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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. Wow, you are traveling for a year.....with no other adult?? You are a braver soul than I! I bet you guys are having a blast!
  2. With DD#1, we stopped by WalMart on the way home from the hospital when she was 2 days old. With DD#2, I was released at 24 hours after birth, and we ate at a nearby restaurant that evening. So She was about 24 hours old.
  3. I don't like just leaving babies in their car seats for extended periods of time....which is what you would have to do in order to "train them" as the lady said. We use them for safety when riding in the car and that's it. Now if baby is asleep when we arrive home, I will carry the seat into the house and let baby continue sleeping. DD#2 HATED her car seat and screamed whenever we rode in the car for the first few months.
  4. I saw Professor Noggin card games in the Rainbow Resource Christmas catalog this morning. They look interesting! They got good reviews on Amazon too. And there are all kinds of them. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dtoys-and-games&field-keywords=professor+noggin&x=0&y=0 Does anyone have any of these? How difficult are they? We're currently studying space and I thought the space game may be neat to supplement our learning. I was wondering if my 7 year old would be able to handle the questions. Possibly my 4 year old sit in and answer a few.
  5. It depends on if there is WiFi there. If so, an iPad or the new Kindle Fire may work for you. Or possibly a small netbook?
  6. :iagree: At a time when I've been frazzled with children (and I only have two), I "politely" interrupted them and said "I'm sorry, I'm really busy right now." But yes, if an adult comes to the door, all the salespeople or church people that I've seen will continue with their spiel, no matter how frazzled the adult looks. We've stopped answering the door. I don't care if they know we are home or not. Actually, I'm contemplating putting a sign by the door bell.
  7. Exciting!!! And I'm jealous! I'm due the day before you and I'm miserable here LOL!
  8. With # 1 and 2, it was DH and my mom. With this one, it will also be DH and my mom. My 7 year old DD wants to bet there but I think the max I'm allowed to have in is two.
  9. I don't really like her character....and do something about that hair!! I didn't know this was the last season. I just thought it was the last season with Hugh Laurie in it. Although, if that's true, it's bound to be the last season anyways because what is House without House?
  10. I tried to like Psych....but it was just way too cheesy for me.
  11. Thanks! I'll look for it on the sign in sheet....and still mention to DH to keep an eye on baby right after she's born.
  12. I recently started using Plan To Eat and like it. I like that I can quickly print off a shopping lost of ingredients that I need to purchase.
  13. It depends on if the people knew the boys or not. If they did, the least they could have said was "Hey so-and-so, everything okay with your car? Need any help?"
  14. Oooh, didn't David cut off Goliath's head after he killed him??? I could totally do that LOL. Not sure my church would appreciate it LOL!
  15. Ya know, that's a good idea. I can get giant hershey bars for under $2 each and sometimes WalGreens will even run a special on them. I could wrap it up and pop a bow on the top....maybe even find a cute Target dollar spot item to go with it. That may be the easy way to go!
  16. I know that the Hep B vaccine is the one given in the hospital. I don't remember my other two getting it. I'm sure they did though. Do they just whisk them away and give them the shot? Or do I have to sign something first? I DO NOT want this baby, who is due any time now, to receive the vaccination.....I'm wondering if this is something they will ask me, or I will have to sign for, or should I put it in writing beforehand? Does anyone know?
  17. DD#1 has shots up to 2 years old. DD#2 has shots up to 9 months old. Then I began thinking for myself and stopped all vaccinations. Originally I was just delaying because I was on the fence, but I've decided they will get no more in the near future. We will do titers for a few things in the future (chicken pox and meningitis to name two) though. DD#3, expected to arrive any time, will only receive pertussis vaccine. I've thought and thought and weighed everything, and I think I want her to get pertussis vaccine. But that will probably be all.
  18. Jesus Ween???? Yeah, they could have chosen a better name LOL. And here I thought it was silly that for our church's trunk or treat, each trunk must be decorated in a Bible theme. Seriously? I can understand no blood, gore, witches, goblins, etc....but a Bible theme? Could I at least put up some cob webs or something? I'm as conservative a Christian as they come....but Jesus Ween and Bible themes?
  19. Wow, lots of great gift ideas here! Now I just have to figure out what I'd like to do. Decisions, decisions!
  20. I totally thought of Meet the Parents when I read this LOL.
  21. I'd absolutely love to stick with about $3 or $4 per child....but I'm not sure that's feasible because I don't want to just give junk. I guess the max is about $5 or $6.
  22. Oh, great idea!! I never thought to look at Rainbow Resource....I bet they have lots of neat little things like that.
  23. Sorry, I'm with you. When we had cats (we had to rehome them because I found out I was highly allergic) it always grossed me out to see them jump on the counter or the table because I knew they had stepped in their littler box. Ick. Yes, we tried to train them to stay down, but that never worked. They got up there ALL THE TIME when we were not home. I could see little kitty prints on the table.
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