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Everything posted by bugs

  1. This is close to what my children do. I don't have them do much (if any) of the writing assignments because they do plenty of writing with our Classical Writing and history narratives, etc. The kids love this story so it is a gentle introduction to literature. So, I don't think you have too much if you follow your plan above.
  2. Love this lesson...so much like working in the real world!
  3. Well if that isn't motivational I don't know what is! I guess I'm off to clean up this messy den!
  4. I don't live there, but doesn't FL have its own on-line academy? (Free?) Maybe someone from FL will chime in.
  5. My dd tenative plans... Geometry - BJU Biology - Apologia w/ Red Wagon Tutorials English 10 - WttW, Some Kind of Vocabulary, Some Kind of Grammar Review History - Abbreviated Ala WTM (1/2 Human Odyssey and GB to cover that period mixed in with Art and Music history) FL - Spanish Visual Link II and some verb workbooks Health - Total Health Art - Beginning Watercolors and Pastel Workbook Home Economics - AOP (because I really need to learn this stuff too :lol:).
  6. If your son were going to ps he still wouln't be getting any work done because he'd be home sick (at least as a hs'er he can get some work completed). He would probably be sick more frequently (I know my neighbor's kids are). IMHO I think middle school is a terrible time to send them to ps. My daughter desparately wanted to go to ps in 6th grade so I let her (she's the kind of kid who thinks the grass is greener on the other side). She cried almost everyday - she hated getting up that early :glare:, and though she had friends at school there were enough "mean" kids to throw her off. Does that help any? :grouphug:
  7. Picking out the "right" curriculum. Ack! I am so ready to be done with this obsession! Then I plan to delve into gardening (I try every year but peeter out so this year I am obsession with following through - after I am done getting all that curriculum. :tongue_smilie:).
  8. I always tell my dc (esp. money-oriented dd) that if you follow your passion and strive for excellence there will always be a job/career.
  9. Never! I mean I can't be going around in just my underwear. :tongue_smilie:
  10. Thank you for the input on Discovering Geometry. I'm happy to have more data to evaluate.
  11. MUS had been the standard in our home until my daughter ran into problems in Algebra. There just wasn't enough practice for her. Then, thanks to this board (esp. Jann in TX) we started using Lial's Algebra and her comprehension improved significantly. I really like this book. So, now I'm trying to plan Geometry. I am wondering if I should go back to MUS, or use another program. If I use the Holt (that has been recommended) is there an earlier edition than 2007 that can be used (just trying to weigh the costs :001_huh:)? One more question: Has anyone ever heard of or used Key Curriculum Press Discovering Geometry? And what do you think of it? (Woops two questions.) A teacher friend of mine absolutely loves this book.
  12. :iagree: Especially the "fallen apart" part :lol:. She also has some breakfast and lunch ideas (not free) on her website. They are usually tastie and healthy.
  13. Well, if you sat around and ate bon-bon's and watched movies there would be nothing for her to "jump up" and do. She is soooo sweet. Take advantage for the day. Her enthusiasm might not last the whole day anyway.
  14. I worked a couple of summers with a guy who gave me the nickname after seeing me eat carrots everyday for lunch. Oh, and I have an over-bite:lol:. I now have braces but "bugs" has been my nickname for decades.
  15. Cool - I am now 16th in line with five holdable copies at my library!
  16. Wow! You are amazing! (And that isn't part of my everday vocabulary.) To not run away and hide, to want to love this person, and to ask for help to do so are all such admirable qualities. I'd like to be like you when I grow up. :001_smile: :grouphug: Prayers coming your way.
  17. He was wonderful. Wish I could have watched more of him. The guy in the bottom right hand corner of the screen was digging it (his foot was moving :001_smile:).
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