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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. I have The Word is Murder on hold and am looking forward to it. I really enjoyed his Magpie Murders.......have you read both?
  2. One of my mother’s friends was 49 or 50 when she delivered a heathy baby boy. This was around 1960 and at least her 7th, cannot remember.
  3. I spent some time catching up on my book accounting today ? and have completed the Tulip spelling challenge. T........To Dave’s Jones Below by Carola Dunn U.......The Unpleasantness at the BellonaClub by Dorothy Sayers L.......The Last Wolf by Maria Vale I.......I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith P......Death at Bishops Keep by Robin Page
  4. I just finished the first book in a new cozy mystery series set in England and don’t want to forget to mention Beryl and Edwina’s adventures here.........Murder in an English Village is another post WW1 cozy in a Village in anywhere England but I think it has a rather fun twist, long lost friends reunited. It starts out with an American female adventurer (think Amelia Earhart ? which was totally in my imagination) escaping the press to England where she picks up a paper and spots an advertisement for a room rental in a small village. The really special thing about the ad was it was placed by her friend from finishing school who is apparently in dire financial straits......happy reunion blah blah......but our adventurer has perhaps too much imagination and when she realizes how much her friend is pitied by the villagers she starts a rumor regarding the dire financial straits, they are a cover story because they are spy’s. The ad was a secret code, part of the cover........that gossip starts a chain of events that turns them into detectives. For some reason these two women tickled me more than normal, maybe it’s my secret desire to be a detective, but it was a fun read and I plan to read more! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34297983-murder-in-an-english-village
  5. mumto2

    Hello Hive!

    She is beautiful! Congratulations!!!
  6. I am so glad you enjoyed Woman in White! ? I have been reading Sansom’s Shardlake series and have seen Dominion on Goodreads and wondered about it. I guess you pretty much confirmed my reasons for hesitating on that one. My hold on Revelation just appeared in my account yesterday and I am looking forward to it!
  7. We used puzzles with math frequently but it’s been awhile. Singapore was our primary math but we always had something else going too, normally Abeka because it was quick at that age and colorful, did the drill just by being repetitive. We used several books from the Critical Thinking Company https://www.criticalthinking.com/mind-benders-level-2.html, Mindbenders were favorites. I also had lots of jigsaw puzzles that I bought at garage sales. If you have Cuisinare Rods from Minquon there are additional puzzle books available..... Not books but ThinkFun Games like Rivercrossing were huge favorites, individual with a stack of problem solving cards. Some of these can be played online now although we own most of the games which I have stored in a game box. Occasionally someone still plays. ?. https://www.thinkfun.com/play-online/
  8. Zebra, Sending hugs, I hope he finds something soon. I have to admit I have no idea about the tie..............
  9. We trade aisle for aisle, window for window normally. We have upgraded a few by taking middle seats that were not assigned to us. It normally works out probably because we no longer need it to. ? That being said our seating issues generally have occurred on tickets where we are supposed to get to pick our seats but something has gone wrong.
  10. There have been a couple that were not as good as others along the way but overall this series is great! Like you I have been reading them in small bunches for about 3 years now, when I finish one I don’t love it’s a sign to move on to other books for awhile! I am so glad you are enjoying this! I make recommendations and then worry about them. Have to agree I don’t now how people stood the installments! I have a problem with waiting for series books ? Negin and Jenn, please keep posting your pictures! I am reading another book that Kindle says I abandoned in the past.....this time it’s for the “author with my initials “ Bingo square. Second Life by SJ Watson. I loved Before I Go to Sleep............https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17412188-second-life
  11. We never had a problem asking people to switch seats in order to allow me to sit with the kids, I just started my “excuse me, would you mind” as soon as I boarded. If we were on first it was really easy because they didn’t have a chance to organize. Seriously think about it, why would anyone want to sit with your 11 yo? Last year someone switched pretty quickly so my dc’s could sit with each other on a flight. Dd looks like she is 12 without make up even though she was 19. They asked nicely, no problem. As someone said comparable or better seating offered in trade.
  12. I completely hopped off the Brit Trip bus and literally ran around the American South last night and early this morning reading a page turner called If I Run by Terri Blackstock. It was Great......it opens with Casey cleaning blood off her shoes, packing a bag, and abandoning life as she knows it because no one will believe her. This is part of a series of three that a quilt blog friend read in one big gulp, they were so good she blogged about them. I would probably read them all at once too if I could but I have holds..........grrrrrr https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26263487-if-i-run Something to look forward to!:) I finished The Norfolk Mystery last night too. This one I didn’t love at all. It was billed as a cozy but had some really uncomfortable bits. When I started it this time my kindle remembered that sometime in the past I abandoned this one after the first chapter. It did improve but the cozy bits were more odd than cozy, it just didn’t mix well for me. Still listening to my Daisy Dalrumple.......Murder and Mistletoe. They are spending Christmas in Cornwall on a distant relative’s estate so I am actually still on the bus! Mothersweets, so glad you are enjoying Robin Paige’s books. ?
  13. Quiche......Going to be honest and say I never bother to make quiche anymore because somebody else always does for a bring and share. I tend to do chicken drumsticks now because they make Dh happy. I generally like most things in quiche but find that for the rest of my family it tends to go more along the lines of what they will eat in omelets. I am not a fan of salmon in quiche, that’s one that my friend makes frequently, it always goes first so it must suit most tastes. ? I love crab, even fake crab stick things, and Swiss cheese. The basic ham or bacon with cheddar is the standard. For the veggie quiche people like to add zucchini which I find mushy and I think it adds too much water. Other than that tomato, peppers, and a bit of onion is good. ?. Broccoli and chicken is good too.......... Finally dd’s absolute favorite is artichoke but it’s not really quiche but the bread crumb version of this recipe I just found https://www.eastewart.com/fall-recipes/a-is-for-amazingly-addicitive-artichoke-squares/. In England I can get canned artichoke at Aldi for slightly more than £1, not sure if they have the same deal in other places. I do make this recipe for lunch treat fairly often. Both dcs like it.
  14. I have never made one but gluten free crustless quiche. Great cold, can be warmed. Filling if that’s it for you. Quiche in general is pretty quick and there appear to be lots of recipes on the internet. ?. Our church has monthly potlucks and the minister’s wife generally brings several types of quiche depending on what she has in the frig. They all get eaten.
  15. Since he likes flavor maybe marinade some chicken legs and bake them. Eat them cold. Finger food is fun.......
  16. The comments are very important with this link ? ..........Great list of books Kareni! Congratulations on the job! As mom who hasn’t been employed in my field in decades that is a huge achievement. I was just telling hubby that I doubt that I could even talk my way into the lowest level job in the department that I used to be supervisor for, my company disappeared long ago so that would another issue. ? I am really proud of you......The timing does seem providential for your family. I spent a month or so reading DuMaurier a few years ago but I didn’t get to Frenchman’s Creek. Some of her short stories were quite good but I found that I didn’t love her books as much as I anticipated. I have reread Rebecca a few times. I still liked it when I preread it for did a few years ago but am discovering I loved anything I could pass on to dd at that time! Thunderstorms......I have spent years in Florida and love the summer storms. The predictability always amazes me! Yes, I enjoy the thunder and lightning too. As a side note, in England there is rarely thunder and lightning which is strange. It can be an incredible storm with none.....but as someone who has gotten caught miles from shelter on field trips many times there I came to believe that the missing lightning is in my best interest. Lol. Weather forecast is unpredictable too, if we stay inside because it might rain we would never go anywhere! A storm with lightning in England is major.
  17. Just hugs, no advice unfortunately. I would leave food and run too if I was near!
  18. Nan, So glad to see you here. I loved your update! My kids are still at home doing classes online. I recently splurged on my dream sewing machine and have been busy learning what all the buttons do. ? I saw a beautiful sailboat the other day and thought of you! I even shared a bit of “knowledge” with my dcs about life onboard gleaned from you and past friends who sailed extensively. My kids were concerned about internet ? . One could be handed a box of books and come up for online in a few months the other I fear is addicted.....he is also my computer major so I can understand his point of view. Many of us at BaW have been wallowing in cozy mystery comfort reads set in England, which is what I think your mum enjoys. Patricia Wentworth’s Miss Silver seems to be emerging as a new favorite. Old actually, since she was a Christie contemporary. Robin has a handy Christie in publication order list over at 52 books.......I have been working on reading in order and have found a couple I missed. Maybe your mum would enjoy that and I suspect you have many of those that would simply need to be found and arranged for her. A couple of new to me series that I have enjoyed are Charles Finch’s Charle Lenox and Ariana Franklin’s Mistress of the Art of Death. As I remember at least one of your boys is a Sci Fi fan. I really enjoyed The Three Body Problem by Cixin Lu, translated from Chinese. Dd enjoyed it also...she is my Sci fi fan. Seanan McGuire is a great fantasy series author, several series, maybe one of his. That’s being said more because ErinE just bought a huge stack of his books for like $3! Since you have so many to supply you need deals.....dd has been reading Max Gladstone lately.
  19. No worries, I have one now. ? I think the problem is more my wanting the lady judge to be part of a mystery book.......RBG, Sandra Day O’Connor, lots of lady judges with books. I know there are several fictional ones but can’t find them. I am pretty sure there are a few in Grisham and Patterson books but wasn’t in the mood to sort through and find them. I really thought they were common enough that I would just bump into one but as it’s almost July I need to start checking off those Bingo squares in a more purposeful way! I have settled on one in a cozy series that has been around since the nineties by Margaret Maron https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/479657.High_Country_Fall. It’s a series I have always planned to try. oh wow, brain flash, the judge in Donna Andrews cozy’s is a woman! She isn’t in the first few but after that she appears in most. Think she starts being part of the cast of regulars in this book https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/104792.Owls_Well_That_Ends_Well There are two new books in the series coming out this fall. As I said I suspect lady judges are common just not good to google. ?. I guess I have two now!
  20. Fwiw, my dc's both said the quantitative section had roughly the same scope as th e ACT had which surprised them. They are both doing maths............
  21. Glad to have you back! I have read all of the Sookie books and really enjoyed them. I still can’t quite believe what they did to them on television. It’s a series that I may reread someday. Have you read the latest in Maguire’s Incryptid series? I really enjoyed it! ? Great find on all those like new October Daye books! I need to start reading that series again. Thanks for the Radiance suggestion. My overdrive has it as an audiobook only so I will give it a try as I attempt to finish my quilt.
  22. I don’t think I gave my recent read for Robin’s Belgium challenge a review here and it deserves one. The author Pieter Aspe was recommended by both JennW and Loesje I believe and I was fortunate to be able to get the first in his Bruges series from Overdrive. The title of the book is The Square of Revenge and I ended up using it for my Strange or Unusual Bingo square because the jewelry robbery was so different.......don’t want to spoil it. I love Bruges and have visited many times as a tourist.........my family always stops for a couple of hours at least if we pass near to take a walk around the main tourist area. This book had a different POV than tourist for me which was good. It mixed my familiar with the politics of Belgium in a way that was good for me to learn about. Politically it is a very confusing place for me. The mystery part of the book kept me guessing always and there was a twist even after everything appeared to be wrapped up. Great book but a bit of a warning as it definitely had adult topics and incest played a role, the events weren’t really described but discussed. Let’s just say it’s a book Amy would be fine with (she loves Bruges too ? )but she wouldn’t want her dd to necessarily read it. I also read a graphic novel last weekend, Patricia Briggs’ Homecoming as part of my Mercyverse reread. Meh, partly because it didn’t really have much new material and the format was a bit more of a comic book style than the only other graphic novel I have read (Princess of Xi) which I really enjoyed. I still have Jenn’s suggestions on my wish list and plan to try at least one more in 2018. For now Homecoming is being used for the Bingo Square but that may change.
  23. We had taken most of them apart and put them in ziplocks with their instructions but Dh and Dd decided to see exactly what we have and have reassembled them all this spring. They have even purchased a missing set or two from eBay. They are pretty pleased with their display so it can stay for now. Our LEGO isn’t going anyplace!
  24. What am I currently reading? I have a stack of comfort reads in progress, The last couple of days have been stressful! Mary Balogh, MC Beaton, and a Dorothy Sayers (audiobook) all feature in the assortment. I also checked out a stack of Bingo books yesterday. I finallyfound the American Lady Judge series....Margaret Maron is the author. Thanks Kareni. For Norfolk I have chosen Ian Sansom ‘s The Norfolk Mysteryhttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18169472-the-norfolk-mystery because of it’s cozy appearance and I have read some of his Irish Bookmobile series which was fun. Norfolk is a good reading county for me. I love Elly Griffith’s Ruth Galloway series which is set there. I also enjoyed The Chemistry of Death by Simon Beckett. The Nine Taylor’s by Sayers is supposed to be set there. And finally a Charles Todd with a long hold line intrigues me......Watchers in Timehttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20239.Watchers_of_Time
  25. Educated sounds quite interesting. I will admit that I have been sort of ignoring all the hype about it and haven’t read any of the reviews until now. I probably should read it as I need an E! Woot to Brit Tripping! ? I read the Professor and the Madman back in 2013 and really enjoyed it. Tuesday, I know I did not share it with Dd and suspect your observations were why! I have seen good reviews for RBG also. I have been hoping for a fictional female judge in a mystery type book. The square is in the Bonus Mystery part of the Bingo card, I thought it would be easy because of the Cora Harrison series with an Irish 16th century lady judge https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1625740.My_Lady_Judge but I didn’t care for the one I tried and abandoned it. I think there is a US based popular series with a female judge but haven’t been able to make google tell me the name! ?. If I have to I will read Cora Harrison..........
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