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Everything posted by Dinsfamily

  1. This is my plan. I can't wait to read A Tale of Two Cities aloud! Glad it has worked out for some of the pps.
  2. :lol: We only have four :D. That feels like so many compared to IRL friends but a smallish family in hs boards.
  3. :iagree: FLL has been this for us as well. Ds even calls grammar one of his favorite subjects. The dc don't look at the book so it's easy to skip and paraphrase all you want. After the 5-10 min lesson, it's back to sword fights in the backyard. That's a demonstration of an action verb, you know.
  4. That's what my K'er will be using...as soon as I locate our Beginner's Bible. Dr. Seuss and the like are fun to start with once they are reading fluently. Both of my both enjoyed the rhythm of the words. It made reading fun. My oldest was quite proud of himself when he finished the Beginner's Bible for the first time.
  5. We use SL Readers. Which sets did you buy? We skipped the ICRI books from the Grade 1 package and started the rest when he was reading fluently. We follow the SL reading schedule. DS7 made huge jumps in reading level both his K and 1st grade years so the readers are now well bellow his actual level. That hasn't been a problem at all because they're great books and he enjoys reading them. He also reads harder books from the library on his own. It'll be the same for my 5yo who has been reading fluently for a couple of years.
  6. :iagree: we never drilled either but I made sure ds had mastered those number bonds. I wouldn't on to 1B unless they were automatic (I like nmoira's term). It would be unnecessarily frustrating to move on. FWIW, I do agree with Spy Car as to the methods. I just don't see the rush to forge ahead with a 5yo if the concept isn't mastered (and I wouldn't say that it is unless the number bonds are automatic). I'm not so concerned with speed at my house as long as there is no frustration.
  7. Pacifier. I watched what my dsis and dbil went through to get my niece to stop sucking her finger. I also have a friend who's 5.5yo is still sucking with no end in sight. All I had to do with my pacifier boys (#2) was refuse to replace it when it got old. No fussing...just, "this thing doesn't work very well anymore. Guess I don't need it." Now, my oldest wouldn't take one but never sucked his thumb either. He used the corner of his receiving blankets. He quit that on his own early on. I extended bf my dc and haven't had any problems or confusion. When they're hungry or just want mom, pacifier isn't going to cut it. :D
  8. Wow, those are cute! I really like the ruffled skirt.
  9. SWR has been great for both my early readers. Doing phonics through spelling is filling in the gaps they've missed by teaching themselves to read without boring them with a learn to read program. It's very flexible so I've been able to customize to each of my dc.
  10. :iagree: My dc are also on the low end of average for fine motor skills and do better with smaller paper (three lined, not HWT). Spacing was an issue for my oldest until he started cursive last year. Huge difference immediately in neatness and spacing.
  11. We use the grade 3 ruled newsprint from Lakeshore starting in K http://www.lakeshorelearning.com/seo/ca|productSubCat~~p|2534374302106303~~f|/Assortments/Lakeshore/ShopByCategory/language/writingskills.jsp. The K-1st sizes are just way too big. Starting with the 3rd grade paper kept it big enough that they could properly form letters but not so big that all of the hand movement required caused fatique. I bought a ream for about $6 2.5 years ago and have barely made a dent in it.
  12. Me too! I just did W6D1 this morning and it felt good. It's a great program. I'm amazed at how far I've come.
  13. It is good. My dh is another one who likes that all the singers are good. He hates to see people embarrass themselves on national television during the AI auditions.
  14. It is good. My dh is another one who likes that all the singers are good. He hates to see people embarrass themselves on national television during the AI auditions.
  15. It's in my siggy. It's pretty much the same thing I used with my oldest. I focus on the 3Rs and add SL P4/5 for Bible, read alouds and science. I go at their own pace in reading and math. My oldest sped through math at that age but my new K'er is much more advanced in reading. All of our curriculum choices allow flexibility which is important to me.
  16. Dh and I thought it was hilarious but I did need to re-explain the properties of a Sharpie vs. a washable marker.
  17. Can I borrow Adrian? My 7yo and I usually end the day with cleaning the playroom but his attitude is poor. He usually exclaims, "Why did he have to get every toy out of its bin?" Maybe he needs a good example.
  18. The tent is a great idea! We already have one and he does like to hang out in it for prolonged periods of time. I am planning on putting him in his room with his school-time activities. I can see into it from the schoolroom and monitor his progress. The good thing about him being in his room is that there isn't much else in there for him to destroy. The biggest issue with nap time is that my other dc really need the downtime as well. They play well together but if the big boys don't get some alone time, afternoons can get dicey. They both use the time to read quietly on their beds and the 5yo will occasionally fall asleep. They would never read or play quietly apart during the day if it wasn't officially rest time. Outside of rest time, being separated from their brothers is akin to punishment for them. I think incorporating many of the activities on this thread will get us through the next year. I can relate to the pink sharpie...Not long ago, my 3 oldest decided to be tigers. They found a black sharpie to make stripes:001_huh:. I should have known something was up when I got a full 30 minutes of peace to fold laundry! Good thing they didn't get much on their faces but they did wear long pants to church that Sunday.
  19. I didn't read any responses yet but... I'd flash my lights once to signal him to get over. After a few seconds, I'd pass on the right. Sunday drivers in the left lane is one of my pet peeves. I learned to drive in Oregon but certainly refined my skill living in Boston and San Francisco.
  20. I 'found' these a couple of years ago through SL and love them! My dc have already started designating which books they'll take with them when they leave home (yes, they are only 7 & 5 LOL) and I anticipate a big fight in about 10 years.
  21. Anything by Beverly but especially Ramona Island of the Blue Dolphins Misty of Chincoteague Little Women (the whole series) Chronicles of Narnia Little House series Encyclopedia Brown
  22. :iagree: The first thing I thought was turn it around. My parents were more liberal raising me and my sis is taking that route. However, they are respectful of my boundaries and I appreciate it. Actually, it's more than appreciation, it's trust. I would be offended and extremely angry if they gave something to my dc behind my back. I don't see how this situation is different just because it comes from a sibling. As for Harry Potter...my ds7 is capable of reading them but he's way too young for the content. I doubt he knows they exist. I figure that by the time he's old enough, the movies will be in the distant past and something new will be out leaving HP to be a non-issue for us. It's amazing how quickly these things pass.
  23. Thanks! I will check the library. Since I have another liitle one coming up, it'll be good to read up on this.
  24. The first half of Horizons K is a good bridge. The 2nd half is more 1A level. I just teach those concepts using Singapore methods. Then 1A is a little review. I use Horizons K for the reason your describing. My new K'er has finished EM B. He would be fine starting PM 1A but he just turned 5 and I want to give him some time to mature before starting PM. PM moves so quickly once you get to 1B; I don't think he'd be ready for it this year. My oldest did the same thing but he didn't really need it. He finished Horizons K in about 2 months and went on to speed through PM 1A/1B along with Horizons 1. He is much mathier.
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