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Everything posted by kiana

  1. Ha, I was just typing that out. I have a PhD, too, but the only part of the arguments I'm really qualified to assess is the statistical part. (however, when someone is lying about the statistics, I feel fairly confident in assuming that their grasp of the immunological aspects is similarly shaky)
  2. Anything missing from a standard Alg 2 course is in TT precalc, so doing both would be redundant. For example, TT introduces function notation very, very late in algebra 2, but it starts at the very beginning of precalc with function notation. I think your plan might work better to do TT through precalc, then if necessary do another precalc afterwards. TT alg 1 + 2 covers quite a bit more than just a regular alg 1 for any program other than AOPS.
  3. Oh, I'm using diet in the sense of "the food we eat" and not in the sense of "my weight loss plan". Pretty much any specific thing you can find a study that it's bad and another study that it's good.
  4. I really think it sounds like a mismatch on program. I'd look up samples of several other programs -- find a couple that you think might work -- show him the samples and let him choose from the ones you like.
  5. You really can't follow everyone's diet advice because it is so mutually contradictory. We're omnivores. We're able to function on a wide variety of diets. More veggies are definitely better. If restricting carbs makes your kids grumpy, I would say that restricting carbs probably isn't a good thing to do. All the "MY DIET IS THE ONLY GOOD DIET" people are nuts. Just like all of the "my homeschooling method is the only good method" people. Experiment and find a diet that works for you and your kids. Work towards a healthier diet rather than expecting it to flip a switch.
  6. I wouldn't. I would test him through 7/6 instead. When he stops getting A's on the tests, go back and start there. It is more important for him to have a solid foundation in arithmetic than to rush him into algebra. His understanding of higher-level mathematics and his standardized test scores will both suffer if his foundation is weak.
  7. Well, I actually think (with the exercise) that it's more of a "if we set a goal that's more attainable, people will be more likely to hit it -- and any exercise is better than none". Similarly to how it was calculated that it would be better to do 7 servings of fruit + veg a day, but it was set at 5 because that was where more people would respond to the goal.
  8. +1. TT has you ready for algebra in 9th instead of 8th if used at grade level. It is "behind" if you are trying for algebra in 8th or earlier. That is not necessarily a bad thing -- I really don't like the push to have everyone do algebra in 8th or earlier.
  9. Ask the school about that -- they frequently let students who feel unprepared drop down. Also check the "W" date -- if it's in the middle of the semester he could try, see how it goes, and then drop.
  10. Some colleges have rules that if a course has already been passed (at any college) it cannot be repeated.
  11. Ask the college's advice. At my undergrad you would have gotten nothing really from repeating calculus if you understood the AP. At a school with a real honors calculus program, it would be different.
  12. I don't really see Math U See as being a good fit after Singapore. Why not just continue with DM 7 + 8 -- that would get you through pre-algebra and algebra, and then you wouldn't have to think about math for a few years. Here's a long thread about pre-algebra that might be good reading. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/342798-pre-algebra-fence-straddlers-master-thread/?hl=%20pre
  13. The BMI chart doesn't even really work there. There are also quite a few people (especially older women) where BMI tells them that they are in a healthy weight range and they really are overweight. I would recommend that most people get a caliper test (which is quite cheap) or get a trusted and honest friend to use some of the visual estimator comparisons (less accurate but free) or even a tape test (ditto).
  14. Totally. BMI was intended for population-level studies, not for individuals. Applying BMI to a clearly-lean individual is ridiculous. Here are a couple of interesting websites with visual estimates of bodyfat %. http://www.builtlean.com/2012/09/24/body-fat-percentage-men-women/ http://www.ruled.me/visually-estimate-body-fat-percentage/ warning: shirtless pics for men, bikini for women
  15. Oh gosh, I thought you meant she had an account here.
  16. Actually, yes, you can. These statements are not logical opposites. Logically: P implies Q is the same as not-Q implies not-P. It is not the same as not-P implies not-Q. It is quite possible for P implies Q to be false and yet for not-P implies not-Q to be true. For example: If I know that a person is female, I do not know that she is pregnant. She might be or she might not. However, if I know that a person is NOT female, I am certain that that person is not pregnant.
  17. Man, I did not realize that she was a professional troll.
  18. I have just clicked through every bloody link on that page looking for one. I found exactly one here -- http://www.whale.to/vaccine/rattigan2.html#polio-- and whoever made that graph appears to have fabricated the data, or cherry-picked at best. Here is the uk data -- http://www.post-polio.org/ir-eng.html-- although they have not organized it into a pretty picture, you can clearly see that the graph on the page you linked does not reflect this data. Edit: And the problem is that once I can see that someone has fabricated or misrepresented data, everything else they say is suspect. E
  19. Right. And comments basically saying "it's right for your kid, even if it's not for you" are ridiculous. If the parent is doing a completely inadequate job at it, it's not right for the kid either. If the parent and the kid can't work together, it's not right for the kid. These ridiculous, "my way or you're a bad mommy" statements do nothing but increase divisiveness. (that being said, it seems to be an older post).
  20. Well, yeah, of course the death rates are going to decrease with improved public health. Healthy people don't get as sick as people who are practically starving, and they recover better. Nobody disputes that these diseases were nowhere near as fatal as they used to be. These charts might have some validity if they were looking at the actual incidence of the disease, but as it is they have none. They are intentionally designed to be misleading. In order for them to be valid, you'd really need to look at the incidence of the disease vs. when vaccines were introduced, and not at the death rate. You might ask why people who claim to be motivated by the truth are deliberately designing a chart this way? The last site is particularly misleading. Scarlet fever may not have a vaccine, but it is a bacterial illness and is treated with antibiotics. Typhoid fever is not easy to spread without prolonged personal contact and almost always spread through bad water, and that is why we don't vaccinate against it unless people are going to places where there is no good water. Neither of them is really comparable to an airborne viral illness such as measles.
  21. cottage pie I don't use a recipe for mine but here's a reasonable recipe: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/proper-english-cottage-pie/ Also I consider quiche acceptable for pi day.
  22. At any moment, the urge to sing "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" is only a whim away.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. quark


      Great. Now I can't get the song out of my head...holding you both responsible.

    3. swimmermom3


      Does this have anything to do with your outside students?

    4. quark


      Our favorite video (hippo and dog): http://youtu.be/Eh3PRKYzeTU

  23. Here is the table of contents for the 8th edition, but all the editions are very similar: http://www.pearsonhighered.com/educator/product/Basic-College-Mathematics/9780321557124.page Furthermore, any "basic college mathematics" text by any author is going to be pretty similar. I would check your local library for one.
  24. for me, steamed broccoli is very filling.
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