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Everything posted by runamuk

  1. I pulled mine from a sign given to us by my ILs. There are days when it seems everyone has decided to go crazy and get into mischief all at once, so it seemed fitting.
  2. Today we had homemade vegetable soup. I make it in big batches and then freeze in quart-size bags. We also have: leftovers (we have this most often) tuna quesadillas with black bean and corn salsa and chicken peanut butter and jelly mac & cheese (homemade) fruit and veggie tray with cheese, bagels/bread, and leftover meat
  3. How about meatballs? Or you could use it in stuffed peppers.
  4. We just set ours up this weekend and are having fun adding shows to our queue. The kids were thrilled to see the newer Dr. Who episodes are available. I would love to see more documentaries available, though.
  5. We love homemade pizza in our house. It tastes so much better and we can put whatever we want on it (roasted butternut squash, caramelized onions, and goat cheese is our favorite). I usually make the dough that needs to rise for an hour or so, but I can't wait to try out the dough in the link. Thanks, Tracy. I've finally gotten the kids on board with our new healthy eating plan - I just wish I could get my husband to follow along. The other night, our son (6 yo) asked my husband why he was eating margarine on his bread. He then said, "That's fake food, you know." :)
  6. I don't know about "hated" but there are a few programs we just didn't like. Winterpromise 100EZ Lessons Saxon Math RS4K Latina Christiana I MCT
  7. I used the BBC's Dancing Mat typing program to introduce the keys to my kids (10 and 6). The 10 year old has been using Typing Web for the last several months. They're both free, which means they work just fine for us. :)
  8. I don't mind the smell of fresh sweat or my family if they skip a day of showering. Old sweat or 2 days without soap and water and I start shooing everyone to the shower. I would rather smell sweat, though, than the body sprays my husband and daughter use . They both apply too much and I end up with a headache - especially if they're both in the house at the same time. :ack2:
  9. It looks like I'm one of the few that wears a bra at home. I have heavy, pendulous books and it's too uncomfortable to not wear one. I wear an underwire with molded cups and am very pleased with the way it keeps things up. I wear a non-underwire bra at night to keep them in place. For me, it wasn't a matter of lack of support that caused my sagging. I've always had heavy books - more so when I was nursing. It's genetic, though. My mom, grandma and daughter are in the same boat. eta: Our oldest wears a 36DD and has recently started wearing a bra. For years, she wore tanks and camis with the shelf-bra built-in, but started complaining a few months ago that her neck and upper back were hurting. We went bra shopping and she's wearing good, supportive bras and is pain-free.
  10. I'm avoiding a complete break after the horrible week we had getting back into the swing of things after our winter break. We're taking our spring break this week and are doing math, spelling and English, along with catching up on the Netflix movies we didn't watch last week (Joan of Arch and Henry V). We're finished in less than two hours (not including the movies) and have time to do some fun things. Hopefully, the transition back to a full day next week won't be too bad.
  11. Another vote to leave it to the professionals. Our oldest did the same thing to her hair and tried to correct it herself. She ended up going to the salon and getting it fixed anyway.
  12. Tide Free. I've tried other detergents but nothing works like Tide. I can't stand the scent of most other detergents and the fragrances make my son break out.
  13. I hit the shower. I don't fully wake up until I've had a shower and it's difficult to get one later on after the kids are up.
  14. Our oldest was in second grade (7 years old) before she could read without pausing between each word. She's older than the others (she's almost 21) and learned to read using the whole word method. She still struggles to this day Our second daughter was reading at the 3rd grade level at the end of kindergarten. She's always been very verbal and language oriented, so I think reading was just the next natural step for her. Our son (5 yo) just learned to read this year and is already reading fluently. He's the only one I taught to read and I'm amazed at how quickly he's picking things up. He struggled for months learning cvc words, but something clicked and overnight he was reading more or less fluently. They get it from me. :) I love to read and learned at an early age. I started reading to them before they could sit up on their own.
  15. We have friends who kept separate accounts. They were sure to keep track of who bought what and referred to things as "my house", "my couch", "my television", etc. They split up a few years ago. At least there was no bickering over possessions. My husband likes to say he makes the money, but I spend it. :) We have a joint account and I pay all of the bills and do the budgeting. We both get an allowance to spend as we wish. Big purchases are discussed. I let him know when I buying clothes for the kids, paying for lessons or buying curriculum. He lets me know when he's going to lunch, getting gas or an oil change or buying uniform stuff. It works for us.
  16. My kids are 10 and 5 (almost 6). They go to bed between 8 and 8:30. Lights out is at 9 and I can usually hear them talking for another 15 minutes after that.
  17. It was a mixed bag for us. On one hand, we had great weather, the kids did an awesome job on their schoolwork this week and they were invited to join the swim team this summer. On the other hand, I was sick Sunday and Monday. I finally caught the stomach bug my kids had last week. I took my van in to have the back gate replaced (was rear-ended in a parking lot) on Monday; on Wed the body shop called and told me the rear glass I'd had replaced two years ago wasn't the right size and needed to be replaced. The van was in the shop another two days and I had to wrangle with the insurance and glass companies to get it fixed. My husband's Jeep needed to go in for an electrical problem, which meant that I was up at 5 am every morning driving him to work (my insurance gave me a rental, so I was still able to get around). It also meant that the money I'd been saving for a trip to TX with some friends went to pay for the repairs (we drained our household spending account buying a new computer when ours crashed last week). I saw my doctor on Thursday and ended up filing a complaint against her because she treated me so badly I was in tears. I spent yesterday afternoon looking for a new doctor. Next week's going to be better...right?
  18. Dharma Trading company has step-by-step instructions on how to tie-dye. They also have some very good dyes, clothing blanks and instruction books.
  19. No. He gets up around 5am and is out the door by 6. He's not a morning person and prefers to spend his mornings alone with his coffee. The kids and I sleep in until 7 or 7:30.
  20. Heavy metal suicide refers to the controversy surrounding the teenager who committed suicide, his mother claimed, after listening to Ozzy Ozbourne's Suicide Solution. I believe there were several more suicides linked to heavy metal music (I was a sophomore at the time, so the details might be a bit fuzzy).
  21. Sudafed not only keeps me awake, it dries out my nose and mouth something awful.
  22. My mom isn't supportive of homeschooling at all. Every time we talk, she asks when I'm going to be putting them back in ps. She hasn't come right out and said it, but she thinks I'm not smart enough to to teach them (thanks to *my* ps education, no doubt). She disguises her remarks as "concern" but I know it's just her way of telling me she thinks I'm messing up my kids. My in-laws didn't blink an eye when we told them, but, then again, they think I'm weird anyway for recycling, bfing, slinging, and not letting my kids have artifiical colors in their food. This was just another weird quirk for me. :D
  23. I really love MUS, ETC, and R&S English and Spelling.
  24. My mom had a limited number of meals she liked and would make, but not on any kind of schedule. We'd often see: pork chop and potato casserole spaghetti soup and grilled cheese smoky mountain hash (brown and serve sausages, corn & lima beans) pot/pork roast Spam and macaroni and cheese hot dogs scrambled eggs and toast eggplant casserole tater tot casserole chili (aka hamburger soup) ham and bean soup goulash (she'd mix all the week's leftovers in one pot - blech) We'd have each of these at least twice a month. On Thanksgiving we'd have turkey and on Easter we'd have ham, but that was about all the variation we'd see.
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