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Everything posted by chocolatechip

  1. I'm with you on the tipping culture. And now with so many places going to iPad or other tablet "registers" in small shops, it's more awkward than ever. Before, the tip jar was just kind of there, but now you have to physically select, "No tip" if you don't want to tip. And I don't want to tip the person ringing up my coffee! They aren't providing me with any special service, they're just running the register. I'd totally rather pay a few extra cents per drink than feel strange about tipping.
  2. Given the sore area, I think I'd go in. Orange urine alone I probably wouldn't bother, but with the temperature he had recently and the abdominal pain I think I'd err on the safer side.
  3. You just saved me the trouble of doing this experiment myself. I've always kind of wanted to do it after hearing about it. Interesting to hear they grew the same. I guess you learn something new every day. Even if it's just that I don't know much!!
  4. I tip if I'm waited on while dining (also if I were to get pizza delivery, ect.) If it's takeout picked up by me or something like a coffee shop, I don't tip.
  5. Yes, I believe they are. There have been experiments with plants with one being watered with water heated in the microwave and then cooled, and the other watered with water heated on the stovetop and then cooled. The microwaved-water plant died in about a week. . . Now, do I think I'll drop dead tomorrow if I eat microwaved food? No. But I try to avoid it. We don't have one at home, but occasionally I end up eating microwaved food if we are visiting relatives or something like that. My mother also warned me never to heat a baby's milk in a microwave.
  6. This was my little sister's favorite movie for a while. . .!! I don't think anyone's suggested October Sky- we loved this! It has some swearing, but the setting is a rough mining town in West Virginia in the 50's, so it's pretty setting-appropriate, just FYI.
  7. Definitely follow what Dr. said to start before the actual arrival. Aleve (and ibuprofen) work to inhibit prostaglandins (pain-causing hormones), but they are both much more effective if inhibition is started before prostaglandin production starts. If she waits till after she feels pain to take something, she still has to wait for the already-produced prostaglandins to clear her system. Other than that, I've heard lying down with a heat pack/hot water bottle can be helpful. Seconding exercise. Also, maybe consider reusable products instead of disposable? The chemicals used in producing the disposables can negatively affect some women, I've heard. And in my own experience, I had much worse pain before I switched to reusables and started running regularly (unfortunately at the same time so I can't really know which was more effective). No fun, though. Hope she can get some relief.
  8. I type "f" and select it out of the list between this and one other forum I'm on.
  9. My sister named her bunnies with flower names. They are Daisy and Iris.
  10. Thanks for the insights, all. We're all officially filed! Whew.
  11. I ate the whole pint of ice cream and now I feel sick. Le sigh.
  12. Thank you! This is very helpful and makes sense.
  13. Any idea why someone with zero taxable federal income and the same AGI in federal and state income would end up owing state income tax? Shouldn't zero taxable income mean no income tax? (I'm not talking about SS and medicare. I'm speaking simply of income tax on the state return.)
  14. My heart hurts for you. This sounds so hard. Prayer, love, and lots of hugs for you, your dh, and family! :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  15. I am extremely offended by that song, and I definitely think you should let your ds pick a new song. Sorry he's been faced with this situation.
  16. I like my Keen Newport H2s. Yeah, I agree, don't go up a half size when ordering Keen water type sandals. I did this with my H2s and now I have shoes that are a little too large. . .it isn't bothersome enough for me to pay to replace them.
  17. I have housesat for people before. It was always for people from my church. I'd ask your friends/social acquaintances if they know of any young people who might be interested in housesitting.
  18. We have Casper and Vincent (Van "Go") :) Third car is just The Matrix. I don't know when/if we'll name it.
  19. I don't really like them. They are too low or something.
  20. Orthodox. No security during services/when people are on the premises. We have an alarm system for when everyone is gone.
  21. I feel that 16 is old enough to understand the need to be quiet for others who are sleeping. It should make sense to a 16 yr old that it's rude to play the piano, pound on keyboards, jump on people, tickle, ect., when others are sleeping. I'd inform her of this fact, and then if she disregards it, consequences would be in effect; probably loss of privileges.
  22. Try ebay! I found both my black and brown pair there after they were technically discontinued. They're super comfortable and I get lots of compliments! It's so frustrating when a company discontinues something. . .and then you can't find anything remotely similar ANYWHERE. Ugh!
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