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Everything posted by LaxMom

  1. I'm not sure about wakefulness, but I have other odd reactions to steroid sprays - like a 2 week cycle for the entire time I'm on them - that I've been told is "not possible" because the steroids are topical (which makes be laugh because anything you spray on a mucous membrane is absorbed, duh). And I also react very strongly to minute doses... it's like I have the metabolism of an elderly cat.
  2. I use virtually nothing because most things are only marginally effective and have a whole list of unpleasant side effects, though I wholeheartedly second the suggestion for the sinus rinse or neti pot (I had a SinuCleanse bottle, but couldn't work it... I'm chalking that up to operator error, though). If it gets really bad and I can't get them to drain with tomato tea, I will admit that I will hit the Afrin. Just to break the cycle. Feel better!
  3. Yes! Ask around. Especially among your Amish community. I know the Amish vendors we buy from don't necessarily pursue certification and, when they do have certified items, they don't necessarily advertise it. If you're buying raw milk, though, I would wager your supplier also knows cheese people.
  4. I am quite fond of mine, use it for everything, including bread dough, pasta, etc., but will say that it is PRE-Whirlpool (Whirlpool now owns the KitchenAid brand) and their support sucks. Big time. I would be hesitant to buy a new KA mixer now.
  5. Ditto, unless you count things like Robitussin, which was alcohol based when I was a kid. I generally give my kids tinctures when they have something I feel I need to treat, and I give them sublingually (under the tongue) so the herbs are absorbed more directly. I've used the same on all of my children. The only thing I've found that works better (or lasts longer) is oil of clove, but they prefer the taste of apple brandy.
  6. I love the Quorn products. As far as fake meat goes, they have everything you'd want - flavor, texture. That said, we don't usually do fake meat. The occasional Quorn cutlet or Smart Ground for taco salad is it. My kids love Butternut Squash and Bean soup (calls for white beans, but I usually use black beans because we have them around - just omit the bacon and use veggie stock). In fact, Cooking Light has a lot of veggie main dishes that are yummy. We eat pasta in many configurations - marinara sauce, creamy garlic sauce, stuffed pasta with cheese, butternut squash, etc. - and a lot of salad. Grilled polenta with marinara, caesar salad. Potato latkes and salad. Cream-of-anything-in-the-fridge soup over brown rice, salad. French onion soup (I use mushroom broth), salad.
  7. We night weaned the boys about a year before they weaned completely, and just went cold-turkey, soothing them in other ways if they woke in the night (they slept with us). Like Ellie said, there are no "shoulds". If you're needing to wean, then wean. You have a pressing need to do so, and the fallout will be short-lived and soon forgotten. (And, if your family is like ours, we agonize over how to do these things for weeks, months... and then the kids are like, meh, whatever.)
  8. The kids make pine cone bird feeders and on the solstice, we hang them in the trees out front.
  9. I use Seventh Generation, most of the time the blue eucalyptus - lavender, but the unscented was on sale last month so I bought a case. I don't notice our clothes smell like anything in particular after they're dry, but I dry on the line, so...
  10. That is so funny! My laundry room/half bath is periwinkle! (and I'm not a blue person, either)
  11. I'd get paint chips to hold against the oak, just to check the undertones. My living room is Behr Pumpkin Bread, and we have a red microfiber sectional, as well as a blue chair & ottoman that has multicolor squares in it, some of which contain both the orange and red. Sitting in here, I can see through to the foyer, which is grass green, and the kitchen in chili pepper red with goldenrod curtains. I :001_wub: color! (LOVE the new avatar pic, too! But I confess, it confused me for a moment! :tongue_smilie:)
  12. I like these. In fact, I've not made a single recipe from there that was anything short of delicious.
  13. Um, I believe the lack of fever is one of the differentiating signs between H1N1 and seasonal flu, actually.
  14. When I had chicken pox (at 26) my doctor had me call from the parking lot, then smuggled me through the back door and into a storage room! :lol: Nothing like suddenly finding yourself the village leper. Treehouse - I've been hearing about drive-thru flu shot clinics in our area on the news.
  15. Me, too. My dad thinks there should be somewhere like the Betty Ford Clinic for parents, so we can just go and "dry out" from the constant insanity of being, well, parents.
  16. :lol: I love wool. LOVE it! Under no circumstances would I ever knit/wear a wool thong. But I do appreciate the daughter's wherewithal to continue to put that thing on. Wow.
  17. I generally do that legalese type of reply, line for line: answer #1 answer #2 I would assume Bank X ran a credit check as part of this refinance answer #4 Sometimes, it's just more fun to smack them with the obvious, sans outward snark.
  18. I thought I was a serious contender yesterday when everyone ended up with their noses against the wall and threats of more offensive consequences if I heard a single sound out of them (after repeated requests/directives/screams to stop jumping on the furniture - seriously, every DAY?)... But then I was informed that I am the *BEST* mom ever. (Sometimes, if they were older and ever left my presence, I'd wonder if they were high.) Ah, well, I'll have to redouble my efforts today!
  19. Mine are all like that, too. From what I can gather (while shopping) the smaller sizes are plentiful. However, I recall training bras being padded, at least slightly, and assume that is to keep things from poking out. My cotton bras wouldn't do that. (Particularly for someone who only really has a poke) We tend to buy at Old Navy, Gap and The Children's Place during sales. I rarely, if ever, see offensive writing on the clothes. If anyone has a TCP outlet near them, we found several racks of girls' jeans (in the Freeport, ME store) for $2.99. Some had sparkles, most did not. All were adjustable waist.
  20. Sorry, that's not really helpful, is it? It was a whole segment with Neil Fishman from Penn. The Radio Times page was here. I just typed swine flu into the archive search. It was the only hit.
  21. I've had one of theirs for about 10 years (not the smooth edge - it appears they no longer make the one I have) and it hasn't failed me yet. I just toss it in the dishwasher and was remarking about how clean it is to my husband not too long ago. We both grew up with gnarly, dysfunctional, botulism fest can openers. What were our parents thinking?? :ack2:
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