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Everything posted by Plucky

  1. Well there have been a few with very elaborate websites and planning that have come and gone. It didn't really surprise me.
  2. My bedroom is gold. It was this way when we bought it. I like it. I'm also too busy/lazy to worry about it right now. I just buy bedding and stuff that doesn't clash. :)
  3. Does anyone think there is a correlation with newish homeschoolers that get upset about others' homeschools tending to eventually quit homeschooling?
  4. I agree! There was a 16-year old kid that wore a cape everywhere and was socially awkward. He scared the daylights out of me when I first considered homeschooling, and his parents didn't appear to be the rigorous type, but they were both very smart. He ended up getting a perfect SAT score, full scholarship, studied in China, and is a brilliant man, happy dad and husband. I'm sure if I told people what we are doing this summer they would say I overwork my kids. I don't care, just like I don't care what they are doing with their kids. I'm busy doing my own thing here with my own kids. Does anyone really have more time to worry about other families?
  5. I really don't have time to worry about anyone else's homeschooling but my own. Most all my hs friends are doing a great job from what I see, and I don't question it. I do know one family has older kids doing lower work than mine, but that is only because my kids talked about a certain curriculum we all use and told me. These kids are fabulous and smart. I'd adopt them. Why worry about other people?
  6. Can you pop in a movie for everyone or put everyone down for a nap/quiet time while you recharge? Sometimes a break does wonders. :grouphug:
  7. Have you read The House That Cleans Itself? I'm not done with it yet, but I did glean a few things. Taking pictures of the mess and creating a system for most used items. For me I have baskets for various things that need to be out and available, but not taking up space all over. I'm still in the process of making stations for things, but I think it will help me to have a more picked up space, even though this is something I have been moving towards as my kids have gotten older, I want to make it more on them and less on me. :001_smile:
  8. Yep, I dressed up for the first one. The Northwest is very casual and so people dress casual all the time.
  9. We don't have a rigid schedule. Up at some point. Eat Hygiene Do chores Practice instruments Math Writing assignments History - one is finishing up, the other loves it and is working ahead Boy does merit badge work Girl does typing Run through the sprinkler or play water trampoline Play Reading time Eat lunch and dinner in there somewhere. Go on an adventure once a week. Take days off as needed. Help mom declutter and reorganize their bedrooms this summer.
  10. What is scary to me is that today's teens can't make mistakes without permanent repercussions. I know it used to be that not enough legal consequences faced teens, but they did have a 2nd chance. It seems like now if you blow it and make a wrong choice you have to live with it hanging over your head forever. Kids make mistakes. They don't all need to be made an example.
  11. Yes, it does often present with ADD/ADHD, as does Tourettes & anxiety. We have the anxiety component w/a touch of Tourettes (tics). I'm very hesitant to question another family's experiences as I've had well-meaning people tell me that all I need to do for my ds is change his diet. They really don't know my ds or our life.
  12. By person - each child has their own hamper they sort and wash it themselves. I do wash new jeans and red things separately first. I wash all my dh's clothes together & I wash mine separately. Towels & bedding are also separate loads. It's very simple & I almost always have laundry under control. I do have to use a hypoallergenic detergent for my sensitive skin people, and I do not use dryer sheets. If I start having static issues I throw a ball of aluminum foil in the dryer to conteract that. Easy peasy.
  13. I went in person to Staples to check it out. That thing is huge. I don't think it will help me. Too large, too cumbersome.
  14. I don't visit them all, but we qualify for K-8 Curriculum and K-8 Writing Logic/Middle School HighSchool and HS Writing The College Board Accelerated Special Needs
  15. Nope, not too old. I would have done it at 38. You are in the safe zone. :)
  16. I grew up in a very liberal, pc home with two kids and many divorces. I have 4 kids and am still married to their dad after 20 years.
  17. I used to be very liberal. The only thing that changed for me was that I became pro-life and pro-hsing. I think the liberal left went far too left and then I was considered more conservative.
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