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Tree House Academy

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Everything posted by Tree House Academy

  1. Embarq is our provider and we get unlimited long distance phone service plus DSL for $89 something a month (which includes all the taxes). I assume the Internet portion is around $30 of that??
  2. There is a review...and the words come up again and again as you continue on through the lessons. Trust me, it will come back around. Also, I give my son one chance. If he guesses, I tell him "good, but I want you to include it in your list and we will repeat it again tomorrow."
  3. I am finishing Inkheart and starting The River King by Alice Hoffman. Week 6: Eragon Week 5: Inkheart Week 4: Breaking Dawn Week 3: Eclipse Week 2: New Moon Week 1: Twilight Okay, so I started on week 4 and read the Twilight saga in 3 days. Who's counting? LOL
  4. Ds9 just finished the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. He liked it, but told me he *GASP* liked the movie better. :( What I have learned here...never, never, never let a kid see the movie before reading the book!
  5. Just thought this might be fun. My 9 year old is making his way through the Charlie Bone series. He is enjoying them immensely. Next on his list (once the series is finished) is Eragon (which I am reading right now LOL), Inkheart, and The Thief Lord. My 5 year old is making a dent in the Dr, Seuss books. LOL What are your kids reading?
  6. My son didn't read them in order, but he understood before starting how the clues worked. He has read some of them in order...there are just so darn many and he grew out of the series before he could read them all.
  7. We used it but didn't like it. We tried it twice and both times just scrapped it after a few weeks. Sorry to be of no help.
  8. Yes, please get the ultrasound. As the pp said, there is a breast cancer that can show up this way (IBC) so it is very important to get it checked thoroughly.
  9. We still buy JIF. The pb was the kind in bulk for nursinghomes and schools...not just your regular jars of pb. HTH. Rebecca
  10. We are using GWG 4 right now and my oldest son is doing SO WELL with it. However, next year, we are picking up CW Homer (we are doing WT II right now). Anyway, I have an English degree and grammar is not something that scares me at all. I am confident in my ability to understand it and teach it. My son does well with it too. I guess what I am asking is, is there any good reason to use Harvey's over GWG 5? I have both and would just like to know if there is a good, compelling reason to go on with Harvey's and drop GWG come 5th grade? Any thoughts?
  11. My ds is 5.4 and we are starting 1A next week (finished EB B this week). We are going to do all of the review because we need to get our facts down now and I love the way Singapore does that. I also picked up the Extra Practice and Intensive Practice books so we could have more practice than just the textbook and workbook allow. Practice makes perfect. :)
  12. Gosh, I am learning so much on this board. I have never turned away a friend who wasn't Christian. And I am not one of those who tries to convert everyone either. My ex husband is an athiest which is really a point of contention since I am raising OUR son to be Christian. However, I love him (my ex...as a person, father, friend) just the same as I would if he were a Christian. We just agree to disagree on religion and I teach our son what I believe. Our son is also aware of what he believes and the door of communication with his dad is open in that arena. I just don't understand people who call themselves Christians but turn away others who are not. Can you imagine if Jesus had done that? Really, did God call us to just sit aorund with other Christians and be done with it? OMG! I am just learning about so many things involving religion that I was not aware of before. :( My best friend is married to a Jewish man who doesn't believe in Jesus, my ex is an athiest, I was agnostic for a long time. I love my friend and family for WHO they are not what they believe. I am willing to share what I believe if they ask...but I am not going to shove it down their throats. Does this make me some sort of terrible Christian? To the OP, I am sorry you are going through this. I would be honest with your friend. If she is your friend, she will love you no matter what. If she ostracizes you, then she was not really a friend to begin with. :(
  13. I have been where you are. When my grandfather died, I turned completely away from God. I had prayed for a miracle that never came. His death totally destroyed life as I had known it. He was the only man on earth that I trusted and he was gone. I will say that my hiatus from God was over 12 years long. I still struggle in my relationship with God in many way, but I am trying. I think we have to remember that "forgiving" God is all relative. God did not take my pappy to ruin my life. He knew the time and the hour that pappy was to die and it was all part of His plan. He can see the future so far beyond what our human eyes can see and comprehend. I have to trust that His plan is greater than I can understand and what I really have to do is forgive myself for being angry with God. My mom was telling me about The Shack yesterday. I put it on hold at my library.
  14. Whoa...your organization skills are impressive! Come organize my house, please?!
  15. We had a hard time too at first. We chose Calvert and it just wasn't for us. We did finally find out niche with what we are doing now. I hope this change works well for you and your family. :)
  16. Yes, I do. Not all and not in depth, but my kids are well aware of what *we* believe and they are also aware that others do not believe the same. I occasionally tell the opposing viewpoints and other times, I just give a brief overview. For instance, I do not know exactly how Buddhists or Hindus believe, so I can't really do the beliefs justice with my simple explanations. I do encourge the kids to explore those things further on their own if they so choose. :)
  17. First off, I love Maggie Valley NC. :) We don't live far from there and take the kids to Ghost Town every now and again. My post man drives down my gravel driveway and puts my package on the porch. Sometimes he honks when he gets here just so if I am home, I will know he has come. Other times, he just leaves the package on the door like a little surprise. One day, you should NOT go out and see what he does. Either that, or go to his car and tell him that if he has a package for you, to just leave it on the porch!
  18. These are my favorites. :) William Shakespeare, E. e. cummings, Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Edgar Allan Poe, W. B. Yeats, Robert Browning, Oscar Wilde, T. S. Eliot, Langston Hughes, Sylvia Plath, Robert Frost, Shel Silverstein (though I like his children's books better).
  19. Well, I didn't jump in on week one, but I made up for it by reading the entire Twilight series in 3 days last week. :) So...here is my list: Week 1: Twilight Week 2: New Moon Week 3: Eclipse Week 4: Breaking Dawn Week 5: Alice Hoffman - The Ice Queen
  20. Definitely the first one. The second sentence is boring, third is too factual. The first one is perfect!
  21. I am so glad I ditched Calvert after 8 weeks and went with my own curriculum. It has made our days and our lives so much better!
  22. I think post office holidays are only federal holidays.
  23. I use the HIG even for level 1. I really like all the extras that it provides (Mental Math, Appendix work, etc). :)
  24. Wow...just WOW. The girl was shot twice and the brother was shot 8 times and all of this was by the 3rd sibling??? OMG! Prayers for all involved. I can't even imagine!
  25. I am so confused by the intent of this thread. I understand wanting to know more about certain religions or beliefs. I get that. I took a religious studies class in college and studied may different beliefs. Obviously, once you choose a belief, that is your way of thinking. I see no need to address others in this thread about what they believe. You aren't going to convince anyone to change their beliefs on a thread on TWTM forum. So really - I am just wondering why this thread went from education to...well...this? :(
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