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Rose in BC

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Everything posted by Rose in BC

  1. And have skimmed through it. I eat healthy already but I do not eat a vegetarian or vegan diet although I aspire to eat such meals once or twice a week. (I am not against a vegetarian diet and did eat this way many years ago. I'm not a huge meat lover so it's relatively easy for me to follow.) So I skimmed the book and gleaned some information which I may incorporate into our daily eating plan but like all dietary advice books, I take what works for me and my family (no separate cooking for each person in the family here). It probably makes some valid points but at the end of the day you've got to be able to make eating choices that you can become part of your lifestyle.
  2. I appreciate the kind words and the gentle nudge to stay on track with fitness (the nudge might be subliminal but it sure works) lol!
  3. I normally run just before dinner in the late afternoon but of all things we have sun and heat this week so I met my running partner at 6 a.m. this morning (we both have dogs) but we decided to walk rather than run today. I may do a short run later in the day but maybe not. Maybe I'll enjoy the rare hot day.
  4. I purchased a pair of $30 happy feet arch supports from a sport shop. That combined with stretching seemed to do the trick.
  5. I have been plagued on and off with this problem for some time. Last year at this time I could never take a step without pain. It was terrible. I knew about the calf leg stretches but I guess I didn't believe it really could cure such terrible pain. In the fall last year I began to diligently stretch my calf muscles through out the day and especially after exercising. I have been pain free for 8 months.
  6. Of course at his age I threaten him with "now that you've run your dirty feet all over my walls, you'll have to wash them".:001_smile: (The walls that is.)
  7. It's interesting how mental and physical wellness all goes hand in hand to some extent. I definitely see it in my own life although I will admit that I have no extenuating circumstances to either of these areas in my life.
  8. I do believe mental fitness it a big part of the physical fitness plan.
  9. But it sounds so unbelievable I can't help but laugh (sorry). TWO HOURS? Is this literal or just what it seemed like? I'm not sure how I would have reacted . . .
  10. Here goes the peer pressure again. I was just thinking of something new to read tonight. I've had good intentions to complete that reading list so I guess I'd better check it again. Thanks for the motivation and again, congratulations. Great accomplishment.
  11. And I love them but you are completely right that they are "special dogs" and not everyone can own them. In fact that's how come we had three. We purchased our first two from a breeder and then people would phone us "would you like another basset hound, we can't keep it". Our Bernese Mountain dogs kind of fit the same category. Beautiful, loyal dogs . . . but they're not a golden retriever. Not everyone would appreciate their "quirkiness". Our golden retriever mutt has probably been our best family pet. She sticks to the kids like glue. Does everything she can to please us. Good dog. She is 13 yrs old. We will probably get a chocolate lab next.
  12. On Wednesday I was feeling old, cold and completely frustrated with our weather. It seemed like September. I kept thinking "man we could use some global warming in our neck of the woods". Friday the sun peaked out, for one day. Yesterday was so-so. Today we have brilliant sunshine and I feel like a million bucks. I feel your pain because I live where we experience coastal climates -- which means lots of precipitation! Every time I read threads that talk about high heat . . . well I can only imagine. (BTW I don't really want high heat, just some sun.) Hang in there!!
  13. My parents retired the year my husband and I married. They moved out of town. We were young and poor and without prospect of buying a house. My parents sold us theirs for a good deal and we became landowners. It was weird at first but quickly the house changed to become our home. We still live in it now with our three children.
  14. For me, I realize, half the battle is my mind. When I start out in the "it's too hard". "I'm too tired" mode it is too hard and I am easily worn out. If I start out with the "I can do it" mode I end up doing more. I am a slow runner. I'm not exactly sure how much I ran today (I'm going to measure it out right now while I'm out on errands) but it was in the neighbourhood of 7.5 - 8 kms and it took 56 minutes. But it was an easy pace for me . . . absolutely no over exertion. In this case I really paced myself because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to do the whole route and I really wanted to. After the first 4 km it really did seem to get easier. Even the small hills. I'm going to try and do this longer run at least once a week, working up to 10 km.
  15. :001_smile: (I really look forward to visiting Nova Scotia one day!) Seriously though, I live in a remote area that is in need of the gospel. We home church for this reason. Cost of living is cheaper in my rural area but warm . . . well "moderate coastal climate" would describe our area.
  16. My running partner wanted to prove to me that I can run longer and not pass out. The weather was perfect for this experiment -- dry, slight breeze, good temperature. I'm glad I have a partner who pushes me out of my comfort zone. We ran at a steady pace (slow but steady) and didn't need to stop at all. Now I have my eyes set on 10 km by the end of the summer. We'll see.
  17. This is my experience too. In the morning my legs feel 900 pounds each but when I run at 4:30 (my favourite time) I feel much more able to run. Of course I'm not an experienced runner. This is just my experience. But from what I've read I think you're doing great.
  18. My husband asked me to walk with him this morning. We are enjoying a beautiful sunny day. Believe me, sun has been rare this summer. So we walked about 8 km in about 75 minutes. It was very nice. (But I have to say I really wanted to run but my husband is not a runner.) Anyway I'm pleased with the walk and I did a bit of stretching afterwards. I've got to work up to more stretching though.
  19. The one benefit to being older is that I've been around the block on a lot of fad things and this time it really has become a way of life (sounds corny but true). I eat great and love it. Sometimes enjoy treats and don't feel guilty (most of the time). And exercise regularly and am challenged by it and feel so good. But occasionally there's those off days. (Probably due to lack of sleep.) Tomorrow I'm going to try and fit in a run in the morning. Mornings are not as easy for me but I know it would be much easier on my schedule!
  20. My heart was pounding thinking of how distressed those parents must have been. So happy they're all safe.
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