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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. I didn't want to leave the house, either - or get dressed for that matter - but we ended up going to the home improvement store and getting new clothes line, spray paint, and plants for the flower box on our front porch. The wicker furniture is halfway to barn red (it was white, but 12 years worn), and the box is full of plants/flowers. So, not a half bad day. (but I still sort of resent getting dressed) I'm sorry your day didn't go smoothly. Those days stink.
  2. Well, I think you can probably say that in a way that makes it clear that it's an exercise in futility without really offending them. I say "you" because I have no poker face at all, so my giant (unintended, but completely felt) eyeroll would probably not lend itself to the cause. I know other people who could pull it off, though. And, yes, I have a couple of those.
  3. :iagree: And, in the meantime, make a false top for your existing table, to give it more "presence" and a more user-friendly surface.
  4. My husband did, but it took a catalyst that almost destroyed our marriage, so I wouldn't suggest that route. I will say, though, that having a third party "interpret" for us (him, mostly) was helpful in having him "hear" what was said, rather than assume the ostrich position until the talking stopped. (which is typical of his family; they almost ball up like pill bugs if anything even smell like it might be not-pleasant.) What about the Five Love Languages?
  5. Midsomer Murders, Bones, the IT Crowd, Psych, Monk, Burn Notice. (We have antenna, so we watch a majority of stuff from Netflix.) There are two Miss Marple series on there, with the same episodes, but they're different shoots, with different actresses playing Miss Marple. I'm enjoying those.
  6. I have a long-term relationship with a couple of those guys. They like to make big, funnel shaped webs in my windows so they can back up through the narrow end into the the sash cord channel. We go round and round over that territory, lol.
  7. IT sometimes appears as Pennywise the clown, sometimes as a giant spider thing... It is as old as time and wants nothing else than to devour you. Brrrrrrrrrr. That book gave me nightmares.
  8. Same here, though the 11yo has now abandoned the top bunk in favor of her own room. The almost 8yos still share a full sized bed. I'm sure they'll want their own beds at some point, but that day hasn't come yet for us.
  9. I would also suggest not squirting the cat on a car. My dad has very deep claw tracks in his dining table, from when he snuck up on my childhood cat. I'm also not too concerned with cats sitting on the car. In the car? I'd prefer not. I'm allergic, so it would be annoying to me if it was a habit. I also wouldn't want squirrels, birds, or possums in the car, so I roll up the windows.
  10. I've suggested the same thing to a friend whose ghastly in-laws descend upon her every year. That, or make them regular meals with Ambien ground up in them, so she can keep them relatively unconscious for the whole stay.
  11. Oh my word! Your dog looks just like my dog! They look like they've always been friends, don't they? So sweet. Angela (who bought a king when the dog outgrew the double, lol)
  12. My first thought was "how would I sit? The children find me when I'm moving!" I have much better conversations when I can find my bluetooth earbuds. Then, I can do the dishes, fold the laundry, etc, and not just walk from room to room looking at the things that need to be done. Bonus: both ears are blocked, so I can't hear the unabridged history the child has decided he/she must share at this.exact.moment. :D
  13. Through my own eyes, but I'm not always me. And others aren't always who they really are, either... Rather, they are just "understood" to be the people they're supposed to be in the dream.
  14. No, not really. It's more like when, in a documentary, there is some marginally related imagery onscreen while the narrator details a similarly abstract concept. Though, it may lend itself to a feeling of the people and context involved in the concept itself.
  15. I think, in that episode, they each had a will that left the estate first to their surviving spouse or, if their spouse pre-deceased them, to his/her own children only. In other words, it was explicit. If its not, I think there are too many variables in state laws to say for certain. I don't think it is out of line to ask if one's aging parents have wills. If you need a lead-in, that Monk might be a good one.
  16. I have imagery - probably sourced from the PBS show on the life of Louisa May Alcott? - of two vested, hatted men walking through a pastoral setting, presumably debating the relativity of values, while the narrator voices the paragraph. Oh, and the narrator is male, which may also be sourced from the PBS biography.
  17. I honestly have no idea how either of those would act under freezing/thawing conditions. Is there a reason you prefer to freeze with sweetener, rather than just add it when you use them?
  18. I'm sorry... Is there a standard dosage of topical mayo? Weight based? Is anything in the cafeteria on formulary? Are you sure it was an employee you were talking to? :D I'm sorry. That is a difficult wonder to roll around in your head.
  19. You're in good company. I'm pretty sure most people fear public speaking more than death, according to surveys done.
  20. I'm a non-socially-awkward introvert. That may be part of why I find large groups so exhausting; I'm overly attuned to all the semantic and semiotic nuances that the extroverts around me seem oblivious to. I have no trouble with engaging in one on one conversation or presenting, though.
  21. Just like you describe, though I can see it, too. It's like a movie being narrated instead of having dialogue. I also think in words, not pictures.
  22. If you make tiny quichelettes in mini muffin tins, you can totally pass it off as a side dish.
  23. What camel? Duh, I didn't see the actual poll question. Let's all sit back and appreciate the irony, shall we? :lol:
  24. I have that, too, but it's the result of seeing Jaws in the theater when I was 4.
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