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Everything posted by El...

  1. "What do they teach them at these schools?" CS Lewis, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe "Glimpses do ye seem to see of that mortally intolerable truth; that all deep, earnest thinking is but the intrepid effort of the soul to keep the open independence of her sea; while the wildest winds of heaven and earth conspire to cast her on the treacherous, slavish shore? But as in landlessness alone resides the highest truth, shoreless, indefinite as God - so, better is it to perish in that howling infinite, than be ingloriously dashed upon the lee, even if that were safety!" Melville, Moby Dick
  2. It wouldn't have a sexual or overly intimate connotation for me. I'd think that person is very motivational and keeps others moving forward.
  3. I read something important once about this, and I really wish I could give the citation. The gist was that the ways we know someone is being deceptive rely on them feeling uncomfortable lying. Most people are uncomfortable being untruthful, so most of the time they show that in some small way and we pick up on it. Truly horrible people don't feel uncomfortable lying. They're good at it. They don't care, and are not uncomfortable. So we don't get the same radar ping. I think the book i read was right. No, we can't usually detect true deceivers. I can't decide if that makes these situations better or worse. (If anyone knows where I read this, please tell me! I would like to look into it more.)
  4. I always make pumpkin pie and cranberry apple pie, but this year I'm adding a small chocolate cheesecake with tart cherries to spoon over. My 5yo niece said it was her favorite, so. 😁 I love having little nieces around to spoil rotten.
  5. Do you feel that it has any particular political leanings, or is anyone left out of the story that you thought should have been more included? I love the idea of integrating geological history. And camping!
  6. That is too cool. I'm getting dh one of those for Christmas. Thanks!
  7. Wow. I hadn't heard of Brave Books. Those picture books are...not subtle.
  8. Dd wants these boots very specifically. I'm hoping they'll come down in price at least a little! ARIAT Men's WMS Scout Paddock Black Equestrian Boot https://a.co/d/8y0Gskk
  9. Hopefully the silence means they're on the field trip and having a great time!
  10. I hope she's fine this morning! And if she's fine, I think you're good to go. Stomachs are pretty amazing.
  11. There's an interesting history book entitled "The Commissar Vanishes" that we found fascinating, about Stalin. It sparked conversations. It's hard to find, but you can get a used copy.
  12. We did this bit of math, sweating over a hot physics textbook. I swooned a little. 🙂
  13. A much younger woman called me Sweetheart the other day! She was working as a waitress and I was there for lunch. It startled me, but I assumed she was either being nice or a tad cute in a role.
  14. Yes. It's horrible giving a cat meds. I insist on a shot if at all available. If my cat ever submitted to meds, I'd know she was dying.
  15. Just now reading this thread. My support and hugs to your sweet relative.
  16. When we lived in Germany, a number of friends who had previously believed themselves seriously gluten intolerant found that they could eat the fresh bakery foods. Those leaves would mold in four summer days. The crumb was excellent; they had plenty of gluten. So we came to think that it might not be gluten that was the issue for folks. Maybe preservatives? Processing? It's not scientific, but it was very interesting.
  17. "Probably because she wants to have it be "her" terminology." Precisely.
  18. She sure comes across as profiteering to me. However, I'm still riled at her from the Sold a Story podcast.
  19. My whole house smells like garlic and lamb right now. It was delicious when we ate it yesterday, but I'd like to reduce the smells; I just don't know how, and I love to cook good food, so....
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