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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. They all look really good. I am looking forward to your review on the "Iron will Shoeshine Cats" book. Books with cats have been happening to me all week--I may not have noticed before. I am intrigued but haven't had time to search my libraries yet! Happy reading:)
  2. Do you think ds13 would like Ringworld? He loves Hitchhikers which I noticed you have read recently. Our library does have it :) which makes it easy. This is more a question of do I have to read it myself first because of the content? The description sounds pretty mild. This is not my favorite genre but I will pre read it for him if you think it is too mature. Thanks for any advice.
  3. We did it using 2,4,6. As long as you have access to the chants you will be fine but my kids loved them. Looked forward to the days when we did them so important. I agree on the very scripted. We did not do it all but enough of it. It is a good solid program. Now I am going to give a bit of unsolicited advice. For first grade I would do First Language Lessons by SWB instead of Shurley. Much more gentle and more complete imo. Poetry etc all included. Plenty to learn. Only the first book was done way back when ;) so we moved on to Shurley with dd, then ds joined in because I owned it. If I had to do it again I would stay right there. KISS grammar is free so if you want more that will be easily availiable.
  4. I finished 67) Lost in a Good Book by Jasper Fforde. No new swear words for Dd.lol I am quite caught up in the story line so moving on to the Well of Lost Plots. Also finished 68)Hell on Wheels by Julie Ann Walker. Thank you for recommending it.
  5. Dd just started Literature II, the one with Robinson Crusoe, and really likes it. We couldn't get the American Lit. Because of a redesign and while I was disappointed suspect that this was the best choice for dd. She has been coordinating it on her own for the most part and it is going smoothly. So far her essays are on track and I see some improvement. I has been a long time since we used an IEW product and easy so far.
  6. I used to really enjoy her books. Maybe I will start reading them again. This one sounds interesting.
  7. We have not read these but a good friend gave this series to my dc. They do appear on this type of reading list so I will pass it along "The Belgariad" by David Endings. We have a series of 5. Planning to read this summer.
  8. Edit: I can't delete my bottom line or go back to finish it. I wanted to say that at your dcs age lots of great picture books are the key. Great easy math and science books at libraries. Books by Usboure were particularly great with my kids. Hope this all makes sense! Sorry. I will be honest and say that buying the scedule once is handy but the schedule can be 10 years old imo. That is simply so you get a feel for how they coordinate things which is what SL does really well. The spine books with lit selections(how much to read each day). That being said unless you want the books new pk4 is not the year to spend that money. I would wait until the ancient history (core A I think) which is when it all made sense to me. You need to see it happening but that is the first core where it really works. I have bought several cores new when I needed to. Hectic slightly nomadic lifestyle where libraries are a problem at times. When we are in one place I tend to do my own scheduling SL style -- I do use their lists when helpful. If you have easy access to
  9. I agree with the WTM suggestion. I would also take a look at some catalogs for ideas. Rainbow Resource you can sit down and read like a book. Great general home ed catalog with a good science section. DH kept a copy of it in the car for me to read while waiting for him for years. It is two inches thick! Lots of ideas. Timberdoodle is another that I have been looking at recently which might appeal to the engineer in you. Lots of hands on projects. Hopefully after you see some more of the choices without acronyms describing them science will seem easier!
  10. Probably dissect it.;) beyond that broth.
  11. I thought I posted last night and somehow ended up with a post about 1Q84 on the pet rats with fleas thread. I have no idea what kind of symbolism that is. Have no idea how it happened. Lol I enjoyed 1Q84 overall. While I found the ending to be far more satisfying then I ever expected it to be I would happily read number 4 if it should become a book. I also became a bit attached to Ushikawa and at some point would like to read some of the other Murakami books he appears in. Currently reading Lost in a Good Book by Jasper Fforde for dd. She learned a whole bunch of new swear words during the first and she wants me to make sure there is nothing worse waiting for her in this one. Our family and friends just don't swear enough apparently, she didn't know several common ones. Definately a statement on home ed. ;) Plus we get to discuss them after. Also reading the first of the Black Knight series on my kindle. Thank you to everyone who has given it a good review here. Just a plain old good read is needed after 1Q84. Still processing! As to the classics that I haven't read......well the list is huge. I gave myself the challenge of 5 by CS Lewis this year, which will take care of the Screwtape Letters and the Perelandra Chronicles. Also trying to read along with the dc's lit courses which will add in things like the Counte of Monte Cristo
  12. This is so odd I posted on the 52 books thread and apparently it landed here. I know nothing about pet rats but I hope you find a solution. Fleas yuk!
  13. I just went and tracked a copy down. It sounds interesting. The sad thing is the only place I could find it it the digital library and I just checked out a kindle copy.
  14. I brought copies of some of my favorite recipes with me. Things like our favorite bread, my grandmother's cookies, brownies from scratch. Things we would miss and not find on the Internet. There is a substitution chart on the inside cover of Betty Crocker which I brought--how to make baking chocolate from cocoa etc. A copy of that is handy. Also the measuring cups are different in England not sure about Israel but a cheap plastic set has made my life easier when making my US recipes. I totally agree with the pp about butchers. I was spending a lot of money on grocery store meat which was frequently pretty bad because I did not understand the cuts as soon as I started discussing my meal plans with my butcher things became easy. I haven't noticed much of a cost difference and we are eating much better.
  15. I have been having this same discussion with my village librarian. She is part of a significantly larger system which does apparently have storage space. Imagine my shock when I returned from the States to discover some of the books that I wanted back were no longer available because they were old and unused. One of them had been checked out by us on multiple cards for six months the previous year. Definately used. Some were also classics like Dorothy Sayers in perfect condition. I can understand getting rid of unused books if space is limited but books that are unique in what they cover or true classics puzzle me. Just so you know they were kind enough to rescue my books for me. :)
  16. Welcome to the "hive". I can't remember what number of posts change your status but you will be just visiting for your first several posts. The hive has different names for different number of posts. My dcs love it when my status changes and are generally the first to notice. I personally love this so can't imagine changing but now that we are on the new boards there is a way to change your status to something non-hive related. The directions are in a thread somewhere if you search.
  17. One of the reviews said shrunken print in the cheap one but same content. On a kindle that would not matter. We love the book. Own the rainbow version.
  18. Another vote here for Oz. I read the whole set twice when they were young because we loved it so much. Your big kids will love it too. The whole thing is free on kindles just make sure you get the order right.
  19. Gormengast trilogy is one idea that he might like. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a favorite for ds.
  20. Praying here. My niece had a similar cyst years ago (she is 38 now) when she was around your daughters age. I don't remember as much as I should considering I was the one who did the doctor's appointments with her. The incision was around 4 inches with recovery taking roughly 2 weeks to up and about easily. She did drop all of her college classes and ended up taking the semester off. This situation started the second week of class and she felt she was missing too much. But she is absolutely fine now. No kids by choice not because of medical issues. Just newly married actually.
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