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Everything posted by sweetstitches

  1. I voted "other." I would pull them out in a heartbeat in elementary or middle school, but not high school unless it was an amazing opportunity.
  2. First of all, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I know it's not the same thing, but we adopted this last baby when I was 48 and DH was 53. We never would have guessed we'd be starting all over again at this age, but we are loving every minuted. Well, almost every minute; the night feedings are a bit rougher. ;)
  3. I agree, don't click. It made me sick to my stomach. Those poor babies....
  4. We're not changing curriculum, but we are changing our schedule and getting significantly more organized!
  5. Thank you all, and thank you Tammy for fixing my link. ;) What is truly amazing, and I should have mentioned it in my first post, is that Rachel WON'T sing in front of us. She doesn't sing in the car or around the house. We can hear her singing in the shower though. :bigear: We do hear her sing solos in church, but she would rather we weren't there.
  6. Do you want to see my baby girl singing in front of 23,000? This is from the National Catholic Youth Conference this past weekend. Rachel has the first solo.
  7. We do math first thing in the morning, after prayers/Bible & circle time, when they are still fresh. We usually do a read-aloud after lunch to give them a chance to start back to school a little slower.
  8. I have a new kindy too. His birthday is the end of Jan. This is my 10th year homeschooling though. I currently also have a 2nd grader and a sophomore.
  9. Not just for homeschoolers, but I'd have to add this one:http://www.amazon.com/The-Call-to-Brilliance-ebook/dp/B0016POJ6E/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1315855931&sr=1-1
  10. You did an awesome job on the cards! Thank you so much for sharing!
  11. You can add me if you like. https://plus.google.com/101278115069877266168#101354228046914468604/posts
  12. Not to pick on you, but I'll be the lone voice and say yeah. I think they really need to know (to hear more than once) how much feelings and emotions come into play. They may know the mechanics, but not be prepared for desire, lust, how often their mind turns to sexual thoughts when they get older. Right now, it might still all feel "icky" to them, but if they are not prepared, they could think that something is wrong with them; that they are are perverted and the only ones to have these feelings.
  13. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your schoolroom(s). Are you using both the dining room and living room? I want more space!!! We have a room in the basement we are using now, but it's crowded, and I love your set up so much better. I really would love to get those roller maps too!
  14. We are in the process of adopting again for the 5th time. All of our adoptions were domestic through an agency. Our first child is Caucasian but has special needs (we didn't know about them at birth.) Our other children are full Hispanic, full African American, and bi-racial Causian/African American. The baby we are matched with now is full African American. I just wanted to say that although the idea of adopting cross racially was VERY scary when we first considered it, it seems like nothing now. Also, our adoptions range from fully open to fully closed, and am much as I at one time never thought I would say this, I strongly prefer fully open. 1) It's great to have a line of communication if you need additional medical information in the future (which we have). 2) When the kids get older and ask questions and start to feel the pain of rejection from being adopted (and they will) it's great for them to have some contact. 3) When you feel like totally bragging about what your child is doing, there is no one it is more fun to brag to then the birth mom who totally wants to hear all the good things more than anyone else in your life. Yes, there are risks (we've had one adoption fall through) but overall it is so worth it. Monday I got to go to the ultrasound with this birthmom, we went to lunch, went shopping for the baby and got pedicures. It's was a great day, and I have great memories to hopefully share with the baby later. If you have any questions, pm me. edited to add: If you are concerned about wait times, if you adopt transracially they are practically non-existent. They had a birthmom to give our profile to before we even finished it, and she picked us immediately.
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