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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. I chose other because our dogs sleep in dog beds during the daytime. But when we leave the house or go to sleep at night, both dogs go into their crates where they either have a fleece blanket or a towel.
  2. I'd try leaving it out in the sun all day.....and maybe spritzing it with some lemon scent first.
  3. Yes, Spring Breaks are so varied down here that pretty much all of April could be someone's Spring Break. As far as North Florida, we've seen temps of 83 and 84 within the past few weeks. Last night it dipped down to 47 again, but that's the first time in about a month. Today's high is 71 and tomorrow's is 79.
  4. I'm buying the e-version of the books. I can get them when I want them (like right this second since I'm not very patient LOL), I don't have to leave the house, and the e-versions are usually cheaper, at least by a bit.
  5. I'd go after. By that time, I'm usually starving and if I don't eat then I begin feeling bad.
  6. You'll love it!! We went in December and it was freezing cold, crazy crowded, and raining....so we didn't get to see as much of it as we would have liked. But what we did see was great!! I purchased a Gryffindor scarf and hat. The only thing I didn't like is that all the shops are SOOO tiny. I know they wanted to recreate the village, but with the masses of people trying to move through there, it was VERY VERY tight.
  7. I co-sleep with my kids. I find this is something small and easy that I can do during their childhoods in order to ensure that we all get enough sleep. We have a full sized bed pushed right up against our queen sized bed. Both kids sleep in there and I have NEVER had a sleepless night due to a child (unless they were sick or something like that). It may not be ideal for some people, but it's been great for our family.
  8. Personally, I wouldn't purchase a house that didn't have another shower. We NEVER take baths, so while it would be very pretty, a claw foot tub just wouldn't be practical for us.
  9. I don't know too much about them....but I don't like how you have to purchase it through your wireless provider and you have to pay a fee each month to use it. Plus, it costs as much as an iPad, which you don't have to pay monthly fees for if you purchase the WiFi only model.
  10. Wow...no, I have never heard of that before! I wonder if that's a program or just the parents idea?
  11. I guess it depends on what sort of kid he is. Is this something he may try to pull often? I only have small children right now, so I can't weigh in much. But when I was a teen in high school, if I told my mom I didn't feel like going to school that day, then she always let me stay home. It's because I wasn't the type of kid to just get out of going to school for no reason. If I said I didn't feel like going, then I meant it. So I guess it depends on if your son is that type of child.
  12. Yes....the other person will be able to see the comments. As for turning that off, I have no idea lol.
  13. It looks great!!! Wow, you can fit so much underneath them! And your daughters mini loft bed is adorable! I think I've seen that one in Ikea before. Do you know what the weight limit on the top bunk of that one is? And is it pretty sturdy? Right now our DD's are 6 and 3 and we still have a family bedroom....they sleep in a full sized bed in our room. But one day they'll move into the playroom and we will actually have to fit beds in there among other things LOL. Loft beds would be great! And that hammock is awesome!!!
  14. How cool! I love the idea of loft beds!!! Would you care to share some photos?
  15. Honestly, it's just rude people who wold keep a noisy baby in a place like that. I bring my babies with my EVERYWHERE when they are under 2. I never leave them anywhere. I bring them into church, conventions, scrapbooking crops, etc. If they start to get the least bit noisy, we are up and out of there. Last week at church my parents sat in front of someone who had an extremely noisy baby. They just sat there, baby making all sorts of loud noises while in church. It was very disrupting. 1) You parents who come without babies: what do you wish would happen when a baby keeps crying? If the speaker stopped and threw them out, would your gratitude overwhelm your discomfort? Hmmm....I would be a bit uncomfortable. I'm not really sure there's an easy way to "throw out" a person with a disruptive baby. People should be smart enough to realize their baby is being disruptive. You could put a nice big sign on the door saying "IF YOUR BABY IS DISRUPTIVE, PLEASE REMOVE THEM OR ELSE YOU WILL BE REMOVED." Once that warning is in place, it would be easier to tap a mom on the shoulder and ask them to leave. 2) You parents WITH babies: how would you hope that this would be handled, if you were the owner of the noisy infant? I would have already left before my baby became disruptive, but a tap on the shoulder and a quick whisper in my ear would be nice. I don't like confrontation, so I would leave. But you would get others who may confront you. That's why I like the warning sign on the door....or from the speaker before it begins.
  16. This too. DD6 is in vision therapy....she just completed it. So I'm sure that helped with her number recognition.
  17. Not at the end of October....at the end of April LOL. So she was almost 7 before she got all number recognition down pat.
  18. I thought it would take FOREVER for DD to recognize numbers. Finally, within the past few weeks she's got it down pat. She'll be 7 at the end of October. For some kids, I think it just takes time.
  19. I got my girls each an iPod Touch when they were 2 years old and 5 years old. I just put a screen protector on them and put them in a cases like this. They have been thrown down, dropped on concrete, carried in purses with lots of other toys.....both have held up very very well. They get used often. They are great for quiet time. We have my girls loaded with home movies, kids TV shows and movies, family photos, kids songs, educational apps, and kid friendly games. Best purchases ever. You can get them for a decent price refurbished....that's what my girls are.
  20. Yep, this was my very first thought. The Smart family was just helping out a homeless guy. Next thing they know, their daughter is taken. I wouldn't want a strange person knowing the layout of my home and the people who live there.
  21. 1. I use a rolling cart. Sometimes a stroller if I have DD3 with me. 2. Nothing really specific....just my cell phone, a snack, and a notebook to jot down something I think I may want to come back and look at. 3. We bring food because it's usually our whole family that attends. There's usually a small fridge in the room. But on the way down, we just use a cooler. 4. I have yet to attend an actual workshop or speaking session and I've been attending for 3 years now. Guess I should probably try to attend one this year LOL. 5. Not Cincinnati, but we attend the FPEA one in Orlando. There's LOTS of places to eat in Orlando. But we also do things like make subs in the room, so that we do not have to leave the hotel. 6. Additional tip? Bring lots of money LOL.
  22. We've been married for almost 11 years and really have no friends. We're both pretty quiet people and do not make friends easily. The only couple we ever really did anything with is a military couple and they were reassigned quite a few years ago. We do hang out with DH's cousin and her husband about once a month. They are a homeschooling family like we are, but they just do not seem to have very much free time to hang out. Most nights we put the kids to bed and watch a TV show or two together. We like that time as our unwind time. We choose series that we both like. Occasionally we will ask my parents to watch the kids and we'll go out to dinner and a movie. But really, that's about all we do.
  23. Best gift I ever gave my kids was their iPod Touches. They each got one two Christmases ago when they were 2 years old and 5 years old. Now they are almost 4 and almost 7.....it's still the most used gift they've ever received. Kid friendly music, home videos, kid TV shows and movies, educational apps, game apps, family photos.....everything they could want!
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