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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. @tuesdayschild I read Dominion a couple of years ago so I don’t remember it at all well but think the intensity level remains equal. In Dark Fire on, the books pretty much take me to the limits of what I can handle without skipping parts at crime scenes Eric. Definitely profanity. The endings all tend to be surprising which is good. Disturbing things may happen but the description is generally pretty brief, as you said no blow by blow details. I am back to not being able to sleep well. I drag all day but I seem to finish books during the night......I completed the If I Run trilogy by Terri Blackstock. These rate as satisfying page turners, Christian Suspense so no uncomfortable adult scenes.
  2. I finished my CJ Sansom https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/820480.Revelation book. It was so very good but so very long! I carried it everywhere and have accomplished very little the last couple of days! I can’t wait to read the next one...........seriously planning to clear the way for finishing this series soon. Apparently a new one is being released this fall. My Sansom book took hours to read and when I finished I wanted something light. I had a Kareni freebie that I needed to read for the E as edelweiss has three E’s.......A Ladies Guide to Etiquette and Murder https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36630895-a-lady-s-guide-to-etiquette-and-murder was a really quick entertaining read. Too many characters with similar names but otherwise good fluff. ?
  3. Somewhat off topic but I can’t help but recommend a fun fiction book called Sourdough by Robin Sloan https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/33916024-sourdough. It’s fiction but all about the gift of a special sourdough starter!
  4. This isn’t a translation problem it’s totally a me problem. There is definitely a book called the Glass Blowers on my second Goodreads page! I am embarrassed to say that I just looked at the first page and tried to remember a glass blower in any of the books I have read. I couldn’t so I asked! I didn’t even see there was a second page......
  5. Ok, I give up, which du Maurier has glass blowing? ? I looked at many lists last night. Iain Pears art theft mystery books https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/875109.The_Raphael_Affair are great and really popular but I have read most. Dan Brown is done. There seem to be several older mystery books on the lists I found but they aren’t kindle. I finally remembered I have a Kindle freebie from years ago, Chasing Mona Lisa https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/11745238-chasing-mona-lisa that I have always planned to read. Sorted as long as I actually like my book.....I have actually kept it actually on my kindle reader as an emergency book all these years..........
  6. @loesje22000 I read Hangman’s Blind earlier this year and really enjoyed it. This was my second try at it because I definitely abandoned it a few years ago and even think I gave away a paper copy of it. It has a slow start. After I got to know the main character I really like her, so much I seriously contemplated checking the third book out of overdrive a couple of days ago. Don’t feel bad if you abandon it now but I think you might enjoy it someday because I know you have visited the area around York. For the Feminist Bingo square I am reading Margaret the First. I actually read a few pages earlier today and am pretty sure I will enjoy it. For the Art square I am hunting for ideas...........
  7. I am still waiting for my Devonshire book (the third in the Pillars of the Earth series) and I have been entertaining myself reading for Bingo Squares and some beloved series reading. I have returned to one of my new favorite series discoveries from Brit Tripping with the fourth Shardlake book Revelation https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/820480.Revelation. These books are chunky at a minimum of 500 pages but the characters and the rich fascinating history that is woven into this Tudor series is just incredible. I am less than a hundred pages in and this book is not just telling the story of Henry 8 courting Catherine Parr but also delving into the history and conditions of Bedlam. In the last couple of books the problems with the foundation (for lack of a better description) of the C of E are discussed. I love this series! I am also almost done with a book by a favorite romance author, Brooklyn Ann, in what can only honestly be described as a Vampire Romance. Total fluffy escapism with quite a bit of adult content. This one is simply OK. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36216179-the-highwayman-s-bite I did finish and enjoy Murder on G Major https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30255243-murder-in-g-major for my Music Bingo square. It was a light fluffy cozy that I really enjoyed. It could also work for the ghost bingo square if anyone is looking........ @JennW in SoCal I am not sure if the music element is strong enough for you to search for this book but it does make a good cozy set in Ireland (Cork) with a musical competition as part. My overdrive has the second one on audio and I have it marked to listen to eventually. ?
  8. I just had a quick chat with my Dd and she said to make sure he reads I, Robot, Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy, and Pratchett (Mort specifically). :). If he develops a love of Pratchett there is a wonderful reading flow chart that dd used to read the books in a somewhat proper order.
  9. FYI, on UCAS which is the main entry application for UK schools you get five picks......they could all be specific degree programs at a mix of both Oxford and Cambridge but you only get to apply to five programs total. We know kids who do five picks all at their one uni of choice.......can be good or devastating. Several stories circulate each year in the media about kids only applying to Oxbridge and getting no offers with all A star exam results. Also they don’t check residency until quite far into the process......as in you have been given and accepted an offer then they ask for verification. You do fill out what you are applying as on the original application but both of ours needed to prove 3years several ways.....listed as a resident on council tax payments is the most obvious and easiest if you live in the UK. You do this with your final Uni/program choice generally, although we did get some email questions along the way that were relatively simple.
  10. Dd did a Coursera class from University of Michigan on Fantasy and Science Fiction several years ago. She enjoyed the reading list so it might help with your planning. https://www.class-central.com/course/coursera-fantasy-and-science-fiction-the-human-mind-our-modern-world-352
  11. I have been a GS leader in the past and it’s hard work. I actually did this as a college student and was not exactly sad that neither of my kids wanted to be scouts. The other leader and I did it all. I think the point system is a good way of spreading the work between the families who has a child participating which is as fair as it gets. The troop I was involved with it never would have worked, we had several unique circumstances. I do worry about the kids who have no adult willing. Totally nosey but I am curious.......are the points per each child participating or per family? In answer to to your question, yes we supported our kids activities. Financially and with our time/presence. ? I have climbed so many bell tower steps for my kids......... and I hate heights!
  12. I read someone’s instructions a month ago and they didn’t work for me at that time........basically when I type in @Jenn and I receive choices. When I add the W I go down to 3 choices and so click on you. I never managed to receive the menu, for lack of a better description, on past attempts. It’s easy apparently, at least my tagging you is now. I just received choices again, go figure, this really does work! I had several @ post attempts awhile ago that were useless and I gave up. I haven’t watched Cormaron Strike but know quite a few fans. I missed the first couple because I forgot to set the dvr and haven’t attempted to watch. Glad to know you are enjoying it. I probably should......currently working on filling in the Scott and Bailey episodes I have missed over the years thanks to prime.
  13. So I have moved on to my music square for the Bingo card.......Murder in G Major https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30255243-murder-in-g-major is almost a Ghost and Mrs. Muir for me at the 20% mark. I checked Goodreads and can’t tell if @JennW in SoCal has read this or not......the main character is a Violinist. ?. So far it’s good ...... I am also secretly jumping up and down because my other attempts at tagging people have failed, and it certainly appears to have worked! I thought I was going to have to ask my kids for help which is only slightly less humiliating than asking Dh.
  14. What a great list today. I “bought” only two in an effort not to stuff my kindle. I have to say I am very intrigued by No Less Days, an immortal who isn’t a vampire is generally a storyline I like. Obviously I downloaded that one and Nocturne for a Widow. Ok, I just added the cozy mystery author one (They called Me Margaret) to the stack, I love your freebies. Thank you!
  15. I can cross Lady Judge off my Bingo list. ?. I just finished my very first book in the Deborah Knott cozy series by Margaret Maron. I had to start with the 10th book because that was the earliest I could find but it was no problem for me........since I am saying this series really can be started in the middle. ?. I can’t believe I missed these is all I really can say.......High Country Fall had lots of great descriptions of the Carolina mountains. The food, no recipes, made me hungry......... https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/479657.High_Country_Fall
  16. Maybe these practice problems would be useful. http://www.primarymathschallenge.org.uk/downloads. This is a UK competition for elementary age students.
  17. As others have said he needs to practice while being timed. We used Barron’s prep books whenever possible because they are harder than the actual exam normally. If they could get a good score on a Barron practice exam and finish on time they were more than ready. Check your library for prep books, we bought used off amazon for a couple of dollars each.
  18. There appear to be many books in this series. Fantasy is really hit or miss for me so I will be amazed if I manage to read them all. Honestly I will be impressed if I make it through the first but now really want to try. ? Btw, Regarding the feeling it had anti Christian sentiment, this appears to be a rather common feeling. Lots of blog posts out there. I always like to read what the author has to say. From the comments here it certainly appears to be appropriate for the time in which the book is set. Totally off track but ........ At one point I was suffering tons of criticism from a mom “friend” for reading HP with my dc. Rowling happened to do an interview talking about her use of Christian symbolism in HP during this time. I LOVED that interview! I want to add my reading it meant her kids were pressuring her, so I did get it. After the interview they all finally read......the mom still didn’t like it. ? Regarding steamy, I am one of those people whose eyes move right over content that might make me uncomfortable. I try really hard to prewarn for adult content on BaW but sometimes I forget because I skipped it! I think it stems from years of reading aloud extensively to the dc, this included much editing on the fly also. I used to read aloud about 4 hours a day when they were little.......Sonlight plus a couple of books of my choosing. Not much time for my own reading life but I love children’s literature! Jenn, can’t wait to hear what you think of Rankin. I think I have only read the first but liked it. Like you I am waiting to hear what Kathy decided about the Magpie Murders. ?
  19. Hugs on the heat. Did you enjoy the Vera mystery? I don’t care for the TV series but like the books (at least the first two). My quotes are turned around........regarding Mists of Avalon This series is on my list of to be tried soon. I had hoped to start it when the buses hit Cornwall but am in a Flufferton cozy mood so these could be pushed into next year for me. The anti Christian comment surprised me because I hadn’t heard it before, the steamy does not. ? I went off on a rabbit trail and found this explanation by the author http://faculty.winthrop.edu/kosterj/engl320/bradleyessay.htm. I haven’t read Malory either which is referred to as a reference point. I have to say I am working to fill my Bingo squares and that Bradley letter made me think that the Mists of Avalon could work for my Feminist Square. ? I just checked my previous choice of Margaret the First out from Overdrive yesterday because that square is on my list to complete. Btw, I also found a cozy that I haven’t read with red shoes.......With Vic’s You Get Eggroll by Diane Valerie. It’s a cozy mystery that apparently has lots of Doris Day references. Going to try it because I am a fan and will probably enjoy the Doris Day bits.
  20. Eleven years ago Mexican food could not be found anywhere and ds was a really picky eater who actually loved canned refried beans and cheese. How I missed that quick meal! Now there is a somewhat complete Old El Paso stock at most stores, even my small village market has a bit. We aren’t flour tortilla fans but can occasionally find corn. My attempts at making my own haven’t been popular. Honestly taco shells make me really happy! We have an odd Smokey bbq seasoning packet available here that Dh loves. Lol. I make my own salsa normally and if I am lazy can buy black beans, more of a burrito bowl for me. Everyone else eats bbq flavored tacos. ? Taco Bell has arrived in Sheffield recently but it isn’t quite right. Small menu without my long term favorites......tostadas and Mexican Pizza. They serve chips, as in French fries. BBQ sauce also features. Most people seem to special order so the line takes forever. The crunchy tacos are completely standard so I occasionally buy one. https://www.tacobelluk.co.uk/our-food. It’s actually right by where the dc’s go for a youth group meeting so really convenient but it’s also by IKEA. Your pictures are lovely. I am glad you were able to find a reasonable cream tea in London. I suspect that was pretty difficult! Did you stop by the British Library? I remember the old location and rather miss it. The first time we took the kids to London by train (Kings Cross) we walked to the Library and quickly looked at the Gutenberg Bible and over to the museum for the Rosetta Stone. They were hugely chuffed to have seen both in half an hour! Yes, we did a whirlwind London tour that day.....Big Ben and the Tower too.
  21. Someone on BaW read it before me and loved it, can’t remember who, but I normally agree with them, and it was already in my stack. So I started reading days after their glowing review and remember thinking it was slow, thinking if they hadn’t liked it I would abandon it. In the end I think I gave it 5 stars. ? I remember it suddenly became a page turner for me but I can’t remember how long it took.........if you aren’t enjoying it there are plenty of books so abandon it......that’s my new moto, unless I need it for a challenge at least.
  22. https://www.thespruceeats.com/difference-cornish-vs-devon-cream-tea-435316 I finally had a chance to read this. The cream on the top or bottom who cares.......although from sad experience I know many people actually do. ?. Now clotted verses double cream, clotted wins. Although now I know how it’s made maybe double. VC, ? Although I can make great tacos even in the UK I always hit Taco Bell soon after arriving in the US! Glad you had a safe journey and can’t wait to see the pictures! Not much reading progress. I am quilting again....
  23. In Northern England and in general it is not typical when you leave the shops in my small village, but we tend to get chatted at constantly because we speak midwestern American. On vacation? Where are you really from? I know where you are from because I know American accents, their record stays perfect because I always agree they got it right. Sometimes I am Canadian or Australian. Lol Canadian makes sense because I grew up close to the border but Australia ? Normal really chatty is weather talk.
  24. ? I still need to read Moriarty. Magpie Murders was really good so I hope you get “lucky” soon! i just finished a book that Accidental Coach recommended many months ago that finally appeared from hold. What Made Mandy Run https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/33296283-what-made-maddy-run is a really insightful look at young adult suicide in today’s world. I have posted before about how many of my friends growing up attempted suicide or suffered from eating disorders, or both. Two of my friends didn’t make it to adulthood, so these are issues I care about hugely. Some of these issues are appearing in my life again with kids I care about and this book was very helpful. None of “my” kids are athletes although they are perfectionists and gifted in other areas, so similar pressures, and this book’s explanations regarding the false friendships and perfect presentation requirements that social media forces on today’s kids is heartbreaking. They have 900 friends on Facebook but no one they can really talk to......our society has taken the need for perfect exam results to new levels........apparently it’s really important how many likes your instant gram feed receives. I learned a lot. The ones I was already the most worried about live on their phones.......worthwhile read so I gave it 4* but the second half dragged badly. Most of the important parts for me were in the first half of the book. I have also started I am Anastasia but doubt I will pick it up again. It jumps all over the timeline and not enjoying it. Reading a paranormal by Ilona Andrews also. Still listening to my Daisy Dalrumple for Cornwall and planning to read the latest in the Pillars of the Earth trilogy for Devonshire but my hold hasn’t appeared. I am next up so any moment or 2 weeks! ?
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