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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. I picked 2 in part because I really don’t think my family will have easy access in stage 1. While over 50 Dh and I are in semi retirement and my kids have already elected online classes. What fascinates me is that the rate in other surveys in the news put the “plans to vaccinate” at essentially the same rate as the flu vaccine....someplace in the 40’s. I do plan to vaccinate for CV just like I get my flu shot.
  2. I saw this in the SBTB newsletter. What a great library commercial .......
  3. I have a few projects in progress and seem to be making some progress on all. Not normal progress, some progress.😉Lots of semi finished quilts sitting around that I need to finish while I still know where the remaining fabric is. I started knitting a bit again which has been fun. I finally finished assembling my quilt kit which was great fun except I needed a horizontal quilt for my bed and this quilt was designed to go on the bed vertical (because of the foot board and how hubby and I like the covers over us). It was purchased because hubby wanted another peach and green quilt for our bedroom after the 30yo wore out. This was the best deal I could find fabric color wise and I didn’t think about it being directional. It took me quite awhile to figure out how to shift things and was very grateful to have enough of extra fabric to make it all work. The hearts are my addition. I now have batting purchased and resting in the garage for a couple of days before I start quilting it.
  4. The description of this Kindle freebie Lightwave Clocker book 1 makes me think it has potential for fans of Space Opera’s https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40196465-lightwave?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=PaJVr3rslL&rank=1. The description reminds me of Linesman so I bought it for free from Amazon. Lots of good reviews...... wondering if . @Kareni has heard of it?
  5. I finished the first in a new mystery series about a young female doctor in the early 1900’s. I hesitate to call it a cozy because it didn’t really feel cozy although it met the broad requirements................A Deadly Affection https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28628211-a-deadly-affection by Cuyler Overholt. The young female doctor is exploring the field of psychiatry and sort of stumbles into a form of group therapy as a leader. One of her patients tells her a tale of giving birth at 15 and her baby being stolen from her by her doctor (who she still goes to btw)..........this starts the story off. Triggers exist which I hesitate to list because the ending is ruined if I do. One interesting side note is the book explores Huntington’s disease when very little was known about genetics...........I gave it a 4* and do plan to read the second in the series.
  6. I wonder if it’s Poe week at GR because I know Poe is being recommended to me.........last night when I was doing my Robert Crais research he kept popping up. At least it was thrillers that time...........
  7. I was born in the last year of the baby boomers and love a good mystery but I tend to read cozy mysteries and suspense more than true thrillers. I do like Nordic Noir and make an effort to read several of books in that genre each year as the characters fascinate me. That said I generally read the slightly more gentle series in the genre a pick my way through rather slowly. I keep adding shelves to Goodreads this year in order to cover these interests.....I started with a cozy shelf, quickly added a thriller shelf for the grimmer mysteries, then came Covid and I now have a romantic suspense shelf as that is what I am reading a lot of. I was very involved at my villages library for many years as a board member and volunteer and one thing I found fascinating was the number of sweet really old ladies who left the library with stacks of thrillers by authors I tried and discovered to be too violent for my taste. I saw that statistic and thought right on! I wondered at that statistic too.......my only thought was people doing homework from their bible study and that high of a percent just isn’t possible for that!
  8. A survey I ran into........Which Generation Reads the Most https://allaboutromance.com/which-generation-reads-the-most-a-handy-infographic/.
  9. Maggie really is done well! I keep thinking about going back but I’m not sure which series.....If you do go back keep me updated please. thinking........going back probably is the right thing especially since you are wondering about it too. https://booksreadingorder.com/robert-crais/. I just checked out The Monkey’s Raincoat.......unfortunately no audio for me and I have to read it online as no Kindle format. If it’s good I won’t care!
  10. I ‘m so glad you liked The Suspect! I’m on hold for the Promise so no personal experience. One function on Goodreads says it is Elvis Cole #16 Joe Pike #5 and Scott and Maggie #2. Something I read says they are definitely in it so I feel like I should read it soon........at the same time I worry about ruining other series I might like! 😉
  11. Thanks, I am excited to find another series to try. I just put the first one on hold!
  12. This week’s reading included The Secret Chapter which is number six in Cogman’s Invisible Library series. I liked this one more than the last couple of books in the series with the highlight being we finally got to meet Irene’s parents who I had wondered about. Apparently number seven has already been released so I will probably read that one soon. I am still reading my way through the dog handler themed books you all helped me find a few weeks ago and this week I stumbled on to the best so far........The Suspect by Robert Crais https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15755201-suspect. I really enjoyed the storyline where the policeman who knows nothing about dogs falls in love with Maggie the German Sheppard Afghanistan War veteran. Both have been severely injured while on duty with their previous partners killed. Robert Crais appears to be a fairly prolific suspense author several intertwining series. The book I read was good enough to try and sort through the multiple series and find a reading order at some point. Rather humorously I started reading a historical romance right after The Suspect that featured a second son of an Earl who was making his way through life training the dogs of the elite. Not sure if I have read a historical with a dog trainer before! Will’s True Wish by Grace Burrowes. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/24469443-will-s-true-wish
  13. Congratulations, I remember your first thread and am glad it worked out! 🙂
  14. For me I started feeling comfortable when both kids had basic math skills and could read well. Each year, honestly month, was a new experience with my kids so it was always a bit new.
  15. I read some of the Rock Kiss books several years ago. I may go back and read/reread again. If the first one is the book I am thinking of it was better than the rating I gave it on Goodreads 3* as I remember liking it and well, I remember it years later!😉 Happy Birthday to James! 🥳🎉🍰
  16. As both books ( The Cape Cod Mystery which I bought for “only” $2.99 and Burn) are on my list I will let you know after I read them!😉😂 I’ve been contemplating my top three so far this year...... I) Darcie Wilde’s Rosalind Thorne series has been a happy discovery. I really enjoy the audiobooks........https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26067944-a-useful-woman Light fluffy stuff......a slightly different take on the normal cozy detectives. Supposedly a Jane Austin spin off.............😉 2) Running with Sherman https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43834684-running-with-sherman. I loved this book! I love donkeys in general so I might be prejudiced! 3) Network Effect https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/52381770-network-effect more Murderbot! That sort of says it all....... Finallally The Hobbit......it was a reread but I still really enjoyed it!
  17. Thanks for the review! I have downloaded the anthology and hope to tackle my Carla Kelley stack soon! I am spending the afternoon with another Kim Harrison on audio while I attempt to get my quilt top assembled.
  18. For those searching for Legos my Joanne’s appears to several sets that are of the basic variety. Lots of City........they ship and there are frequently coupons. My adult kids still like a Lego kit to do on Christmas Day and I am already done as I bought several on sale last year. I can’t remember what they are getting but that need is checked!
  19. I read the first in a new to me cozy series last night........yes, it was capable of holding my attention for essentially a one sitting read which does not happen often these days! A Killer in King’s Cove https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29467155-a-killer-in-king-s-cove features a woman who is so traumatized from her wartime service behind enemy lines she emigrates to a tiny community in British Columbia to start a new life among a small group of expats. She is content until she finds a body...............this is a newish series and my library has several if not all of them which I plan to read! @aggieamy you would like these!
  20. All I’ve done is buy fun T-shirts. We keep a box in our closet that both Dh and I toss things in and we will take a look in November to see what else we need.
  21. I hesitate to mention this but there is also this Jane Fairfax bit of fan fiction which I will admit to reading....... https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6570140-jane-bites-back?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=uPu8bkeXdA&rank=1
  22. I gave up early.............you aren’t alone. So early I don’t even think it made the abandoned shelf on Goodreads.
  23. I just saw The Ladies of Grace Adieu yesterday when trying to figure out how to recommend Susannah Clarke’s up coming book release for purchase. I loved Jonathan Strange and will have to try this book now that I know someone who has read it. I often hesitate over story collections because I often dislike many of the stories and feel disappointed even if a couple were great! So glad to hear these are all enjoyable! @Negin, Plainsong sounds like something I would enjoy. It’s now on the list......I am fortunate my library has it!
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