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Everything posted by ArwenA

  1. We learnt about the American revolution a few weeks ago here's our book list: Amazing Ben Franklin Inventions you can Build Yourself by Carmella Van Vleet Who was Ben Franklin? by Denis Brindell Fradin Ben Franklin Colouring Book by Peter Copeland The Declaration of Independence by Judith Lloyd Yero Don't Know Much About George Washington by Kenneth C. Davis Don't Know Much ABout Thomas Jefferson by Kenneth C. Davis George Washington by D'Aulaire Buttons for General Washington by Peter and Connie Roop The Light and the Glory for Children Meet George Washington by Joan Heilbroner Meet Felicity by Valerie Tripp Eyewitness American Revolution George vs. George The American Revolution by Steve Sheinkin The American Revolution for Kids by Janis Herbert Joining the Boston Tea Party by Diane Stanley The Trouble with Tea by Jeanette E. Alsheimer History of US from Colonies to Country by Joy Hakim And then What Happened Paul Revere by Jean Fritz American Revolution by Mary Pope Osborne Revolutionary War on Wednesday by Mary Pope Osborne You Wouldn't Want to be at the Boston Tea Party!
  2. I tried it with DD9 in 2nd grade and she didn't like it. According to her it took all the fun out of reading. She loves to read and write and has fairly good spelling and grammar skills as well as a large vocabulary so it was easy and boring. For a less LA minded person it might be OK.
  3. Once my kids are reading fluently I don't require them to read, they just do! We do read a lot for history and science but other than that it is all free. I don't require them to read a certain number but I'd say that my eldest three read about 300 books per year. They're bibliophiles.:)
  4. Me too, and the list is great!:)
  5. :smilielol5: We've always done the bed thing, but this is way better.:)
  6. We do one chapter of SOTW per week and 1 or 2 narrations per chapter, depending on age/enthusiasm. I don't really want to use DD9 as an example because she LOOOOVES to write, but I guess for the less eager writer I'd do about 1 narration per week and then add more as you get more comfortable.
  7. :iagree: That's me. :) I've been going on a book buying frenzy recently, our house is overflowing with books and we're supposed to be moving house.:eek: I don't want to get rid of anything because I've got kids of all ages but I did go to the local used bookstore recently and sold a bunch of fiction (I used the money to buy more books:)). I'm not a lot of help with trying to get rid of books, I struggle myself.:)
  8. It is designed for two books per year but you could do three if you wanted.
  9. Lots!:) 1. Science will be much more informal. 2. Spelling will be much more informal. 3. We might change grammar (???) 4. We will do more logic. 5. We will do more French. 6. DD7 will start writing and Latin. 7. DD6 and DS6 will be starting "school". 8. DD9 will do CW and Explorer's Bible study instead of WS and VP Bible. She'll also do Logic and formal French 9. We will do cooking/geography instead of music appreciation. 10. DD6 will start violin. 11. DD12, DS10 and DD9 will do literature study. I think that's all.
  10. :iagree: Read the WTM and as for websites, you've got us!:)
  11. That's wonderful!! But I better not tell the kids or they'll be desperate. We're studying birds too.:)
  12. I used to do Bible, now we're too chaotic to have a starting subject.:001_smile:
  13. I've just started using Shelfari because we have too many books. I find I rarely have time to catalogue them, but I'm trying.:) It works pretty well.
  14. We "got rid" of spelling recently and I'm so happy!!:D:D We used SWO but I feel it is just busy work. I don't think we'll do spelling for the rest of the school year, just copywork. Because I'm me I know that I'll I need my kids to do something. I'm thinking of using words from their writing that they spelt incorrectly and maybe words in the books we're reading. *thinking* I'm still getting this sorted out.
  15. We don't edit, discussion works much better. They will come across violence and bad words at some point and need to be prepared. I don't push them into reading books that have bad words and such but when they're ready we read the book word for word.
  16. :iagree: We'd get bored with just one publisher, and multiple views is good, IMO.
  17. I really wish I hadn't read this. Now I've got to go, but I can't. Is there a pout smilie?
  18. I have just calmed down after having hysterics (my kids thought I was crazy;)). DD9 and a friend once wrote tests for each other. Her friend spelt some words wrong and DD said it was very unfair that she had written the test in German.
  19. They've planned, but it's never happened. I've found out that the place they'll head off too is the library.:) I'm not really too worried, I used to plan to run aways when I was a kid.:)
  20. But that's my job, I'm the big meany. Why are you stealing it???:001_huh: You did the right thing, I applaud you.:)
  21. Me too. *Hint, hint SWB* :) We do SOTW for some of the logic age but by the time we're at grade 7/8 I start feeling it's too simple. We'll probably use History of the Ancient World book next year, but after that...:confused:
  22. Here's our typical grammar stage history lesson: Read a chapter or section of a chapter from SOTW Discuss it Read aloud (including Usborne Encyclopedia) and colour Independent reading if available Mapwork Narration Copywork Memorywork if available (during the grammar stage we only memorize poetry, if a poem ties in with the time period we may memorize it) Activity Seeing it written here it seems like a lot, but it's not. We do 30min-1 hour (depending on age) Monday, Wednesday, Friday. I love SOTW, it is perfect for the grammar stage.
  23. DD6 (K) is doing Miquon and LOVES it. She goes through the books so fast it scares me! We do it as a stand alone curriculum right now (we do games and stuff but no other curriculum). I'm very happy with it and think it is enough for the early years. When kids are older I'd supplement but when they're young you should just explorer. That is what Miquon is designed for.:)
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