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Everything posted by angelmama1209

  1. I can't help you, because I NEVER GOT IT EITHER!!! So glad I'm not alone. :/ I keep reading about how wonderful it is, but I just didn't GET it.
  2. Also remember that you get whatever the highest percentage is. So if enough people drop their commitment down to 40%, it will jump to 50% and we'll ALL get it. That would be supremely helpful.
  3. ok, I just looked this book up on my library website and it's for an add child? my suspected right brained learner is not add. :/
  4. just got an email with brand new download links. i got most of it downloaded before, are those still good?
  5. ok, I have a suspicion that this fits my 4yo. Is there a test for it? how would I determine for sure?
  6. nope, not alone. i bought the audio cds cheap. after the first day listening, my kids and i had a chat about name calling and such. after the second day, their behavior was on the downslide. no more jbj for us!
  7. i am downloading with no trouble this morning. :)
  8. what ages do you play these with? amazon recommends 10+. my oldest is only 7.
  9. i was able to download expedition earth and the classic lit files in about 5 minutes last night. then i started the one with truth in tinsel and it's still not halfway done. :/
  10. i actually went in at 30, just crossing my fingers for 50 lol!
  11. shipping? :confused: they're all ebooks. I'm in, just crossing my fingers it gets to 50%.
  12. My kinesthetic kiddo is only 4, so we are just venturing there, but check out 1+1+1=1 's word play ideas. http://www.1plus1plus1equals1.net/2011/05/word-play-learning-to-read-is-fun/
  13. ok, thanks. we just started level 2. And OMG! That second part is what I'm going to be dealing with when we hit full swing this year. Yikes!
  14. I thought I read the download links are available for 2 weeks. Why don't you just wait a few days until the frenzy dies down.
  15. uh-oh! i must be doing fll wrong! it only takes 5-10 minutes and i find it one of the easiest subjects. it was the one thing that was guaranteed to get done every day during my pregnancy. :/
  16. i believe you're supposed to do 3 4-year cycles of sotw. 1st-4th, 5th-8th, 9th-12th
  17. I could have written this post except my word is FOCUS!!! Ugh! Glad I'm not alone, though.
  18. thank you so much for this link! i am literature illiterate so this is super helpful for me.
  19. I believe from reading several threads on this that it is recommended to start with Apples no matter the level to get the story from the beginning. Apparently each book builds on the one before. So even if she knows the math, she can whiz through them and get the story as well as review. :)
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