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Jenny in Atl

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Everything posted by Jenny in Atl

  1. And I'm exactly the opposite. I hate how airbrushed actors look in US movies. I really like watching movies with actors that look like real people (wrinkles & all). Many in the west have been brainwashed into believing in bodies & faces that are unattainable, even many of the actors in real life don't look like they do on film (lots of makeup/lighting/body doubles). It just sad...
  2. :iagree: Haven't seen the Fincher version yet, will wait till dvd, but I'm sure I will enjoy it, since I love all his movies. Yet, I know I will find it too polished too Hollywood compared to the small budget Swedish ones (which I really liked). I'm a big fan of Michael Nyqvist, and have seen him in a number of other movies. Daniel Craig is a good actor, but not Blomkvist in my mind. Layer Cake is still my fav of his. I liked the first two books, but somehow never moved onto the last, though it's on my "to do" list.
  3. First dd: just over 4 yrs Second dd: till she was 3 1/2 In a past life I think I was a wet nurse. :lol:
  4. Awesome! I feel like I must know of you... Hummm, do I possible possess on of these? My tiny clams to oddity. I went to school with Matt Dillion, Michael Stipe puked on my shoes outside 40 Watt in Athens. I hung out with Rue Paul at GA State (early 80's). I do know and like most all of NWA's music, I do have one of the most diverse and extensive LP/CD/MP3 collections of music, watch more subtitled films than those in English, and I'm quickly running out of breath. :lol: I guess I could say no one else hear spend a part of each of the day playing with fire... I do! :D
  5. My daughter goes to a high school many of you would think "scary" There are no sex acts in the hallways, no kids doing crack or meth out on the football field. In fact, I find her high school rather banal compared to my 1978-83 Atlanta all white suburban high school, where teachers got caught having sex with the students, and drugs were common. Shoot, the private schools were even worse back then. There are a lot of reasons to dislike brick & mortar schools (public & private) but the sex in the hallways/drug stuff is really rather overblown. Then again, we all know it's more fun to gossip about sex and drugs vs. school teacher standards and educational curriculum.
  6. Neither of my GF/Celiac kiddos have dairy issues. I've never heard of Gluten issues with milk or cheese except blue cheese or ones that have a crust/covering (ex. shredded cheese often has flour to keep it from clumping). I however can no longer handle things like cream (ice cream/soft cheeses/milk) in large amounts. So we tend not to drink milk (use almond milk or coconut water/milk).
  7. I've been basically solo for the last six years, after our small co-op group fell apart. Even though there are a ton of hs'er in the Atl area, my daughter is either too old or too young for any of the near by groups, and with my oldest in school, I can't drive all day to find other like minded folks in-town to hang with. I'd love to live in a place like Austin or Seattle... really even just a better part of Atlanta, but we are stuck and trying to make the best of it.
  8. They don't bother me a bit... One of my daughter's drama teachers has a gold stud under his bottom lip. I think it's his way of staying hip, now that he is in his 30's and has a kid. :lol: I know a number of friends who after a time got rid of theirs. I never got around to getting my noise done (really wanted to), but now just see other ways in which I'd like to spend my money. However, I do find most men & women who've had major plastic surgery to be odd looking. :tongue_smilie: Do they not realize how strange they look? :lol:
  9. Having grown up with two brothers, I was very happy to have two girls. :lol: My dh was just happy to have two healthy babies (one whom later got sick, but with conditions she can live well with... if that makes any sense). :D I think many women fear having a girl, because they know women are still seen as lesser than (lower pay/weaker sex/etc). You see parents worrying far more for the safety and future of a girl, than of that of a boy. We still live in a world that favors the male sex in all areas (business/politics/even faith).
  10. From matter we once again become energy to later again become matter. It's just a never ending circle of birth and death. I do fear leaving my kids before they are ready, as I do being alone, if my dh were to leave before me. I'm human, and naturally I fear death (really more the business of dying/pain and such vs. the end result). But I've never found comfort or meaning in most all "faiths" I've explored.
  11. I'm on year 10... :blink: and it doesn't get any easier. :tongue_smilie: My oldest is dreading going back to school Thrs. She even starts back tomorrow with a production call on her next school play. I plan on starting back up Thrs too, with Fi. I know neither of us is looking forward to it. January & February are just hard months. I wonder if it's as hard in the southern hemisphere?
  12. I just ordered Veganomicon http://www.amazon.com/Veganomicon-Ultimate-Isa-Chandra-Moskowitz/dp/156924264X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1325548427&sr=8-1 My sister-in-law has been using it for my brother, who is Vegan & GF. I've been moving back to a more Veggie/vegan diet, though not 100%. GF & Vegan is not easy, but she says that there are over 100+ Vegan/gf recipes plus most others can be altered rather easily to be GF. I can wait to expand my choices! If you all are still using eggs and dairy, then you will have a much bigger plate to pick from.
  13. They're adding it to thicken the sauce... I'd use either corn or potato starch instead. If you have time, a bean based GF flour blend would also work great (like a Bob's Red Mill).
  14. I've been with Verizon for years, and I'm in Atlanta; never had a issue... No problem from the Mts. of North GA to the southside of the city.
  15. I like the Danish model; every child gets the same $ and the family can choose from a large number of different schools. I long for a country that has as many truly good educational choices as we have crappy fast food joints. I don't trust local government to do a better job. The jokers we have in GA are far worse that any I've seen on the federal level.
  16. :iagree: Democratic co-operative classes.... kids following & supported in their interests, teachers who really want to teach and are paid well, no administrators with their stupid rules. That's just the start.
  17. A blender works great. I blend a number of greens (trying not to eat the same greens day-after-day). I use kale, spinach, arugula, fennel, collards, parsley, cilantro, endive, and any other seasonal ones that either Trader Joe's or Whole Foods gets in. I juice beet tops and beets, but I bet you could blend them. I add whey or veggie protein (hemp) to my smoothies, also berries or half a banana. If I want to be bad, I add a date. :D
  18. Paula, pm me your addy or email me... I'm going to have so much fun sending you a New Year's gift basket! Trader Joe's has a corn pasta that is so close to the real deal, my dh even likes it. Gluten Free Mama makes the best pizza mix, followed by Bob's Red Mill. F resources, so unless it's frozen I can get hard to find goodies for you. I'm so excited to you! I'm drinking most of my meals... Green smoothies and green juices. :tongue_smilie:
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