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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. We love glue dots. They are a little hard for small kids to handle though.
  2. The shelf is great! The wall behind it is AWESOME! LOL! Did y'all do the stripes yourself? They look great!
  3. I think it is interesting LOL. My posts vary...they can be wordy or picture heavy. The most current is picture heavy since we just got back from Disney and I'm doing some posts about it. The link is in my signature below.
  4. Oh my gosh, how horrible!! Why can't people realize that their eyes can only look at one thing at a time?
  5. We absolutely LOVED it! Our kids have been wanting to see it for months. Then when they met Rapunzel at Disney World a few weeks ago they wanted to see it even more. We all four went today and everyone from DD3 up to my DH loved it. Maximus the horse was the best character! So funny!
  6. Our church does AWANA and it's a really great program. My daughter (6) has learned SO many verses due to this program. She really looks forward to attending each Wednesday. And the plus side is that as my 3 year old listens in to us practicing the verses, she learns them too! She can say majority of Psalm 23 just from listening to DD6.
  7. I'm so glad it went well. I love reading your updates....I hope that you continue to post them. How far away is the treatment facility? If you have side effects from the chemo, how long until they begin showing up?
  8. Honestly, I don't think he realizes how much work it is just to be a stay at home mom...much less adding homeschooling on top of that.
  9. I think someone must be using a ton, eating it, or squeezing it down the drain. Our toddler toothpaste (or any toothpaste for that matter) lasts a really long time. I use a pea sized amount on my 3 year old's, as does my DD6.
  10. I would probably leave. I really do not like when people do not put prices on things.
  11. I just thought of another option. My parents/sisters now have Just Dance 2. We played that this weekend and it is GREAT exercise! I was sweating afterwards and my heart rate was through the roof LOL.
  12. I have Wii Fit and EA Active. Wii Fit does nothing to get my heart rate up. It's a fun game, but that's all it is to me....definitely not exercise. On EA Active you can customize your workouts and I usually put a lot of cardio and such in there. It's definitely a workout!
  13. I'd definitely go with a Sansa. My dad has a small, simple, cheap one that he's had for years. It goes everywhere with him and he uses it daily....never had a problem with it.
  14. I have the regular Wii Fit as well as EA Active. I LOVE EA Active. You can customize your workout, it really gets your heartrate up, etc. Wii Fit is more like a game to me....it never gets my heartrate up no matter what I'm doing on it.
  15. I guess that what I would fear the most would be how my children would be affected. Their lives would change drastically because they would not be able to homeschooled since I would need to work, they would be basically "raised" by someone else, etc. DD6 has selective mutism, possible Tourette's or some other tic disorder, as well as a lot of anxiety and visual/auditory processing disorders.....putting her in school would terrify her. They would be split between two houses and they are most definitely mama's girls so being away from me would probably be difficult on them. I wouldn't so much be worried about me....yes, I'd be sad/upset/angry. But I'd be most afraid for my children.
  16. You sound just like me!! I keep a list all year long, I am always listening and looking out for gift ideas, I review every area of a person's life to see what they might use/need/like/want for Christmas. I research....and research. I'll often buy online because you can get much more unique gifts on there than in a regular store. I love buying for people that are close to me. I don't really enjoy buying for people that I do not know very well because I have no idea what to get for them....therefore it is not enjoyable.
  17. AWESOME!!!! I had been wondering if you had gotten the call yet. I'm so happy for you!! The first step to beating this thing!! :D
  18. Thankfully, yes, my kids will sleep in (they are 6 and 3). When they were babies, I made sure that I did not schedule my days around their naptimes and bedtimes. I wanted them to be able to yield to the needs of their body and fall asleep when their bodies needed it rather than at certain times. So if we were out running errands, I didn't come home just because I knew they were getting sleepy. If we were invited to an event, I never said I had to leave due to my kids naptime or bedtime. This resulted in the fact that my kids can fall asleep in the stroller if we are out and about. When we are on vacation at Disney, we never leave the parks for rest time because my kids just snooze when needed....we go from like 9 AM till midnight so that we do not miss anything. If we need to be out late, my kids can fall asleep late without being grumpy and will sleep in the next morning. I'm very flexible with my childrens bedtimes and they just go with the flow. DD6 is a night owl and has always been....she's like the energizer bunny and can go, go, go on very little sleep. DD3 is the one who will walk up to me and say "I'm ready to go to sleep now." DD6 would never admit to being sleepy LOL.
  19. When I'm stumped for a gift, I always like to browse Etsy.com for unique things. You could get the iTunes gift card and put it inside of a jar of Hershey Kisses or something like that. Gift card for somewhere to eat maybe? Does she like to read? You mentioned that she loves movies....does she have Netflix? Maybe you could give her a Netflix subscription for several months. Or a movie basket. Throw in some snacks, a DVD, gift card to the movie theater, etc.
  20. Make sure you attend Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party! It's on select nights during the Christmas season. It's a seperate ticket, but it's great seeing the Christmas parade and all the festivities in the Magic Kingdom. Hollywood Studios has an AWESOME light display. There's lots of decor....big Christmas trees in the park. Of course, attending the Christmas Party or the Osborne lights in Hollywood Studios will make it all the more festive. It's better seeing it all at night. We'll be going to the Christmas Party in mid December. I've been to it twice before, but it's a lot of fun!
  21. What???!!! I feel horrible for you! That doctor needs to be fired! I'd be doing whatever I could do.....report him, send word of mouth that he's not a good doctor....heck, I'd be tempted to stand outside of his office and give handouts to everyone who enters/exits the office with your story printed on them. What he did was SO uncalled for.
  22. I think you are right. Of course, not EVERY homeschooled child is going to be nice....but I do find them to be a nicer bunch (overall) than kids who attend school. Like someone mentioned, I think school does encourage a "Lord of the Flies" atmosphere.
  23. I do that too LOL. It's usually because my iPhone has inserted the auto word thing in there. That feature is more trouble than it's worth LOL.
  24. No, no, no, no, no. I cannot stand text speak! I capitalize, use punctuation, and spell out words. Occasionally I will use (common) abbreviations such as Mon. for Monday, but I do not consider that text speak. And for some reason, teenagers have begun adding letterssss to theirrr wordss like thisss. It drivess meeee bonkers!
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