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Everything posted by Jilly

  1. My youngest son has anxiety and selective mutism. I have had many professionals tell me that he would be better off in school. I never agreed with that, and I knew (because I also struggled with anxiety when I was little) that he would be happier at home. I have been working with him at home, and he is constantly making progress. He does not need the school environment to help him deal with the anxiety. Having a secure environment at home and a strong support group has helped him far more. :)
  2. My ten-year-olds love these books. They are well written and have many photos and illustrations to keep them interested in the subject matter. They have read the ones on Clara Barton, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, and JFK. I would think kids ages 8 and up would enjoy these books.
  3. We have been studying American History this year. Here are a few suggestions from my blog. Civil War Gold Rush Also wanted to say that :iagree:to the suggestion of By The Great Horn Spoon. This turned out to be one of our favorites, and the kids especially loved the audio version.
  4. I have been schooling full time, getting my credential and masters of education, while homeschooling. I have done all my classes online, and it has been working great for me. The first month was hard because I was trying to figure out how to balance it all, and I was adjusting to being a student again. Once I got on a schedule everything became much easier to manage. The rule I had to set for myself is to not do any school work during the time I am homeschooling the kids. Because the classes are online, I ended up logging in and doing my work mostly in the evenings, and I saved my papers for the weekends.
  5. Now I don't want Helena to get mad at me (we are friends in real life), but I think they work great. I planted peppers and tomatoes in mine last spring, and they were both very successful. I had peppers growing until November, and my tomato plant was giving me fresh tomatoes every week until two weeks ago. I would still have fresh tomatoes right now, but I was getting so sick of eating them, that I finally pulled the plant out to start something new. Earthboxes are very easy to use, and you can never over water them. As long as you go by the directions I think you should have no problems. I plan on ordering a few more this year, so I can have a nice garden of fresh vegetables all summer. :)
  6. My kids are not allowed any screen time during the week, and they know that they will not get any on the weekend either if all their weeks work is not done. This motivates the kids to make sure all their work is done everyday!
  7. Ours is up. We have been spending time at our local tide pools and have been surprised at all of the starfish we have found. Yesterday we counted over sixty.
  8. We did American history the last two years, and I added books in about California that correlated to the time period we were studying. I found a California state history textbook a few years ago at the library bookstore, so we would read from that. In addition we added some historical fiction books and a few non-fiction books from the library. We also visited some missions and other historical sites to get some hands-on history.
  9. Here is ours. It is a short video of my daughter singing "The Summons". :)
  10. I am always trying to get my kids to watch foreign films. We all loved The Secret of Roan Innish. Other films we have enjoyed are Vitus, which you can read about and see a clip of on my blog, and The Color of Paradise.
  11. Thanks for the tips on the Nike pants. I am going to look for those this week too!
  12. 1) If you are working outside the home - Currently I am going to school to get my teaching credential. I then hope to work for one of the many charter schools that cater to homeschoolers. In that job I will be working mostly from home. 2) How long single - I have been single since I was pregnant with my youngest son. 3) How many children - 3 :) 4) If you are homeschooling or expect to be able to continue - I am homeschooling my two sons. I hope to be able to do this for many more years to come.
  13. I have been looking for jeans that fit my very slim son forever. Thanks for posting this. We are going to a JC Pennys this week to try some on. Has anyone found a good pair of sweat pants for slim boys? Every pair we have seems too big for my son, especially in the legs.
  14. I just finished mine. Can't wait to read all the others. :)
  15. We are in Southern California, and we are loving it! I think my favorite part of the storms is the thunder. My kids are enjoying the hail we are having right now, and even though it is quite late, I am allowing them to run around outside in it because it is so unusual to see. My parents, on the other hand, have had enough of this weather. They live up in the mountains, and they had a tree fall into their house. It went right through a wall, created a big hole in the ceiling, and they had water and snow come in for two days. I posted pics of it on my blog if anyone wants to see. Fortunately no one was hurt, and they do have insurance, so everything will be ok in the long run. :) Right now though my mom is feeling very overwhelmed by all the damage.
  16. We are using Vol. 4, and I think it can be overwhelming. I would stick with it for a while, maybe eliminate the questions, and add in readings from a world history encyclopedia. I just read my son the chapters on WW1, and it was a little confusing to him until I pulled out our encyclopedia and read him the info on WW1. It helped him understand his SOTW readings better.
  17. We just started this book yesterday. I can't wait until we get farther into it, so we can analyze poems too. It sounds like you and your kids had a great time doing it!
  18. The student pages include only the consumable pages from the workbook. They will not be useful without the workbook as you would be missing the directions and the passages.
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