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  1. We are finishing Adventures in MFW for our second grade curriculum and are not ready to move up into their next level. I thought we would do something else for our third grade year and come back to MFW the following year. I would like to find a DVD series for history next year, and since history is my weak area, I am hoping for some suggestions. Here is what I am thinking about so far: Learn Our History: http://learnourhistory.com/Welcome.html Drive Through History: http://www.drivethruhistory.com/ We have "America, the Story of Us" and have watched the parts that go with our curriculum. I want something that is Christian based. Are there better options out there?
  2. We are doing Adventures in MFW. The science book talks about the taste map of the tongue. However, in doing some research, it seems as though scientists have decided that there really aren't specialized areas of the tongue. I looked at a bunch of different scientific sites. I taught ds the map and told him that this is what some people have learned, but scientists have found out otherwise (with explanation). Also, there are supposed to be five tastes now (sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami). This goes against the book. Am I right in teaching the current science in this case? Also, we watched two Nova shows talking about taste. They had a test strip that can be put on the tongue to see if a person is a "taster" or "non-taster". Apparently, people where not created equally when it comes to taste buds some do not have receptors for bitter (no-tasters), some have some of the receptors (tasters), and others have a lot of them (super tasters). I found that interesting and thought I would share. My family makes fun of my picky eating, and now I have a reason why. ;) Nova: The Science of Picky Eaters http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/body/science-picky-eaters.html Nova: Can I Eat That http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/body/can-i-eat-that.html Test strips can be ordered on Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Taste+test+strips
  3. Your dog can be trained to put all their toys away on command. ;)
  4. I have purposely left out the writing part of our curriculum, because I don't think he is ready for it. So, he isn't sent off to write a paper. He does have a couple of workbook pages that he does on his own though. I got IEW for when I feel like he is ready to start a writing program. I'm more so looking for an idea of when their spelling comes easily and not something that requires a lot of thought. :)
  5. My ds is 7 working on 2nd grade Abeka. He is one of those care free happy-go-lucky types, so whether or not something is spelled correctly is no big deal to him. He spells okay when concentrating on it but otherwise doesn't. I'm working on Improving it but am wondering if there is an age/stage when it finally clicks.
  6. At what age do your children spell well? For example, you send them off to write a paper, and the paper they being back to you has most of the words spelled correctly? Thanks in advance!
  7. Ds actually just got that book. I'll have to sit down and go through it tomorrow.
  8. I took ds to a PS speech therapist over a year ago for lack of /r/ sounds. They said they would not do anything until he is 8 years old. They did not see any other problems. Ds is now 7. He is able to make some r sounds when I ask him but doesn't in regular speech. I think he needs therapy before it becomes a habit (if not already). This time I take him to a private ST. Ds new why we were going, so he made sure to put r's in his speech. ST says r's are coming in just fine, so he wouldn't qualify for that. She says he has a tongue thrust on his /s/ and would qualify for that. My insurance doesn't cover ST and the visits are $100+ each. The ST wants to see him twice a week. I called the PS to see about getting ST through them. I called last month and haven't gotten a response. My dh had ST as a kid for /s/. I'm noticing my dd3 sticks her tongue out on /s/ too. I'm guessing she is too young to consider it a problem, but it makes me wonder. She was always bad about chocking on food when she was younger (and still will at times if she doesn't like it). I read somewhere that they were related. Would you be concerned about the /r/ or just wait until 8? Is 3.5 too young to worry about tongue thrust? Are there other options for ST?
  9. Prey animals don't typically like being grabbed from above or have a predator lurking over them. They are naturally wired that way; some to a lesser degree than others.. Have you tried coming from the sides or using one hand to corral them on to the other hand? If you are interested in training them, look up clicker training. You could use clicker training to teach them to be touched, picked up, etc. You can teach them to put their nose on the eraser of a pencil (or some other target). Then gradually work towards having the target over your hand for them to learn to be picked up. If the sound of a clicker is too startling, you can use a different sound or even a verbal cue such as a light. You could train them to go through a hoop, go to a little pedestal, etc. The possibilities are endless . . . :) I bet there are some trained guinea pigs on YouTube to get some ideas.
  10. I get lots of comments on how well my two get along. It is mostly positive. There are some that say it as if to point out it isn't right. I think those people just assume siblings aren't supposed to get along, and children are supposed to be difficult for their parents. Seeing siblings get along so well challenges their view on the subject. To accept the closeness might make them feel as though they are screwing up as parents putting them in defense mode and make them feel uncomfortable. I'm not saying all negative people are all like that, but I see that thought process working through some of their mind at times. I just respond pleasantly. I work hard to teach my children how to get along, respect each other, be considerate, etc. I wish my parents had done the same for my sister and me. Sure, we get along now, but there were a lot of miserable times growing up that could have been avoided.
  11. Try organizing a PE co-pp. We love ours! The kids play together before and after class and have a great time. We meet other homeschoolers through homeschool groups. Ds is not very excited about doing a handbell choir, but he tolerates it to be able to having the time before and after class to play with friends that also go there. You might give the karate class a try for a semester.
  12. Take regular time for yourself to do something that recharges your battery. Think of that time to yourself as an investment in your family. Finding a hobby you enjoy or something that recharges your battery will give your children and hubby a happy wife/mom. That in itself is a gift to them. Edit: Finding time to do that is what I always find so hard.
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