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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Real buttercream or cream cheese icing I love. Going to be really honest and say I love the look of the tall icing and find it fun to pipe on.....two colors plus white in the bag makes beautiful cupcakes.
  2. ? And my mother would have said that was one of the best reasons for home education!
  3. Hugs! I have never heard of a Beagador before and have now researched them quite throughly. ?. I hope you enjoy your new edition, the online photos are adorable. Enjoy! My book suggestion isn’t as classic as Don Camillo but in case it takes you awhile to locate one, I have been enjoying Robin Paige’s cozy series quite a bit https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/538396.Death_at_Bishop_s_Keep. Another more classic recommendation is DE Stevenson who wrote books that are simply lovely......I particularly enjoyed the Amberwell series https://www.goodreads.com/series/197716-ayrton-family
  4. Robin, I have the second in the Dark Fever series on my Kindle so will be starting it soon! I keep meaning to read the first in the Estep series, maybe that should be one of my 2019 goals! I am currently totally immersed in a Danish crime novel called The Night Ferry by Lotte Hammer. I read another in this series a few years ago and do not remember enjoying that one nearly so much. The book moves between Copenhagen and events during the Balkan War in an interesting and horrifying way at times. I have been carrying the kindle around with me today so I could read a page whenever possible. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/21900710-den-sindssyge-polak My audiobook is Elegy for Eddie by Jacqueline Winspear. I haven’t listened to it today because of The NightFerry but when I finish both of these books I will have my August Flower, the Jasmine completed! For Brit Tripping, so far I have read many books set in London so am technically done. I have checked out a Charles Finch which appears to be at least partially set in London for this weeks seat on the bus!
  5. Totally agree with many of the views above.........some thoughts I didn’t see mentioned on my quick read. I loved being able to pick our curriculum and adjust it at will. The kids (or me) were bored with something and we moved on. Frequently after a couple of months. Travel.......We have been able to travel and move to a different country with little disruption in their education. For several months their education was how do you move with 8 bags, furnish a flat, get a landline/internet, and all of the other things. Yes, they still did the basics but we were fitting the basics around our life. Most importantly family time. My Dh worked incredibly long hours at two jobs when the kids were little. Because of home ed he could call and tell me he had cleared the next week on his calendar so pack the van. By the time he got home we were ready to go. We could also take field trips with Dad at a moments notice. Because he had a long commute for his main job (self employed) he tended to drive non rush hour which meant late hours. I adjusted the kids schedule so we ate dinner when dad got home at 9, they played or watched telly(dvds) with dad before going to bed. It worked for us in our home ed world. I read the going to bed books either right before bed or while waiting for dad to pull in the driveway.
  6. I just finished Darkfever by Karen Marie Morning https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/112750.Darkfever which was my random bookshelf challenge book. It’s a series that I knew about but have avoided because while I enjoy the basic fantasy genre, I find fae to be creepy. This book was overflowing with creepy fae and I still loved it! I definitely plan to read more of the series and gave it a five star over on Goodreads for that reason......I can’t wait to find out what happens next! Great job on the Bingo! You are really close. I have 5 or 6 squares to go but think I have books planned for each. I just hope I like the planned books! Sorry to hear about the Brit Trip list, hopefully it won’t be hard to reconstruct with your Goodreads account. I keep my Brit Trip lists in the notes section of my iPad and Dh allowed my iPad to delete the lists while fixing a different space related problem for me. Fortunately I discovered that they were missing and was able to restore them within the 30 day window. I gave up and just bought extra storage for my photos which seemed to be the basis for my storage issues. It is easier than constantly trying to pick my favorites.
  7. I finally finished spelling Edelweiss for July. I have no idea how many E books were abandoned along the way! ? E Murder in an English Village by Jessica Ellicott D. Death at Devil’s Bridge by Robin Paige E. A Lady’s Guide To Etiquette by Dianne Freeman L Death Comes to Kurland Hall by Catherine Lloyd W. A Lesson in Secrets by Jacqueline Winspear E Zero Hour by Megan Erickson i If I Run by Terri Blackstock S. Revelation by CJ Sansom S. The Norfolk Mystery by Ian Sansom I am actually nearly done with Jasmine but am in need of an N and an E.
  8. Not sure what your end plan is for Latin but thought I would mention in terms of entrance exams. Dd did not do the A.P. but did do the SAT subject exam and received a high score. Both of these curriculums were recommended options for the SAT and she used both. FWIW, she felt Wheelocks was better preparation for that exam. Cambridge Latin, the website is good and she enjoyed it. Paid subscription in the US. You can actually do the entire course without buying the books on the UK version of the website. Wheelocks, there are exercises online that correspond to the 6th editition, I believe. We had no problems using them with an extremely cheap 7 th edition. https://web.uvic.ca/hrd/latin/wheelock/index.htm
  9. Dd has that puzzle, it’s a really nice one. I would put a label on the outside of the box saying “1 piece missing, not an edge” and donate it. Honestly, I would much more likely to purchase it knowing that there is just one piece missing.
  10. @The Accidental Coach I hope you have a lovely wedding weekend! I also want to send my best wishes to the newlyweds.
  11. I just finished a new suspense novel by BA Paris called Bring Me Back https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36448554-bring-me-back. It’s one of those books being recommended as like Girl on a Train (abandoned by me). When I read the blurbs about these books I always think I will like them and end up abandoning them most of the time. This one I kept reading......a couple pulls into a French rest area in the middle of the night, the man goes to the bathroom, when he returns to the car his partner is missing. Never heard from again. That’s what we know at the start of the book. It was a quick read, I knew the solution pretty early on so didn’t find the rather convoluted red herrings very diverting. I gave the book three stars because I knew the solution which made some scenes rather unbelievable. I kept reading because it was actually a pretty gentle read compared to many in the Gone Girl type genre, I had problems sleeping last night but the book wasn’t the issue. For Brit Trippers Devon, Cotswolds, and London. I also finished my audiobook which I have been sip listening to for at least two months when I had nothing else. Some Danger Involved by Will Thomas is the first in the Barker and Llewelyn series and is a pretty obvious Sherlock copycat set in Victorian London. I ended up liking the ending far more than the first part and gave it a four. Honestly not sure that I wouldn’t have abandoned it if I had been reading it and I did speed it up quite a bit. ? There first case dealt with the murder of a young Jewish scholar. My library only has these in audio format and I plan to listen to the next one soon.
  12. Casper is so cute dressed like Harry Potter! Thank you for the link i will now be checking in on all the adventures! I now want to dress Millie up! She is definitely going to be a wonderful companion for our neighbor whose husband passed away unexpectedly last spring.
  13. I finally finished my Derbyshire Brit Trip read and have to say this book by Stephen Booth was better than the first in the series but I still can’t love it. Dancing With the Virgins https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/522367.Dancing_with_the_Virgins is set in several of my favorite places to visit and walk. When the book talks about visiting Bakewell or the view of Mam Tor I am there. That should be good but I think this series shatters too many of my illusions for me to ever be a huge fan. I just do not want to think about crimes like dog fighting in picturesque barns on hillsides when I am walking on those hillsides. I think for any other reader here who enjoys somewhat gritty mysteries these are probably a great possibility. Maybe I will try another one someday........ I hope to finish my audiobook later today. No dogs in that book but our neighbor has her new puppy arriving today. We are all ridiculously excited about that little Westie’s arrival. I spent the evening yesterday making a custom crate cover for our new neighbor ....... for anyone who has read the crate thread on the main board I just used pretty fabric, no wadding,until we learn if she chews things.
  14. Hugs, I so totally feel your pain. I hate getting my hair cut because I am allergic to a whole lot of products and do not want to be sold to or have it used on my hair. It doesn't matter how great it looks when you itch and have raw scalp, you can't use it. Some refuse to listen. It's actually easier just to go to random line up type salon and see what I get. They don't know me so I can allow myself to be firm. Actually right now I have someone at one of my anonymous places we all like.......hopefully she stays a long time!
  15. Regarding the Becky Chambers series.... I loved the first book in that series but simply liked the second. I agree the second could be a stand alone but I think I needed to read the first in order to actually like the carryover characters in the second. I hope that makes sense. The third in the series, Record of a Spaceborn Few is currently sitting in my stack. Maybe I will actually manage to read it this week, my stack is huge and I have been busy abandoning books to get the size down. I don’t plan to abandon the Becky Chambers which actually puts it further down in the reading order. The Tarquin Hall series has been on my list to try for quite awhile. Glad to hear you enjoyed it!
  16. @Negin I love how you are trying some of the recipes as you review the cookbooks! The children’s book series looks wonderful and I plan to search for it when I have a chance. I love the cover you posted. @Mothersweets I am going to have to read the third KL in hard copy because my library doesn’t have the Kindle edition. I now know which cover to try for with my next purchase since I am afraid of tiny print myself when I have to just read the print. I bought a copy of the first part from Amazon last night. I just bought the 1p very good used for my extra copy to go with the audio, when I have both I don’t worry so much about print size. As the Brit Trip bus pulls into Lincolnshire I am going to remain in Derbyshire and finish my Stephen Booth mystery. I really haven’t let myself get caught up in it yet.....I think I am at 6% still. I have already visited Lincolnshire with a trip to the town of Market Rasen when I read The Secret of Chimneys https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/16361.The_Secret_of_Chimneys by Christie earlier this year.
  17. I would put it up through showing the apartment but probably take it down after it was rented unless you have a specific conversation about the curtain. I would probably buy one I would use again or just buy a cheap colourful liner.
  18. Starting in September sounds great! Currently I can get it on kindle from Overdrive but will try and get a hard copy. I am definitely not the one to be in charge of pacing. I have absolutely no idea how the book is arranged and have no room in my account to check it out tonight. The first one, The Wreath, per goodreads is 305 pages long. Since I am definitely reading in English ? you guys pick.......
  19. I can't even remember who plans to participate! All i remember is Penguin has already read it and just plans to participate in the discussions. I am happy to start whenever it's good for everyone else. Truly no preference this time!
  20. We actually keep sports drinks and water in the trunk of our car for him to use and share. I just want him to drink! DS is finally using these....I was totally thrilled the other day when we were out with our home ed buddies and he got the keys off me and went and got drinks for everyone who wanted one so that he could drink. He had carried water on his hike but recognized he needed more. I think it scared him when I tried to catch him last time because I ended up with bruises from hitting some exercise equipment.....thanks to me he landed on a bench.
  21. Hugs! My son does this too. He doesn't drink enough water , sigh...... I tried to catch him the last time and almost got hurt. When it's hot we all tend to question him about his fluid consumption before he leaves the house.
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