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Tree House Academy

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Everything posted by Tree House Academy

  1. You need to make sure they are actually there before you give her medicine. My best friend's dd had pinworms and she was itching something awful. If you go in at night, with a flashlight, after she has been asleep, and check her bottom, you can actually see the worms. Once you see them, just call your pediatrician and they will prescribe something...probably for the whole family to take because they are contagious. Mostly it would be contagious to anyone that sleeps near your dd or in the same room as her. They are gross, but not really a big deal. Lots of kids get them. There is no need to rush to the dr. You can see them yourself if they are there.
  2. :tongue_smilie:How funny! Now I know why I am on the computer at 12:22 am. .."but honey...I am LEARNING new things...I can't come to bed yet...:lol:
  3. I have been known to say both (being from the South and all), but I do try to say "zero" 99% of the time. Now, for time...like 2:05 that is "two oh five." Never zero. That would be totally weird.
  4. I want to use it with my 4th grader and I have never studied a day of Latin in my life. Okay, scratch that, I used to sing Choral music in Latin (Shubert's Mass in G), but that is IT. What is a good basic beginning Latin program??? Thanks in advance!
  5. My son is in 4th right now and he has a printed schedule that he get out each day and gets to work on ...sometimes before I even get out of bed if he is up before me. He is a motivated student - motivated to finish school so he can have fun! LOL Right now, his writing is not where I want it to be, but we are working on that. I have a good feeling that he wouldn't be where I want him to be in writing in ps either. Even though they are doing 3 books reports a week in ps, that doesn't mean they are the type you are thinking of. They may be 3 basic sentences long. It is just no telling. My son can do pretty good paragraphs. Expect more than a paragraph and you are in for trouble with him. :( Anyway, yes, I think your daughter can be a very independent learner at this stage, but she still needs you to some degree as well. I certainly would not sit and walk my older ds through his work the way I do my 5 year old. What I do is get ds started on math by teaching the lesson and making sure he understands. Then, he completes the lesson. Immediately following that, he goes and gathers the books he doesn't need my help on...handwriting, spelling, vocabulary, geography, Bible lessons, and Science (on reading days). He completes those while I work with my younger ds. Once my older has completed his stack (and sometimes that involves a small amount that he had questions about) and I finish with my younger, my older and I tackle the other things that he needs my guidance or help with. We do History together because we use CHOW and the big words throw him to the point of frustration. We also do Science experiments, Language Arts instruction, and Spelling Power tests together.
  6. I love and would recommend Singapore to everyone. I was not a "math" person at all and Singapore intimidated me at first, but the program is PERFECT for both of my kids. My oldest just finished 3A and has started 3B and my youngest is finishing Earlybird B and getting ready to start 1A. I can't imagine using a different program!
  7. I think for a 16 year old, struggling BOY writer, it is darn good. I have a degree in English with a focus in Technical Writing, so I would like to hope I could judge fairly. Of course, it is not perfect and there is a lot he can improve upon, but I can only hope my struggling boy writer will get to that level by 15 or 16! The key is that it is overall grammatically correct, it stays on focus for the theme of "courage," it introduces the topic and concludes in a flowing manner. I say good B- work. :)
  8. I do Linear/oldest first. The threaded makes my head spin and viewing newest first makes me feel like I have literally NO IDEA what is going on.
  9. We froze ours and started doing some savings on our own. It was just too risky.
  10. My youngest son does this at least once a year and it normally turns into a bad throat infection within a day or two...never strep...just a throat infection. Scared me to death the first time it happened. Now we know exactly where to look.
  11. I am flexible but do not answer the door or phone during school hours unless it is someone I need to talk to or see. Generally, it works out well. Even my MIL knows to call in the afternoon when she wants to see the boys. :)
  12. I buy at homeschoolclassifieds.com and of course, here. I think they have some Aesop on homeschoolclassifieds.com...
  13. Wow! You must have attentive Kindergarteners! My oldest is 9 and going through CHOW right now. It is definitely not something my 5 year old would ever listen to happily. There are a lot of names and places and it goes really fast through things. My 9 year old likes it, but my 5 year old could care less. He plays while we are doing CHOW.
  14. We did social studies type stuff this year. Jobs people do, holiday celebrations (Thanksgiving we did the Pilgrims and read a lot about their journey to America), important Americans (Martin Luthur King, Jr., George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, etc). This has worked well for us and we will be doing SOTW next year in 1st grade. :)
  15. I "tweak" without the kids knowing. I write what I want them to do on their schedules and they do it. They have no say in what we skip or don't skip. But my tweaking is also not limited to skipping...often times it is adding and padding. That said, I tweak mostly with LA. I have a degree in English and I feel most comfortable adjusting that one because I am confident in my decisions and abilities in that area. Something like Math or History, I would NEVER tweak - other than maybe adding in something that has been suggested to me (like an extra book to read on the subject and so on). If you aren't comfortable tweaking a subject, then go with an "open and go" variety. We love NOEO Science for that exact reason and we do no skimping there.
  16. This link has information from a Christian perspective - mainly being that Jesus himself said that "no man shall serve two masters." And Masons do not believe Jesus is God in the flesh. I suppose a Christian could be a mason, but this article poses a "but why would he want to be" sort of take on it. http://www.withoneaccord.org/store/SecretSins.html
  17. I am in search of CW Poetry for Beginners, but I can not seem to find it at any of the places where I generally buy used. Does anyone know of other places where I might find these? TIA!
  18. This is my third year with ds 5 but the first using real curriculum. This is my first year hsing ds9.
  19. Ours is around 315 sq feet (15 x 21) not including the closet. The closet is another 18 sq ft feet of very usable space.
  20. I live in a rural town in TN and pay close to $200 each time I go.
  21. For that exact reason, I cannot live in an apartment or share my house in any way. We live 5 acres from our nearest neighbor. :) When we built this house, we put 4 FEET of insulation between the top and bottom level. Unless the kids crash into something when they are upstairs, we rarely hear it at all. :)
  22. I would throw in the towel. Sorry, but it is January 9th. LOL.
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