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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. I never seem to have good luck finding used books. I look at thrift stores and garage sales. There's a huge used book store in our town, but their prices still seem a bit high for used books. I've recently begun looking on paperbackswap.com and Amazon's used books. Sometimes some of them qualify for free shipping.
  2. Yes, still here. :glare: I think this baby is a bit too comfy in there. Someone needs to evict her. I've done LOTS of catching up on the boards today LOL. Contractions are doing the same thing they have all day. I never knew labor could be this annoying LOL. And you just freaked me out! It's 45 minutes to the hospital and I want time for an epidural LOL! I'm a chicken!
  3. :iagree: I never do the half books.
  4. Same dress. Do you have a shawl or sweater that you could wear with it one of the times?
  5. I wouldn't choose Secretaria....DH and I saw it but it would not have held the attention of our 4 and 7 year old DD's.
  6. I'm fine with people handing out however much they wish. What I'm not fine with is the fact that DD7's teachers at church give out candy/treat each Sunday and Wednesday. :glare: I told DD not to eat it and she always brought it home to me. Then she told me that she's the only one who doesn't eat the treat so I told her to just go ahead and eat it at church....I didn't want her to feel left out while everyone else is enjoying a treat.
  7. I usually run it once a day....it's usually full.
  8. Getting this baby out. Oh, I guess you probably meant a little more long term than that. :D Hmmm...Probably enjoying my children while they are still young and instilling Godly values in them.
  9. Thanks for asking! Everything is about the same. I believe that labor is close....I'm just doing nothing but sitting on the couch mostly. DH is handling lunches, etc. Kids are playing well. The contractions have tapered off though. I only have about one an hour, but it's a painful one. Ugh, I hate this waiting game. I've never actually gone into labor so this is really new to me. My other two had low fluid and I was induced before I ever saw any signs of labor.
  10. Thanks for the prayers!!! I called the on call doc and wasn't too impressed by him. He wasn't my regular doctor....he was talking really slow and either sounded like he had just woken up or was drunk. :001_huh: He said he wasn't concerned with some bleeding, he was more concerned whether the baby was moving. Which, she is. He said it was probably my mucous plug, but I think I disagree with him because I've been losing that for like 2 weeks and this is a little different. I'll continue to monitor myself over the next few hours. If the bleeding picks up, I'll just take myself to the ER and bypass that guy. I wish I could have spoken with my own doctor.
  11. I'd have no issues with doing it two weeks later. I have heard of people with winter babies having their birthdays during the summer instead so they can have swim parties.
  12. Thanks everyone. I think I'll call, just to be safe. I'm having contractions that hurt, but they are not regular. I was at 2 cm and 70% effaced on Tuesday when I had an OB appointment. I'm pretty crampy too. The blood is not bright red, but not dull pink either....somewhere in between. Sorry, TMI. :blushing:
  13. I co sleep with my babies beginning on Day 1. They sleep nestled in the crook of my arm. I put a blanket only up to my waist and have baby lie on top of it. I have a bed rail on the side that baby is on with a small blanket stuffed down into the side of it so baby wouldn't roll into the small gap. I never had that problem though because I was always subconsciously aware of every movement baby made. I never put baby in the middle because DH is not aware when he sleeps.
  14. I hate to ask this but......did you bleed before going into labor? Not lots, but some? More than just streaked in the mucous plug?
  15. I always thought that you break it up at the first vowel....putting the letters before the vowel at the back.
  16. That sounds terrible! Glad you made it out the other side!
  17. Awww! I want to go apple picking! I've never been! We don't have anything like that around here.
  18. I let mine choose a certain amount of pieces and are allowed 2 per day until it's gone. I buy the rest from them.
  19. I wish I knew someone doing an AG club (I'm too introverted to manage it myself). DD7 would love it.
  20. I am due with baby #3 in 6 days. I'm being induced on Tuesday if I haven't had baby before then. Right now, labor feels like it could be any time. I'm crampy, having contractions off and on (nothing too regular yet) and having other signs that point towards labor. DD4 crawls up on the couch with me about an hour ago, tells me her throat hurts (aka...nauseous) and proceeds to fall asleep. I take her temp and it is 102.5. Seriously? Seriously???!!!!! :glare: Of all the times to come down with an illness, it has to be NOW? Now I'm afraid that one of these things will happen. A. I'll go into labor and one of the kids (or both) will be sick and I'll worry. My mom, who is supposed to be in the delivery room with me, will have to care for them. The kids will miss out on the delivery too. They won't get to be around the baby at first. B. DH will get sick. If DH and the kids are sick, who in the world is going to be in the delivery room with me??? C. I will get sick. I don't even want to imagine combining labor and a virus....I just really don't even want to think about it. And what about exposure to the baby? Could the timing be any better? Then again, maybe baby will hold off until the induction, no one else will get sick, and all will be well. I *really* hope that's the case. Earlier, I was hoping to go into labor tonight or tomorrow.....now, not so much. :glare:
  21. I'm sorry! I'm a board game lover myself. Thankfully, my 2 DD's are as well.
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