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Everything posted by angelmama1209

  1. so kuovonne- what programs do you use and in what order? your post resonated with me. my oldest is almost 8, has had no formal writing instruction and LOVES to write stories. i want to capitalize on that- guide, hone, perfect- without squelching it. and i know ZERO about writing or literature. writing tales had been recommended to me on these boards and i really liked the look of it. now i've read here about bravewriter and i really like the sound of it, too. any chance you know if i could combine the two? it sounds like writing tales would fill in the structure instruction you mention bravewriter lacks.
  2. here are several ideas from my pinterest board http://www.hsclassro...ound-the-house/ http://www.meaningfu...ning-money.html http://www.etsy.com/...-system-for-two and my friend has and is LOVING this one http://www.fisher-ki...CFQUFnQodhxQA7g we are starting this soon and i am still working on the details of how it will all play out in our house, too. but my kids are begging for money (to buy toys for poor kids.. true story) so i need to get on it! oh! and squished pennies at amusement parks. oh the simple things in life. :D
  3. my oldest is in 2nd and is LOVING astronomy. and learning so much. we have the jr notebook and use it, but dd could take it or leave it. really.
  4. we do the elem series "daily" (in addition to mm). my original plan was on fridays, but dd7 loves it so much we just added it in to our school reading. i always do 1 chapter, but if she wants to do more, i'm okay with that. we're still "behind" in it (dd is in 2nd and we're in the first book) so it may slow down as we move along. this week she's been wanting 3 chapters a day, sometimes just picking it up and reading it on her own.
  5. here is our list for next year so far grammar- fll3 spelling- still researching writing- writing tales was recommended to me and looks great! phonics- explode the code vocab- wordly wise- we pair this with the FREE online stuff and DD LOVES it handwriting- a reason for handwriting
  6. we HATED it. subscribing as i am researching spelling for next year
  7. there are several timeline links on my history pinterest board http://pinterest.com/shang09/history/ honestly, though, i decided ti go simple. we have a string hung on a long wall and we use the review cards from the ag for our timeline pieces. :p
  8. here are some blogs that have activities linked http://creeksidelearning.com/hands-on-history/story-of-the-world/ http://ourstoryoftheworldjourney.wordpress.com/page/2/ satori smiles also has some fun extras
  9. we are. i put it together by watching the video.
  10. http://www.amazon.com/Living-Acre-2nd-Self-Reliant-ebook/dp/B003N19CNO/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1358170415&sr=1-1&keywords=living+on+an+acre
  11. we keep it pretty simple. read one section a day and do review questions and narration. one day she colors while i read, whichever section best corresponds to the coloring sheet. then she watches corresponding videos and does the mapwork, lapbook, and timeline. then we do an activity if we are. we school year round so i don't worry too much about when we get through a chapter- sometimes it's a week, sometimes 2, sometimes 3 days. if you need links for the videos, lapbook, etc, i'd be happy to provide them.
  12. it is completely scripted and can be very repetitive, but i love that it's only 5-10 minutes/day. we are halfway through fll2 and i am pleasantly surprised at what dd has retained. we will continue with 3 and 4 and start over with 1 with my kindy/1st next year.
  13. when i was in school we did it in 5th grade. we will probably focus a year on ours sometime in middle school.
  14. We have just started ssl, but i have been on a latin curric kick so i spent many days researching. i'm pretty sure that following ssl we will move on to lively latin and minimus and then latin prep.
  15. really leaning towards writing tales, trying to figure out iew, too. the teaching writing: structure and style looks like a teacher course? what is the student curric?
  16. we have this one- obviously not from here... http://www.amazon.com/Idea-Book-Cuisenaire-Primary-Level/dp/0914040189/ref=pd_sim_b_4 maybe you can hunt around for it or find it on a used curric site.
  17. coahs has free lit unit studies that are fun... http://www.confessionsofahomeschooler.com/literature
  18. thanks! i will look into each of those. anyone else?
  19. Hi all! I am starting to look for a writing curric for my upcoming 3rd grader. She has had no formal writing instruction so far. She LOVES to write stories and letters. I need something to teach her how to gather information, organize her thoughts, and put them down in a coherent manner. I REALLY don't want to squelch her LOVE of or CREATIVITY for writing. Any suggestions of where to start? Thanks!
  20. thanks! we are projected to finish fll2 in april and our "new year" starts in september, although we school year round. how much of a break do you think is appropriate? maybe start back up in june? do something else in the interim? suggestions?
  21. we will be finishing up fll2 in april. is it recommended to move directly into fll3 (like it is recommended for 1 and 2)? or is it ok to break? i'd like to add in growing with grammar. should we be able to start in book 3? or are the earlier books necessary? if we do break between fll 2 and fll 3, should we do gwg 2 in the interim? any advice appreciated. tia! :)
  22. it's actually an early intervention program through nild called SEARCH and TEACH. i don't know if there will be homework yet or not. she will be starting jan 11.
  23. We had my 5yo evaluated by an educational therapist and she scored low on everything but articulation. She scored lowest (1/9) on the visual discrimination exercises, which 100% fit with the problems we've noticed. She has been recommended for therapy, but I was wondering what I could be doing at home besides our regular school. Any thoughts?
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