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Jennifer in MI

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Everything posted by Jennifer in MI

  1. Good one!!! He doesn't seem traumatized at all! He's kind of looking forward to the possibility of having to take the witness stand if they catch the guy! I was surprised at how well he described this guy too! Exactly what he was wearing down to his shoe color. My 14 yo had a guesstimate as to how tall he was based on how much taller than the car he stood!
  2. I am too! Sounds like the area we live. Luckily, the police here are amazing and most of these jerks are found. Most are stupid teenagers who seem to be bored. The house behind me was broken into last week. Kids are knocking on your front door and if you don't answer, they break in the back. That kid was caught RIGHT away. I sure hope they catch this guy that my son saw.
  3. My 12 yo says that crime fighting is hard work and he's too tired to do his schoolwork. What do you think??? My 12 yo was doing his schoolwork in his bed which is by a window. He saw a car pull up in front of our house. A guy jumped out(Will was able to give a VERY full description of the guy), sprinted to my neighbor's car (in his driveway), played with the window/door, got in the car and drove away. He left the car he drove up in running in front of my house. We called the police and they immediately sent out cars looking for the jerk. They also sent two cars to my house. They interviewed my sons and had them give an official statement. The car left in front of my house? Stolen yesterday in a town north of here. I'm SOOOOO angry. We live in a really nice area. Just recently there have been a number of these types of thefts and I'm just TICKED!!!! Leave my neighborhood alone. Go get a job and STOP TAKING OUR STUFF!!!!!
  4. I saw that. We lose power at the drop of a hat, so I guess we're always prepared! Lots of batteries. Phones that can be charged in our car. Gas stove. Plenty of food. Etc. My husband's place of work rarely loses power, so we can take frozen foods there if our neighbor doesn't come through. We might get a little cold. But, that we can survive!!! Stay safe!!!
  5. Um. We're supposed to prepare? Honestly, I didn't know that it was supposed to hit us. We always have food. My neighbor has a generator and has offered a few plugs to us for some cash. Cell phones are charged every night. Do tell if I should be doing more?~
  6. Does she drink coffee? Maybe a coffee basket? A date basket - gift cards for dinner and a movie? What are her hobbies? Do you know her mom or dad well enough to ask for ideas? I think it's really sweet that you are reaching out to her like this even though you don't like her.
  7. Nope! Not wrong at all!!!! I've got most of mine done now. I waited last year and suffered for it. I won't do that again. I just have my kids (they are getting small gifts this year because we are taking a family vacation in January) and my husband left!
  8. I ended up making my own closet system for my dd's clothes out of the Trofast system. Look it up! It was easy to customize the sizes of "drawers" based on what items she has each season. Now that she's bigger I need a second set, but it's cheap enough it won't break the bank. I liked it so much, I did it in my bedroom closet too! No more dressers!!!! In my closet, I also have a bookshelf where I put my sweaters and shoes.
  9. Yes. I would let my child go. But, I'd have called the parents first and gotten to know them a bit. I'd have gone to the door with my child and introduced myself to the parents. And, I'd give the child a cell phone that he could use to call me if there were a problem and he wanted to be picked up.
  10. I am. Detroit Metro Area. We live VERY close to the Detroit border. Dh works in Detroit. We are downtown three times a week AT LEAST. What do you wanna' know?!
  11. HEY!!! You are my new best friend here!!!! We are also a baseball family and are watching to see where the Tigers will be playing!!!
  12. My ds is 16 and in a size 14. We just bought him two pair and he's telling me they are getting tight. :glare:
  13. Yep. This is a classic example where a touring plan makes sense. You know which rides to get a fast pass for FIRST and what to do while you wait for your time. This is what we do too!!!! (But, honestly, many times when we go, the wait times for the most popular rides are SOOOOO short!!! My kids will ride and then go do everything else in that area, and then go back for the fastpass time!!!)
  14. So true. BUT, the sales lady we met agreed with us that the way we do Disney didn't make sense to buy, yet. We always travel during free dining. And, we travel with family, so we officially put one of our kids with the family. So we stay in a regular room. After the kids move out of the house, we will consider it.
  15. Ugh. We met one of those stinky CMs. We had a party of 9. My ds got us fast passes for a ride. Some of us had 1:30 - 2:30. Two of us got 1:35 - 2:35. We tried to ride the ride at 1:30. No go. We had to wait until 1:35. Grrrrrrr . . .
  16. So many good hints here. Mine? Sign up early to take a DVC tour. It is quick and painless. AND, there is always a perk for doing it. We did it last month and we got a card that had 6 fast passes for each of us for RIGHT NOW. So, if you wanted to ride a ride NOW, you could! My sis did the tour last year and got $200!! They pick you up. They entertain your kids. They give you ice cream. They drive you to whatever park you want to go to. It's worth it!!!
  17. Unfortunately, this isn't true any more. We heard the rumor that they were cracking down on this and we tested it last month. They ARE actually looking at the times. :(
  18. If you go to Clearwater Beach - go to Frenchie's Restaurant. It's on the beach. We went at sunset. Gorgeous!!! The Grouper sandwiches are amazing!!!!
  19. We did this vacation last month! Here were some of our meals: Chicken in a crock pot Uncle Ben's rice (easier/faster than making my own!) frozen veggie bagged salad I cooked down the bones overnight in the crock pot and made the broth into chicken noodle soup for the next night. sloppy joes. (I even bought the spice packet to make it easier) Fish sticks and tater tots! (My kids had never had either!) Frozen pizza Burgers/frozen french fries Spaghetti/salad/frozen garlic bread Pork loin/potatoes/salad For lunches, I roasted two chickens on the first day and sliced the meat for sandwiches. Chips. Carrot sticks. Fruit.
  20. Another vote for Clearwater Beach! We stayed at that Sheraton just last month. It's the Sand Key Sheraton. HUGE beautiful beach. We had it practically to ourselves when we were there. White sand. Clear water.
  21. My mom buys Bitty for all the grandchildren when they turn one. My dd LOVED that doll. It was her real baby. Now, she still loves that doll, and she turns 7 soon!! I honestly don't know why she loved THAT doll. But, we have pictures of her opening her Bitty when she was one. She LOVED that baby!!!!
  22. For us? Yes. In a heartbeat. BUT. My daughter and her friends LOVE dolls. They play with them nearly the entire time they are at my house. My dd is 6 and has 4 of them - bitty, Samantha, Kanani, and McKenna. If the hair gets tangled, look at Youtube videos on how to fix it.
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