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Everything posted by Deeke

  1. I agree, how about people mind their own business?? I don't go into the christian groups, not my business, post whatever you like, feel free. Wouldn't offend me unless you come to a Secular/Non-Christian board and post it there, then I'd have an issue.
  2. I'm a type A and I consider myself to be a relaxed, eclectic, wanna-be-unschoolers with a classsical twist. One of my main goals now is to see learning in everything we do. The value if play is being greatly underestimated along with children having free time, not scheduled up to their eyeballs with extra-curriucluar activities.
  3. Did you see the newsletters for Samhain? No one around here celebrates Samhain. Pooka's Sandbox Pagan Moonbeams
  4. We went to buy Halloween costumes the other day, they take your name and call you when they bring yours out. Well I looked at the tag they wrote my son's name on and they spelt Kaleb as Kaylub. Sheesh.
  5. So sorry to hear that, hope she is doing well now. Chemo and radiation and all the complications that come from them are horrible. Cancer sucks!
  6. My mother just went through breast cancer this past winter, she is still recovering from chemo and radiation, she had a radical mastectomy. I would think nothing of having both my breasts removed if I carried the gene.
  7. Can anyone point me in the direction of a free programme, or reasonable priced, for making your own pdf's? Thanks :001_smile:
  8. NO Wii remote through the television screen :001_unsure:
  9. LOL...you and me both!! Greenland is looking pretty good!!
  10. I have kids in grades 4 and 6. We started with Book 1 this year and have really been having "fun" with spelling. I just make up all sorts of silly sentances to go with the words, we laugh so hard some days. :001_smile:
  11. I agree also it is too Christian, you may want to go to Amazon.com and read some of the reviews there about it. There is also History Odyssey as an alternative, and also there is a free curriculum out right now that looks good. Myths, Maps, and Marvel You can choose either the version with SOTW or E.H. Grombrich's A Little History of the World, then you can further choose if you would like the pre-history version or plain version.
  12. None, any writing she does is for her own pleasure. She writes stories, plays, poems, or whatever suits her mood.
  13. Thanks for joining!

  14. I came up 100% secular humanist on the quiz also.
  15. 1. Secular Humanism (100%) 2. Unitarian Universalism (92%) 3. Nontheist (80%)
  16. That is one HUGE catterpillar!!! We caught a Monarch this summer, I thought that was big. ::carol::
  17. Maybe have a peek at Growing With Grammar, it is a great programme. There are samples on their page you can have a look at, the format of the workbook is wonderful! ::carol::
  18. The graphic your husband made is beautiful! Did you grown the flowers? ::carol::
  19. It is fun, sorry for people with slower connection or computers, but I love all the new features and think it is brilliant. There is the option of turning them off like was mentioned. Thanks to all the staff for making some great changes! ::carol::
  20. I have a large cupboard from Ikea that I just shut everything away in at the end of the day. The kids each have a basket they keep their books that they work in each day in, they just have to grab it and bring it to the table. ::carol::
  21. Glad to hear the piggies seem to clear up easily from infections. I was alittle worried with them being such small creatures that it might be hard to treat them. Thanks for the replies... ::carol::
  22. Thanks so much! We really enjoy our little guinea pigs, they really make wonderful pets. I'd miss that little chirping every morning when they see me coming with their food. ::carol::
  23. We took Harold in for his monthly nail trim and the vet noticed a lump of some sort in his tail area. I feel so bad, poor guy, I never noticed. It looks like it is healing, but is quite big, say size of a grape approx.. He is feeling fine, eating lots and drinking, and it does not seem to hurt him when we clean it or touch it. The vet seems to think it has something to do with an ingrown hair and causing an infection. We have to clean it daily with a antibacterial solution and give him some meds internally for a week to see if it helps. I am so worried about him now, has any other guinea pig owners come across this? Thanks for any help with our little guy. ::carol:: :confused:
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