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Everything posted by El...

  1. I'll say Prince. Michael Jackson was great, but Prince was supreme.
  2. How obnoxious! I'm sorry that happened to you.
  3. I've been talking to my Dad about this. He and Mom homeschooled me starting back before it was cool (or maybe quite legally defined, cough). He says he took the AP Calculus offered at his high school, graduating in the early 1970s, but when he got to RPI, they made him take it again "their way," and he was glad they did because it was a lot better and harder.
  4. I just finished reading The Inequality Machine by Paul Tough, which is about college admissions and has a lot to say about the College Board. He says that the CB has paid for a number of opinion pieces and articles on grade inflation, in order to hype the importance of admissions testing as an equalizer. He says that grade inflation has been consistent across schools, so their argument is untrue. His book has made me more alert to propaganda in the admissions arena. Your point about students not receiving feedback resonates with me, though.
  5. That's such a long slog! I'm sorry he's still so sick. I'm glad you're there for him.
  6. Wow... they didn't want the carpet scraps? What if they need to match it later? Just wow. Anyway! Hurray for done!! Congratulations!
  7. I'm not very up on all this, and appreciate the thread. How much do you guys limit this stuff in your family diet? I think we eat mostly homemade food (from ingredients) at home, but we eat out a few times a week and a lot more than a few years ago, and drink quite a few sugary, colorful drinks when we're out. I think I need to reign it in.
  8. I think they'll just change it all. It would be very inefficient to make special products for one (big) market, and would be complex to ship separately. Or maybe they'll do some suing first, about the extra burden, though how they'd argue FOR chems linked to cancer in the public eye, I don't know.
  9. We all four got the new covid shots yesterday, including DS11. The walgreens website wouldn't let me make an appointment for him, but when I called the gal said no worries, she'd just put it in when we got there. We got both flu and covid shots at the same time. We've all been taking some Tylenol for achy arms, but have had no other issues. I'm so glad we got them now, because we're going to a wedding soon and I don't want to catch or spread anything there.
  10. I agree that kids say things that pop into their heads. The children's sermon at our church is a huge risk for our young pastor. However, the Little House books are often handed to young readers without any guidance or arbitration. As an adult, I read that and think, ok, the kid is seeing people who seem extremely different to her... and wants to be closer, perhaps? She finds them attractive. (Hmm, in an unequal way.) But also, that child's view of those native people, who were in reality going through extreme suffering, is of the "exotic." She thinks of their child as something to acquire, like a beautiful doll. That's Really Bad. I don't think a 7 or 8yo reader would necessarily grasp that second bit of dehumanizing horror. They don't have the knowledge. Sure, Pa corrects her... up to a point. But do kids know she's witnessing genocide? No.
  11. What a pop-off answer that was. I'm not delighted with that guy. Because a teacher often becomes a role model, I might be looking for a new class for my son. He may have a point. While I personally know someone who went sort of banana-in-a-blender and successfully deterred an attacker, I have seen a national self-defense courses that did not impress me. My old sensei teaches a really good one, if you're anywhere near northern Florida. Maybe he's only seen bad ones. But I still don't like him dismissing you.
  12. How quickly does this wash out? I'm considering something colorful for Halloween, but I've never tried this sort of thing before.
  13. I'm getting heartburn just reading about that sandwich, but I still want to try it!
  14. I'm a three-cup starter myself! Haha!
  15. Blanket training, the way these folks were teaching it, was never about the blanket. It was about obedience conditioning from early childhood using pain and fear. I wouldn't assume anything at all if I saw a blanket laid out for play! That's a great way to make a space safer and cleaner. I'm not sure why folks are feeling the need to defend the phrase "blanket training" whe they are clearly not doing it. Who wants to use that phrase? Blah.
  16. The term "blanket training" is burnt. Especially now that the Duggar disaster went mainstream, most people who hear you use it will figure you hit your baby. If that's not what you mean, find yourself a new term to use. IMNSHO.
  17. Ok, that one gives me the squicks. Danger!
  18. I had a couch and recliner delivered a few months ago, and the two guys were kind enough to bring the boxes around the house and down some stairs. I tipped them both for that. I wouldn't if they'd just delivered to the front door.
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