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Everything posted by kiana

  1. Yes. He doesn't need to be remediated, really, on content subjects. He should be able to start off in regular 9th grade classes for science and history, if he can read and write. If he cannot write very well, I would continue with grade-level reading assignments and scaffold the output to what he is capable of. (But this is for the Fall).
  2. I can't imagine doing that. I mean, even our sheep struggle with more than 2, and they're bred to have twins.
  3. I'd be more inclined to look at a program that was intended for remediating older students than a grade-based program. A grade-based program is just going to have too much repetition since it is designed for much younger kids. I would probably go with one of two options: A university Basic College Mathematics text. They are available incredibly cheaply on amazon. Lial, Martin-Gay, Bittinger, Larson are all good. I would also consider Life of Fred starting with fractions, since you mentioned he is a good reader. Someone I know ended up in a similar situation, except at 18 instead of 15. His placement tests put him at roughly 3rd grade, and this was a week before the CC placement test. He spent the week reading through LOF:Fractions and successfully placed into algebra 1 instead of pre-algebra or arithmetic.
  4. Yeah, I think it is. If the food is good and this was an aberration, other positive reviews will soon drown it out. The small restaurant could possibly say "If you enjoyed your dinner, we appreciate your feedback on ____" to try to encourage their customers who did enjoy it. If the food is bad, I would like to know so that I do not waste my hard-earned cash on it. Freedom to serve something that's bad without having anyone criticize you is for home cooks.
  5. Well, I don't think public lying is ok. But I do value truthful reviews, and I also value seeing things like "I rented a car and they overcharged me and it took me 4 weeks of phone calls to sort it out."
  6. Honestly, I don't think it's shaming so much as informing future customers about this company's issues. With a single person there isn't as much of an issue with "future customers".
  7. You know, I think it really does take a while for your body image to catch up. I've lost 60 lbs and every time I walk into a store I head straight for the plus size section without thinking, even though I can dress from the juniors section now. I haven't needed clothes from there in 2 years, but I spent so many years shopping there it's hard to realize "No, that is not me anymore!"
  8. People have reported 3-4 months for kids, but I'd expect someone who's already in alg 2 to go through much quicker and I don't believe they let you start in a more advanced book. The early chapters are pretty foundational. They were aimed more at PG middle schoolers for the start and would take them pretty much through preparation for calculus.
  9. Frequently, someone who has an abusive partner doesn't believe that they're actually abusive or that they would hurt the kids, even if he's just blacked her eye again. "But he said he was sorry" "But he will never do it again" "But he is going to go to counseling" And of course then the state looks like the big bullies because she can't/won't/is psychologically incapable of realizing that she's shackled herself to an abusive deadbeat :( Also sometimes, she can't/won't leave because she's genuinely concerned that he is going to hunt her down and kill her, while if the state takes the kids and she stays with him, the kids are relatively safe. This is one of the saddest things (it happened to a personal friend of mine several years back ... it's sorted now).
  10. I'd give it a shot -- if it doesn't work, I'd go for something else, but I'd be really reluctant to alter what's clearly working beautifully right now.
  11. She might have been offered it and refused? Honestly, I would have thought that would be the first thing they would do -- if they can split the parents when there is constant fighting, they usually do so. Being around one parent at a time is better than being around constant fighting that results in the police being called. Seriously, if you don't want to look like someone who shouldn't have custody of kids, don't call the police to mediate your fights with your boyfriend. (personally I have a feeling, given that he's been arrested and charged with dv before, that the police were probably necessary for the safety of one or both parents, but this is solely my opinion and could easily be wrong). http://www.bellinghamherald.com/2014/12/05/4012570_court-return-rengo-children-to.html This article says that not only did he get off from a DV charge on a plea bargain, but there was a warrant out for his arrest because part of the plea bargain included anger management classes, which he had not attended.
  12. Because those steroidal creams are going to POISON my precious and unique snowflake.
  13. Another one: http://www.opposingviews.com/i/religion/christianity/home-birthing-christian-couple-defies-court-takes-kids-out-state-video Officials from Child Protective Services (CPS) then showed up to check on the twins, and found that the couple's first baby, now 10 months old, had eczema. Carey and Rengo said they treated the eczema with probiotics and coconut oil, but CPS said they needed to use steroid creams. In his defiant response, Rengo cited his Christian authority of the household, which was given to him by God.
  14. Here's more detail on the math HL: http://www.ncbis.net/Editor/EditorImages/Math%20HL.pdf As can be seen, the core would cover through calc 1 and part of calc 2 (with some statistics as well). If option 9 (calculus) is elected, it would cover the rest of calc 2.
  15. Why not get a cheap used version from amazon and then resell it as soon as your freshman frees up the book? I see the third edition used for about $15 and the second edition used for about $6. I'd be pretty reluctant to either slow a kid down or change programs just to avoid buying another book, if the book used was working well.
  16. I wouldn't rush through and skip chapters to be ready for the class in the fall. I do have some alternative suggestions. 1) Wait a year on the geometry class. In the meantime, start algebra 2. Even if she only gets halfway through, go ahead and do geometry, then finish algebra 2. 2) Start the geometry class, but continue finishing algebra. Make SURE to schedule in time for her to do TWO subjects. I would prefer option 1), but if she absolutely must start geometry in the fall I could see working on the last couple of chapters of algebra while starting geometry. If you decide to take that option, I would wait on starting some other core subject until algebra is actually completed, to make sure she has time.
  17. Nothing is wrong with asking your kid to talk to you. Something is wrong with refusing to get them vital documentation unless they talk to you. Edit: Honestly if they had signed the stuff for the birth certificate and the kid had gone off I would feel quite bad for the parents, that they can't even get a "I'm still alive" update. I have a relative who has left home and refused to speak to his mother for many years now. As a matter of fact, he had a lawyer send a letter saying to not ever contact him again. His mother still forwarded his stuff.
  18. This is the point which is reprehensible. Sorry. I don't care what or how the daughter has said. Attempting to relegate your daughter to an undocumented status because you want her to talk to you is repulsive. Refusing to sign an affidavit that she was born is the same thing.
  19. A lot of people also do a lot of reprehensible and illegal things. It doesn't mean that they are morally defensible. Edit: This is not just "not on her timeline". They have been stalling her for MONTHS.
  20. Of course there are. But it's illegal to withhold your spouse's papers to STOP them from leaving.
  21. Yes. Exactly. Something where you have little to no interest in the subject matter OR the course is taught at such a basic level that it's worthless for you is a great thing to knock out online. Something which is primarily reading-based can also work well -- my brother had a great online history course. Something that you need as a prerequisite is a terrible idea to take online, as is something where you struggle and need a teacher. For example, if you are a struggling math student, you should NOT take an online class. If you are a strong math student who just needs college algebra for your major but went through calculus in high school, online is probably a great fit.
  22. Some schools are set up for calc AB then calc BC, and in that case they usually don't review as much of the AB material. Stewart is a standard text and I used it for calculus. As far as where he should start, is your kid the type who shuts down with an excessive challenge or rises to it? That's one big thing. But one other big thing that you should consider is that calc 2 in the fall is off-sequence. It is going to have the following students: The eager-beavers who took calc in high school and placed out. The students who failed calc 1 or 2 and had to retake them. The students who placed into precalc or lower. The first group is going to be probably positive for your student to associate with, the second group mostly negative, the third group frequently struggles (because usually they were taught precalculus in high school and had to retake it). Additionally, the second and third groups are not freshmen. The proportions of the various groups are going to vary slightly depending on school, but at a local state school it is probably going to skew more towards groups 2-3. This might end up with a less-than-stellar learning experience for your student.
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