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Everything posted by Dinsfamily

  1. :iagree: Copying usually isn't legal. We've only copied when explicitly given permission (How Great Thou Art allows it for family members). We did do the page protector thing with the old CWP but only because they went OOP. I wouldn't do it for anything else...it was very time consuming and it wasn't cheap.
  2. Funny, I felt the opposite about them. :001_huh:
  3. We loved P4/5 for my oldest and we're starting it today for my 5yo (we're very excited). The books are just plain fun and a good complement to the 3Rs. DEL has also been a great resource for us. We use the schedule but make it work for us. I read many of the books horizontally on the schedule instead of vertically. If you're good at pacing, you wouldn't need the schedule. I'm not so it's handy. The science books remain some of our favorite all-time reads. I've never used MFW K so I can't compare, though.
  4. :bigear: I would like to hear the suggestions too. I have a rising 2nd grader as well and he's reading at the same level.
  5. I bet neither of us could have predicted how the year went. I agree that Readers 1 sounds like the right place for the OP. I really think that all of those books were one reason my son became an insatiable bookworm once he took off reading.
  6. You know, sometimes it's hard to tell. My ds7 started around there at the beginning of K and was reading at a 3rd grade level by the end of the year. In fact, he was still sounding out each letter at the beginning and reading fluently a few months later. Now at the end of 1st he is at a 6th grade level. He's still reading the grade 3 readers for school because: 1. I don't want to run out of reader packages, 2. he loves the stories, and 3. I don't see any reason for him to skip great books just because they're too easy. The Beginner's Bible from Grade 2 Readers was a breeze for him last year but he felt so accomplished that he read his own Bible by himself cover-to-cover. He does read harder material on his own.
  7. We used them but I don't start them until the week 26 selections (after ICRI). SWR (which I use to teach reading) doesn't advocate phonetically-controlled readers and my ds hated them (along with Bob books and Fun Tales) so I skipped them. The rest of the books were great. My 5yo read the ICRI series along with Bob books and Fun Tales but he taught himself to read before he was 3yo and those were the first things he picked up. He's going to read the grade 2 readers this year for Kindy.
  8. I'm doing the same thing I did with my oldest 2 yrs ago just adjusting levels to accommodate different strengths: Math: Horizons K, Singapore PM 1A, Miquon Orange LA: SWR, Cursive First, SL Grade 2 Readers, DEL Literature/Science: SL P4/5 Geography: EM Beginning Geography Art: AP The Way They See It He will likely tagalong with his brother in some of his subjects too but that won't be required.
  9. Here's our line up. We're starting on the 31st. We school year round and just start the next level when we finish. Math: Sinapore PM 3B/4A (probably will get through PM 4B as well), Horizons 3 (finish)&4, Miquon Green/Yellow, CWP3 LA: SWR, FLL2, WWE2, SL Grade 3 readers (finish), SL Grade 4-5 readers (start), McCall-Crabbs A History/Geography/Bible: SL Core B (finish), SL Core C (start), Vos Storybook Bible, E-M Beginnig Geography (again with little bro), plus a little SOTW Science: Noeo Physics I Latin: Prima Latina Art: I Can Do All Things, AP K-3 Book 1 Logic: CT K-3 We aren't really changing anything from 1st grade.
  10. I did that a couple weeks ago but we start soon.
  11. Really, every reason listed so far except chronic illmess applies to us but the main reason is: Hsing is a part of parenting my children. Educating my children is part of my job. Others choose b&m schools to help them do that but Dh and I are doing it ourselves.
  12. I spent a lot last year...bought everything I wanted new but it was stlll about 40% of what we payed for 1 year of preschool (our preschool is still much cheaper than a private elementary school). Plus, most of my purchases are non-consumable. Good deal to me.
  13. I thought the quote from his lawyer about how it's the state's fault was ridiculous! Really, just because you discovered a loophole means it's ethical to exploit it? Wow!
  14. I have a 7 yr difference between my oldest and youngest. I'm another who'll keep everything until I know I won't use it again. I think I remember Singapore math saying on the website they weren't going to discontinue the US Ed of PM so I think I'll be safe there. Horizons hasn't changed anything in eons. I'm definitely not selling anything literature based like Noeo and SL. It would be too expensive to replace. I'm reusing materials for the first time next month and like that all I need to buy is a couple of math workbooks.
  15. We're also adding SOTW to Core B right now. I'm going to add MOH to Cores G & H when we get there.
  16. Great thread! I've lost 30 lbs of my preg weight (the easy 30) and now need to lose the last 20 to get to my nursing weight. It's good to see all of these ideas as my weightloss has slowed significantly. I signed up for a 5K in July and a half marathon in Nov to keep me motivated. I gathered two friends to do it with me to keep me accountable. We all want to lose between 10-30 more lbs which means watching what we eat. We don't like it but we're doing it. Eating too much at dinner has been my downfall lately even though the food is healthy. I think I'll take your advice and have some fruit around 5.
  17. We're a 9+9 family as well. My ds can makes 10s very fast.
  18. Down to Earth Geography:. Too much social studies, not enough geography. Artistic Pursuits K-3 Book 1:. Will use it, just not this year. We're using ICDAT and loving it.
  19. There is a yahoo group that has samples but unless you have someone who owns it near you, you won't be able to put your hands on it and really get a feel for it. There might be a trainer nearby you that could give you a look-see. Not being sure about it was one of my big hangups and why my dh had to just tell me to buy it. I'd been waffling for weeks. However, I'd read both the white editions and blue/green editions of WRTR several times cover to cover and couldn't figure it out. My options were either to go to SWR or buy a Spalding manual. I hadn't heard great thing about the manuals for homeschool use so took a blind leap with SWR. Thankfully, it was just what I needed. I would suggest reading WRTR cover to cover several times. Try both an older edition and the new white edition. None of that will cost you anything, right? See if you can figure out how to implement it in your home. If you can't or would simply like the ease of the sentences and enrichments planned out for you, then SWR would be worth a try.
  20. I like the treasuries too. They are good to take 1 book on vacation and have bedtime stories for everyone. Both of the big treasury books are well-loved by my boys and they can flip right to their favorite stories. Nothing cuter than a 2yo trying to get Harper Collins up the stairs :001_smile:. I do understand the criticisms about 20th Century but we wouldn't have space for that all of those picture books individually and that many books would cost a pretty penny. We have bought some of the most beloved ones to add to our collection of non-SL picture books.
  21. I voted for Singapore but would like to vote for Miquon too. Good combo.
  22. Love it! I bought it for my ds#2 when he was three and we've been reading it continuously for 2 years. Now, ds#3 is starting and will use it until he's 5. Some of the stories are great for 3yos but some are better understood by 4yo and older. Even my 7yo still enjoys some of the stories from this core. I don't use the schedule most of the time; I just take requests. My boys at 3-5yo will often request the same story every night for months. Repetition is good at this age. Every so often, I'll have a "Mom's choice" night to introduce them to new stories. I will do a quick run through in 12 weeks for my 5yo as a part of Kindergarten. I did it with my oldest because we had time to fill in between P4/5 and our new school year with Core A and it was fun. I made my own SL-style schedule for that. Overall, I've got my money's worth already and still have 2 kids to go. I just wish I'd had it for my oldest at 3.
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