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Everything posted by kiana

  1. I loved it. My mother used one of the first versions with me in my pre-pre-algebra year and quite honestly I think it's a big reason I never had the tiniest difficulty with manipulating equations. I'd really like to use it with some of my college developmental math students who have some ability to manipulate equations but no idea why what they are doing works.
  2. As long as you take steps to ensure she's getting adequate calories (given as she should increase weight), that she has a source of B12, and that she's not a complete carbitarian (one of my vegetarian friends actually ended up ill because of a protein deficiency, but she really didn't eat much other than pasta and bread), she should be fine.
  3. I vote against chronological just because if I'd seen Jar Jar Binks first, I'd never have watched another one.
  4. I've had people write things like that. I've also had a "I have no idea what this question was asking, so I decided to draw the unit circle from memory in hopes that you'll see that I haven't learned absolutely nothing from this class" in a precalculus class.
  5. I would not go through the entire algebra 1 course again. I'd test through something like Foerster. Take the chapter test. If A, proceed to next chapter. If B/C, reteach any missed problems and work the chapter review problems as well. If D/F, work the entire chapter.
  6. I saw this this morning and it really got me right in the feels. :/ Even if homeschooling may not be a possibility, I am really glad the children have family who are able to take them in.
  7. I would speculate that regentrude is spot on with her comment. If nothing else, I would start checking his work every 2-3 problems rather than letting him drill the incorrect procedures into his brain. It may be worthwhile, though, to consider re-starting with either the same program or a different program. It is pretty clear that he's learned something, but not really enough, and I would consider it superior to go back to the beginning now than to finish the program and then restart everything next year. If you do decide to switch, I think Algebra: A Fresh Approach might be a good fit given what you've said his issues are. But I'd still start checking his work after every couple of problems regardless of whatever else you do.
  8. I mostly self-taught with this book after the beginner books -- http://www.amazon.com/Duschenes-Recorder-individual-teaching-instruction/dp/B001R95BYS After that I found interesting music by using folk songs and hymns, which generally have playable and enjoyable melodic lines. My goal was not to be a musician per se, but to be able to sit down and pop out recognizable songs. I did have to learn to transpose eventually so that I could play some songs but I don't consider this a negative issue. I would recommend (if you can find it) occasional lessons, not that frequent, but just to correct incipient bad habits. I had a few lessons and they were pretty helpful, and she'd give me lots of stuff to work on between them.
  9. Oh my, I misread the math thing the first time around as well. For math I would really recommend doing something like algebra 1, geometry, algebra 2, and then DE college algebra or stats depending on where she's planning on going to college and what they require. I would recommend stats if she knows it will be acceptable, but some colleges with good theatre departments require college algebra instead. If this is fiscally unfeasible, I would try a self-study college algebra and CLEP test. This should satisfy her college graduation requirement at most schools and again free her up to concentrate on her major. She does not want a long gap between algebra classes. The students who struggle the hardest in my college math classes are the people who don't like math and know they aren't good at it and didn't take it senior year, then put it off in college. Now they're seniors and they MUST pass the class and they have forgotten literally everything from high school math.
  10. Honestly what I'd do is call him into my office and say "Nice job, smartypants, now if you can RIGHT NOW fill in the problem the way you know it was supposed to be answered you can have the points. Next time you want to write a joke answer, write the real answer in the margin."
  11. We are continually getting flak for high failure rates in our classes, despite the immense number of statistics we have gathered to show that: 1) Our standards are minimal and essential, 2) The major reason for not passing is not attending and not turning stuff in.
  12. It is more important for him to be solid on algebra 1 than to meet some arbitrary deadline. Let it take how long it takes. It will mess up his math/science future far more to not be rock-solid in algebra. I would aim for solid B's or higher. I would have absolutely no compunction about writing "9th grade: Algebra 1" even if he had begun the work in 8th and did not finish until 9th.
  13. Make sure she's solid in basic math and algebra. My remedial algebra classes at the college are full of students who want to be nurses and so many of them have to change majors because they take multiple attempts to pass math classes and the nursing school isn't interested in them. Everyone else has already talked about biology so I'll let that be, but some early exposure to anatomy and physiology would be a good thing as well. After math, this is one of the biggest weeder subjects for pre-nursing students.
  14. For a situation like this another option could be (if fiscally feasible) to do some sort of one-semester science for non-majors as DE senior year. Geology, Astronomy, and other off-the-beaten-path options would work just fine. This would satisfy a science credit for college admissions and also give her one class less to take in college, where she could use the potentially freed-up time to do more classes in her major.
  15. Topic kinda says it all. Old but still-active threads can stick around. Random people seem to google for something to offend them so that they can create an account and argue about it on a long-deceased thread. Also new members create, find a thread, don't realize that it's old and post asking for updates. I can't think of a real reason to keep them open for posts, either.
  16. It's a lot easier to add salt if your piecrust is bland than to take it out.
  17. I loved that movie. There's a lot of bad language. It's a lot more eff this and this effing sucks and things like that, which frankly I would say myself if I were stranded on Mars :D There's some sex mentioned in the book (I just bought the book because of the movie) but it's pretty much gone from the movie as far as I remember. BTW the book is amazing.
  18. It's taught in many precalc classes, it's just not called that.
  19. Yep. Also for some reason, a bunch of people think that they can take a full load of f2f classes at one school and then knock out an "easy" online class at a community college at the same time.
  20. It's not really because taking a class online is so terrible. Students who are self-motivated and seek help when they don't understand tend to do just fine. Students who loathe/fear the subject and would rather do anything else other than the subject (especially common in math) tend to put it off a lot more when there isn't a class to go to. So they tend to do much worse than in face-to-face classes. Also, many people who just need a degree but really don't have time to go to school sign up for online classes, not realizing that there actually IS a time commitment.
  21. Call me Gene/My name is Gene (one is secular and one is not)
  22. Since noone else has answered, I'm going to bump and add: I have never bought a brace or elbow wrap. But I bought the flexbar mentioned in this article on amazon.com for $10 -- http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/08/25/phys-ed-an-easy-fix-for-tennis-elbow/?_r=0 It was simply amazing. By the time I got 10 into my first set the pain (which was constant and ongoing at that point) had already dulled. I do 50 every morning and have had no further problems. It takes me <5 minutes. It's currently <$15 on amazon -- I would give it a shot.
  23. Do they have to formally call him a second grader? Can he stay an advanced K? I mean I think trying it out is worth a shot, but if you CALL him a second grader it's going to be a lot more challenging for him psychologically imo.
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