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Everything posted by kiwik

  1. If she was pre diabetic a couple of years ago I would start with a doctor for testing and a referral to a specialist diabetic dietitian. Otherwise you are just messing around at the edges while the problems aren''t addressed.
  2. Thanks for reminding me. I was listening to those while I worked and then forgot about them.
  3. Sorry I meant the War of Independence not the civil war. I had it on my brain. From where I am the War of Independence looks like a act of treason (and also like a civil war which is why we always have to think a bit when asked the date).
  4. In general I would agree. But if you suddenly saw a swastika flag on a Jewish persons grave or a WW2 soldiers grave, pictures on naked kids on Alan's grave, would you remove them? What about graffiti? I think the answer is probably to report concerns to the appropriate authorities but that can take time. You shouldn't read mail not intended for you though if only so you don't read something awful.
  5. To be fair those of us from outside the US don't really know. I ignore most such threads because they are meaningless to me and only got on this one by accident.
  6. Just out of curiousity. Do you not also consider the civil war an act of treason? It looks that way from where I am.
  7. Ds14 doesn't start back until February but he will have to do Japanese while I do school with ds12. English starts back this week and Latin next. We will wait until Feb to add the rest.
  8. I think you are focusing too much. He is 6 so get him to try as many things as he will. Both my sons did preschool ballet, ds14 did 2 years then moved to gym at 5 when he started school. Ds12 did one term then quit because the teacher wasn't there one day. He started tap at 8 and ballet about a term after. He still does both. He does a low pressure one class a week at a small school. In all the classes my kids have been the only boy. Ds12 also did some gym, hockey, mini-soccer and basketball before going back to dance. I don't think he has ever been teased.
  9. Isn't a big part of doing a four year history programme to keep things in proportion? NZ history is usually 2 weeks some time in year 4. That said we add a bit because A/ NZ was inhabited and did have history before Europeans got here and B/ you can't cover everything in 2 weeks. (Or even 1 sometimes)
  10. Even the most well oiled machine glitches sometimes.
  11. Sorry I thought reading the KJV bible and nothing else at all.
  12. How come kids don't catch buses home? Do they have so much stuff it is impossible? It just always seems a bit inefficient to drive so far to pick them up you have to stay overnight if they get delayed.
  13. If she has social media and screen issues on line may not be the best bet. Lantern English can be printed and done off line although submission needs to be typed and emailed. Textbooks can be used in line. If you could get her to do something for English and maths while you deal with the mental health issues she won't be behind. But US schools work differently than ours I suppose. Gently though, the reality is that one of you or both do need to alter your work situation so you can supervise her and teach her. Can you shift some of your work to when your wife is home? I do most of mine while the kids are asleep.
  14. Missed First Form Latin Hits Cambridge Latin Lantern English Walker Maths
  15. They are 12 and 14. Ds12 has 2 pieces of bread for breakfast then doesn't eat again until lunch at 1 to 1.30. He doesn't say he is is hungry and he is on the solid side though he has grown upwards so much this year he is looking a lot more streamlined. Ds14 is solid build but not disproportionate and has grown about 6 inches in the last year I think. He would only eat kids meals but eating in restaurants isn't in our budget so it is not an issue.
  16. I have had 2 digital thermometers and they were both hopeless. I figure I don't really need one to tell whether someone has a fever or not so I threw them out and didn't replace them.
  17. I have a large chair sofa bed. Takes up less room but provides a single bed.
  18. I have had a lot of depression and then post natal depression with my oldest. I got referred to a psychologist or complained because I wasn't trying hard enough. I had severe depression, had just gone back to full time work and my grandmother was dying - it was as much as I could do to get out of bed, care for my son and work ETA I don't consider situational depression to be an issue - with help it should resolve. I have the kind of depression that comes and goes but has been a constant companion my whole life.
  19. But my generation were convinced world war 3 was going to wipe everyone out and the generation before had World War 11 and before that ,,, I think the main difference is that kids feel they can change things.which is a lot more stress inducing than just hoping Russia and the US don't start a nuclear war. Also we expect to be happy and fulfilled in a way our ancestors didn't
  20. I had surgically induced menopause when my kids were 7 and 9. My only advice is watch out for UTI's. Although it was surgically induced I had actually had got flushes for a year and missed the 2 periods before surgery so it as happening early anyway.
  21. Yes there were some very unlikely deaths. And a lot of accidents. But really if you are working every minute of the day to just get by and you have been trained to not show your emotions or discuss feelings you probably don't even realise what you are feeling is depression. Artificial light, high sugar diets and sedentary lifestyles don t help much I imagine.
  22. I grew up with n a agricultural/horticultural area and the only classes were elective ones available in the last 4 years of high school.
  23. Yes. I was thinking that. If I had to do that much calling etc for my kids I might struggle to work. It is true thought that people I know with ASD kids in school usually can"t work more than a few days a week due to the workload of keeping the kid in school. But that is not EF.
  24. We just do it because we have to but a lot gets missed or skipped.
  25. Mine is 12 and I circle the incorrect one lightly and ask him to look again.
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