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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. :iagree: I wouldn't marry one of my first cousins, but we grew up like siblings in separate houses. To me, it's sort of like step-siblings. If they're raised as siblings, creepily incestuous. But what if their parents are widowed and marry later in life, when the "siblings" are adults? That doesn't strike me as creepy at all.
  2. :lol: Yes, I think we should shoot them up with all sorts of nesting hormones, so they can join the frenzy wholeheartedly.
  3. Indeed. My Jewish / non-religious family members all attend (and participate in) funeral masses for Catholic family members. Really, the only part not observed by the non-Catholic contingent is communion. I would assume that "for whom it is appropriate" would mean "not the general public", as the memorial service is intended for that. I could be wrong though. I'm sorry for your loss. :grouphug: ETA: Head covering is not generally required anymore, though there are some congregations who continue the practice, and some individuals opt to cover regardless of the culture of the parish. I doubt anyone would bat an eye about a young woman who is not a member of the church attending a funeral without head cover, but if it's a concern, just take a scarf in your purse. (And, if it makes you feel better, my mother and her sisters would often end up pinning a Kleenex to their heads as teens because they used to forget their little veils regularly.)
  4. I never, ever tape. It's a nightmare, tape is. Paint pulls off, leaks under... blech. My mom used to paint professionally and she never used tape, either. I just roll, then cut in with an angled brush. And my paint OCD goes into overdrive because I live in a house built in the 1860s with some sort of mean things done to it in the interim; nothing is straight and there have been some pretty skill-less "enhancements" done. It probably doesn't help that I like deep colors on the walls, and they only serve to enhance the visual wonkiness. I usually end up going around the room with a few artist brushes of various sizes stuck in my hair and a little cup of paint to visually correct any weird spots.
  5. texting manners eating Facebook Twitter ETA: Reselling (as in curriculum) PayPal
  6. Oh no! Are you all telling me it will only get WORSE over the next couple of years?? I was hoping 3... and 4 were just not great ages. Oh dear.
  7. No way. Parking violations follow the car. Moving violations are against the driver's license. And, frankly, I have a friend whose speeding ticket was thrown out because the officer recorded the color of her vehicle incorrectly on the citation. Accuracy matters. (She was just in court to have the points on her license waived, but expected to pay the fine)
  8. I have LG appliances that I absolutely love, BUT... I love the extended warranty we bought from Sears. So far we have it on our two Kenmore chest freezers (one of which has been fixed twice since the original warranty was up) and our LG washer and dryer that we didn't even buy from Sears (they didn't sell LG then). So, no matter what you get, get the warranty when the original runs out.
  9. If I were your husband, I'd take it to court (with the picture) and claim a solid "not guilty" as it is clearly not him. I assume WA doesn't do more than fine (i.e. no points) for traffic camera tickets? (Since they're not seeming that accurate) I feel you, though. I thought I had the only infant who would scream from the beginning to the end of any car ride. Going places was stressful, to say the least.
  10. No, you are absolutely not the only one. I had to tell a parent at our co-op last year exactly why it was not ok to expose her children to chicken pox, then bring them to co-op. It was another BOARD MEMBER! (Who also told people it was fine to bring their feverish, nauseous kids when asked about the sick policy!) And we had to go back and forth about whether they would be contagious, blah, blah... she ended up snippily agreeing that if I was going to "overreact" that much, she wouldn't, but just to appease me. At the time, we had one family with newborn twins (they didn't attend, but their sisters did), a couple living with/visiting elderly relatives, and at least one kid with significant immune compromise... Uh, hello? :banghead: :cursing: Some people are just self-centered idiots.
  11. Chicken and corn chowder, biscuits, salad. :D
  12. Yep, I have that happen a lot. I have no idea about running without water, but I'd say turn off the heat dry and then you don't have to worry about baked-on food when that happens.
  13. Yeast will work fine with almond milk, rice milk, or water. French breads and other lean loaves are flour, water, yeast, sugar and salt. Cinnamon rolls are generally a richer dough (with eggs, etc.) but shouldn't suffer too much without the dairy. Most margarine is not great for substituting for butter in cooking. Earth Balance (the original) does actually cook/bake like butter, and tastes pretty close. It's vegan, so there's not any sneaky dairy involved.
  14. Nor have I, but I've never bothered to create an account, so they have no idea I'm an adult.
  15. Yep, I think that would be good, too. Something that incorporates an earth tone, with it's "other" color for the pants.
  16. I think it's a matter of personal taste. I would recommend, perhaps, a brown/black tweed with black pants or something similar. What is the occasion? Maybe that would help narrow it down? In my world, if the jacket and pants don't match - i.e. a suit - then the bottom should be the darker. I think it really is a matter of personal preference, though, when you're talking about a sport coat situation. I mean, jeans and a sport coat look snazzy for some events, you know?
  17. Ok, I have not seen any of the replies. My first impression is that it is condescending. If the author wishes to be respected as an "equal" or a professional, perhaps she should refrain from using the recipient's name repeatedly in the correspondence, and belaboring the points. If she is coming from a place of authority, then a simple "Your tone was out of line and I expect you to speak to me with the appropriate respect" would cover it. The rest - e.g. the running of general meetings, agenda, etc - should be saved for a coordination meeting between leaders (who I assume to be the author and the recipient). Really, the tone of the email is suggestive (to me) of poor managers who should not have been put in the position of managing a team. Just my 2 cents. Now, I'll go read the rest of the responses.
  18. I have been, uh, not so good about planning meals of late (as evidenced by the children, at 8:15, finishing their leftover pizza) but when I was actually good about it, I did it the same way, and then I would just plug in interesting or tried-and-true recipes for each genre. thanks for the reminder; I really need to sit down and plan some meals tomorrow.
  19. Slip as if to purl unless specified. However, if you've been slipping like that for more than the first four pattern rows, continue going like you've been going. Nobody's going to come and take your needles away. ;)
  20. I am hugely allergic to cats. (During allergy testing, the cat protein site swelled to the size of a golf ball.) We have an 18 year old cat, though, whom I have had since he was a kitten. I'm less allergic to him than other cats (there's something about a universal protein, then each has their own unique stuff, and reactions tending to decrease with cats you live with? I can't remember.) and, unless I hold him against my face, it's really not a problem. He sleeps with the kids because the dog sleeps with us (he finds her repulsive) but he used to sleep with me. Based on your husband's previous experience, I wouldn't expect a huge problem. Maybe at the beginning - new allergens and all that - but if he's willing to live with that...
  21. Yes, exactly. It is not squashing their opinions to require that my children accept graciously what others' hands have prepared for them. They may have opinions all they want, but expressing them rudely is not an option. And I don't make disgusting food. (Except for that time I accidentally boiled half the water out of the rice and the 8 y.o. declared the crunchy - nasty, chalky, inedible - rice was her *favorite*!)
  22. Staying on schedule. Of course, that's the larger umbrella under which sit other responsibilities, outside activities, etc. But that's the part that I struggle with / work on the most.
  23. I've never had an Alton Brown recipe turn out badly. We love the brown rice crispy treats from that episode. (Laurie - type the text you wish to be the "pretty" part, then highlight it. Click the little globe/chain icon on the top of the reply window, paste the link into the little pop-up that, well, pops up.)
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