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Everything posted by Stef03

  1. I'm not sure if this has been posted here yet but I thought it was worth a share! From In The Hands of A Child, get the Little House in the Big Woods lapbook project pack for free by entering freehomeschooldeals3 at checkout. http://www.currclick.com/product/26001/A-Little-House-in-the-Woods-Lapbook It is aimed for Grades 3-6. I found the deal on http://moneysavingmom.com/2012/09/get-the-little-house-in-the-big-woods-lapbook-project-pack-for-free-3-days-only.html
  2. This seems pretty typical in schools imho, they can't accelerate the advanced kids so they find "helping" jobs for them.
  3. My DS does 4-5 pages of MM2 a day. This is "easy" and pretty quick for him to do though, he's not covering anything new. I'm hoping to slow him down to 2 pages once we get to MM3A and include Beast Academy.
  4. It's an old thread that's probably why. We use Netflix film ideas from here http://www.welltrainedmind.com/historical-movies-and-documentaries-to-supplement-the-story-of-the-world-volume-one/
  5. I'm not sure but Home Science Tools sells kits for the pre-level and level 1; they might be able to make you a kit for level 2. It's probably worth asking them if you can't find anything else. http://www.hometrainingtools.com/search.asp?ss=real+science+4+kids+kit&x=0&y=0
  6. My son had problems with word problems too. We purchased Kumon's Word Problems books starting with the level from Grade 1. It might be easy to start but it will reinforce the vocabulary/keywords to help him work out how to solve word problems. It's been working very well for my DS, he's now half way through the Grade 2 Word Problems Kumon book and he's no longer intimidated by word problems in his core math curriculum. I'd suggest you start with maybe a month or so working at home on Word Problems from levels Grade 1 & 2 until he is comfortable with those then I'd move on to SM 3A.
  7. They've probably removed the deal. I noticed on moneysavingmom: "Whoops! I just heard from a friend that Lamplighter told them that this coupon code was only intended to be used by their 100 webinar attendees last night. They have promised to honor all orders placed earlier today, but I’m guessing they’ll be removing this from their site shortly."
  8. maybe they're prepping it to change it to the "free audiobook included" category soon :P
  9. With my son we just used Kumon workbooks and free sheets from education.com until he was ready for 1st grade MM. I'm currently trying Mathematical Reasoning (by Critical Thinking) books with my DD, we'll see how it goes but so far she's enjoying it. We'll switch to MM once she's completed Level A.
  10. I got the book free http://www.amazon.com/Pride-and-Prejudice-ebook/dp/B008476HBM/ but the Audible audiobook isn't showing up as free like the others did.
  11. Overall about 1 1/2 hours though it can go up to 2 hours.
  12. Personally I only use it for reading (my husband was driven mad by the piles of books I used to have around our bedroom, now at least the piles aren't getting any bigger!) and checking my emails if my computer's not on. Homeschool wise we use it for reading (loads of free classics), audiobooks and watching documentaries on Netflix (usually the ones that I don't consider age appropriate for my younger kids so I don't want them on the TV). Recently I also started using it for the Homeschool Helper app to record things like grades, field trips, read alouds etc... I don't think it's essential to us but it's def the cherry on the top :)
  13. Thanks! All added to my kindle :D (For those trying to figure it out: first you "buy" the free books http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=sr_pg_1?rh=n%3A133140011%2Cn%3A%212334093011%2Cn%3A%212334124011%2Cn%3A5744819011%2Cn%3A5744839011&ie=UTF8&qid=1347378115 , currently there's 26 books; once my Kindle had sync the new books I went on the Audible app (on my kindle) and searched for the titles, the top result was the "free" one to download.)
  14. We had that problem last year; we first encouraged our son to handle it by telling the bully in question to stop and to let the bus driver know if the bully continued. When that didn't work we contacted the teacher who had a chat with the students about bus conduct. That didn't work either... we then contacted the transportation department and it ended with the principal being notified too. Nothing worked. So we called the kid's parents (who we sort of knew), the kid came to apologize and that was finally the end of it!
  15. ^ it's been updated so it now does both (you can also get the app on the kindle/android tablets)
  16. If you have an ipad/tablet/kindle then I'd recommend the Homeschool Helper app; it's great for grade recording imo, it's easy & quick to set up.
  17. When we lived in the UK my son used Letterland, the method worked great! I'm not sure if this is the sort of thing you're after but here's their website http://www.letterland.com/teachers/uk-teachers-guides
  18. We love Simple Schooling Unit Studies, they have one on Tornadoes & Thunderstorms: http://www.currclick.com/product/48411/Simple-Schooling-Tornadoes-%26-Thunderstorms?it=1 or there's a bundle pack on Natural Disasters http://www.currclick.com/product/72939/Simple-Schooling-Natural-Disasters-Bundle?manufacturers_id=374
  19. We love the Clipounets music DVDs http://www.clipounets.com/ ; they have a Youtube channel too. What's great is that they first play the song then repeat it a second time with the words so older kids can also learn to read along. They do just the music CDs too or you can get the MP3s from Amazon.com ETA: we also really enjoy Henry Dès, his Christmas album "C'est Le Père Noël" is very popular at our house (again, available on Amazon.com's MP3s)
  20. My son completed the lessons early last year but we renewed his membership for another year as he hadn't done any of the "side" lessons. The Storyland & Spelling sections are very good and it's been worth the renewal :) If they only offered the phonics lessons then I would say their 6mths minimum commitment for only a few lessons left is unfair but seeing as though they offer loads more I can understand why they won't budge on their policy. Don't forget you can also go through HSBC for a cheaper rate.
  21. We've used Maestro Classics' Peter & the Wolf and we also made a lapbook using http://www.currclick.com/product/64549/Peter-and-the-Wolf-Maestro-Classics-Lapbook . My kids really enjoyed it, my library didn't have the CD collection however I made the suggestion and it was accepted :D I'm planning on using their CDs again this year and hopefully doing another lapbook or two if I can get them on sale :P
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