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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. I wonder the same thing. It's half new thread, half ancient thread. Sombody has to create an account and type the post - on the ancient threads, anyway, they seem to always be marginally related to the topic.... I think I just need to know the purpose behind such seemingly futile labors. Or at least that there is one.
  2. Bookmarking. Making a GooCal reminder. I am so doing this, this year. Thanks for the reminder!
  3. After reading one*mom's SOPs, I'm feeling like Faith's suggestions are perfectly reasonable. I am honestly trying to figure out how you have rattle snakes and black widows... don't they know it's COLD up there??? We have black widows, but they like places like our friends' greenhouse, not our yard. Good grief. Spray, dome, mongoose, I'd be on it. :svengo: :ack2:
  4. Yeah, really, are you serious? It's obviously too few bookcases. Duh. (I confess that I've purged a couple hundred books the children have outgrown, over the past couple of weeks. But, really, that's not "too many", just the wrong books to have ;) )
  5. I agree. And I would not hesitate to say, "my children do not enjoy playing with Little Johnny because of his aggressive behavior toward them". It is, after all, the natural consequence of being aggressive toward people. I would also fully expect the mom to deny it and stop speaking to me, though.
  6. I can't imagine how she could get by on that little food, either. :001_huh: Your portions look very reasonable to me, and nicely balanced. (not to mention tasty!)
  7. Um. We only have one bathroom (because our house was built before indoor plumbing) and I sometimes wash my hair in the sink... I will be home all day if TLC would like to come over and discuss my contract. :tongue_smilie:
  8. No! No crock! Completely approvable by the hive. (How on earth could you drag around and actual CROCK with you?? It would weigh 12 lbs!) Maybe we should name the official Hive version the "Heat-em-Up Lunch Bucket".
  9. 1) What's your dinner game plan, ie, how do you typically plan for dinner? Around 5:30, either I or my husband says... "huh. It's 5:30. What should we have for supper?" I really need to plan, but I fell out of hte habit. Ideally, I would plan and prep/pre-cook. 2) Can you share a crockpot recipe? I don't have a crockpot. (Not because of the kerfuffle, I just didn't use the two I had, so I got rid of them. We have a pressure cooker instead.) 3) A meal to freeze recipe or typical routine (if you do that)? Almost everything I make can be doubled and the other half frozen. I should really do that. 4) Your families' best loved meal? They like pretty much anything. We do a lot of salads, with leftover chicken and roasted potatoes on them. In the winter, we have more soups, and use the pressure cooker more. Friday, I made scalloped potatoes, tomato salad, and grilled ham. Last night, I made GF pizza with leftover chicken, bacon, olives, mushrooms, and onion. Mostly, we keep a lot of staples on hand: boneless skinless chicken breasts and thighs, ground beef, fish fillets, frozen veggies, potatoes, onions, lettuce, cheese, sour cream, milk, eggs... and pantry items to bake pretty much anything. And I make a lot of things to use up leftovers like grilled chicken. @ Faithe: I was very good at planning and prepping during lacrosse season, when we were on the field every night until after dark. PlantoEat.com was very helpful; I bought a year subscription... I just need to start USING it again.
  10. Brilliant! We can get black ones and paint the yellow plaid on! And pack their H.I.V.E Network t-shirt inside!
  11. Ok. Or lunch-pot. I'm flexible. :D [quote name=askPauline ETA - If you need a rabbit trail today, you might be interested in the Indian Dabbawala lunch bucket delivery system. Hubby leaves for work, wife makes hot lunch and puts it into the lunch bucket, lunch bucket guy picks it up, and through a series of transfers hands it off to various other lunch bucket guys and gets it to hubby at work in time for his midday meal. Bucket then goes back to wife for the next day's meal. Been working since the 1800's. Their accuracy is phenomenal, even though most of the delivery guys can't read. I saw this on some documentary once. A process to behold!
  12. No, I'm sure it is. I'm sure I read somewhere that she took some time off to pimp job application portals on the internet. Positive!
  13. Sigh. :grouphug: Such a terrible spot to be in. Unfortunately, the boundary that her living with you is not an option or open to negotiation isn't going to change her outlook. Is there an option to have her deemed in need of supervision and moved to an assisted living arrangement where she can maintain some independence but will have staff to look in on her? Is there an elder care organization or family lawyer you can go to for advice? It seems sort of hyperbolic to have her deemed incompetent at this point, but you've really come to that or allowing her to go until she endangers herself (or others) to get her some help. It's ridiculous that she can tie everyone's hands so effectively, simply by refusing to accept that she cannot live with you.
  14. That or, once you've poured off a bit, it's easier to shake together. Hold it with one hand against the lid and one on the bottom, so the lid stays firmly seated.
  15. I agree. And I ponder (often, not just right now) why it is that people who seem to create financial struggle (and get help from family) are most often the ones who are talking to us (general "us") all the time about how difficult their lives are (financially) plus, look at this new toy :D! :glare: I don't ever hear people who are living very close to the bone complain about their financial situation. In fact, the only time I hear about it at all is in a need-to-know business sense. I feel for you, OP. It would be very difficult for me to maintain a pleasant attitude in your situation.
  16. My oldest daughter went from a 12 to juniors 00 (smaller than a 0). Unless they've changed something (which is entirely possible), odd number sizes are juniors, even are misses. Juniors are cut slimmer through the seat and legs, but are overall the same length. Misses assume you've filled out into a more "womanly" shape.
  17. Cooking Light's Enchiladas Verde are great. I've doubled the salsa verde recipe and frozen half, too.
  18. Mmmmmmm. I love ALL of that. I've been enjoying Mad Housewife sweet white (like a moscato), very chilled, nice with salad. Or, you know, when you're making scalloped potatoes. :D
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