/ a program like CC or CW, that would be mostly all that you do. You wouldn't need Killgallon for example. Now, MCT is easy enough to add in if your DC like it, read and discuss while cuddling on the couch . WWS will get you to two level outlines by the end of the year. There are also some sentence exercises in WWS. The daily edit stuff we do, I do mostly for annual testing which is required in my state so if you don't have to do testing, is that really necessary or can DC learn those skills in their own writing? I've looked at CW. I think I've read that if a student has done WT1/2 they can go into Homer, skipping Aesop. It may be something similar w/ CC, I don't know. Maybe doing WT1/2 and CC Fable might be redundant. Unfortunately, the only thing you can do is buy them all and read through them and make your decision. For 6th grade, we will be doing WWS and finishing up PT moving right into Voyage when we're done. WE'll start Grammar Voyage at the start of the school year, then move into ALL after that, skipping all the parts that DS is strong on. I think if your question is not how to combine them but how to test drive them and then choose path, then I like doing them in semesters is probably the best path. time to cut the grass....
  21. Ah yes, that was my point in stating I've never used CC. I do have WT1 and 2 and have read through it. If CC contains a lot of re-working sentences, sentence variety etc I wouldn't do Kilgallon. I would also skip the grammar, vocab exercises in WT. You didn't mention CE1? Will you be hoping to add that as well? What about MCT Poetry? Now that I think about it, I thought the draw of programs like CC is that it was all built into the program? WHen I was looking at some of those programs, it seemed like I had the bits and pieces put together by using WWE, Kilgallon, outlining, diagramming whereas other folks were getting that all in one cohesive program. I haven't seen CC so I can't speak to that but that was my impression from reading about it here and in my discussions with 1TOGO. And if you're doing CC Fable, isn't that very similar to Writing Tales?
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