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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Looks great! I like the idea of the Non-tropical island category. I need to remember that one for next year. I am still working on my 10x10’s but haven’t updated beyond some Goodreads shelf sticking in quite awhile. I need to go into my planning notes and see where I actually stand on my categories.......I will update here when I get that done. Notice I am posting this 24 hours after your post which means I had intended to do this yesterday but used my time staring at a computer screening looking at nothing of consequence! Back when we had our steampunk week I put a hold on a book billed as Asian Steampunk and am now enjoying it. The Gunpowder Alchemyhttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36218995-gunpowder-alchemy uses gunpowder as opposed to steam to fuel their flying ships. So far it has been an easy read and feels rather YA but I haven’t seen it categorized as YA. Currently the heroine is caught between running from/ working for the Chinese Emporer’s minions as she tries to learn the secrets of the gunpowder engines. Her executed father created this mystery fuel but was executed by the Emporer for suggesting it would improve his failing navy.
  2. I decided to bump this thread back up and hopefully see what everyone has been doing for the past month plus! I have a stack of animal blocks that I made for what is now a UFO that I decided to repurpose into smaller quilted objects. I have quite a bit of the blue background which I feel guilty using in other projects while the blocks sit in a zip lock bag so this is me being productive and using what I have up. My first is a table runner using the hedgehog and rabbit.
  3. @Ktgrok 😳 Oh my! Maybe they did spread it in the bars!😂
  4. I know a couple of people who are panicking about now! That said I am panicking! @Ktgrok I am so naive, STI’s at the Villages......oh wow!
  5. Florida has now banned the sale of alcohol in bars.
  6. 😂😂😂That is why we get along so well with the bonus of our husbands like each other too!. Amy and I also plot to fix her Dd up with my nerdy son.😉
  7. Things are so much better then they were but now if I get up to use the bathroom during the night I go from being an acceptable temperature to boiling. I think it’s the standing up the does it.
  8. Some of the Jeremiah Ice Cream places are closed due to Covid .......employee’s testing positive. Maybe the question is soon to be answered. Just saying....as in probably not relevant and I need to go to bed. I really don’t want to think about ice cream giving me Covid!
  9. @Lori D. I just want to thank you for another set of wonderful notes. I have been reading and am now a couple of chapters into Part 2. I had to smile at your comment regarding Tom Bombadil and the trolls being cut from the movie because I think those missing scenes are why I never really warmed to the movies. I had missing scene issues all the way through and have only watched the whole thing once many years ago and never watched The Hobbit.😂 I don’t have a great deal to add to the discussion but thought maybe someone here would enjoy the scenery my mind painted when I read the the chapters that were missing from the movie.............the Peak District and Mam Tor when I stated filling in the blanks about what I was seeing. I added some extra trees😉. Old mill stones litter the landscape........ https://letsgopeakdistrict.co.uk/intriguing-millstones-of-the-peak-district/ Hillfort on Mam Tor.......... http://www.castlesfortsbattles.co.uk/midlands/mam_tor_hillfort.html
  10. Pretty sure CS Harris has a PhD in history and it shows in her books! I read the new one btw.........Who Speaks for the Damned was good. There was something smoother (maybe?) about it. Thinking the series may have entered the long term phase. Finch and the closets crack me up......I lived in a new build in England and had one cubbyhole type closet in the entire house. Another new flat we were in at first had none!😂. They are a rarity today! My only thought was wardrobes are weirdly sometimes called closets by Brits when they are fitted semi permanent .
  11. It’s been on my mind also........the fact that the employer feels they have the right to mandate what a person has in their home just scares me. I could see a only zoom with a blank wall in the background . That’s relatively easy and possibly pretty sensible in the long term. The we want you to destroy you personal property, not just don’t put your belongings on display is so frightening.
  12. My library has been open for curbside for about a month. They originally were allowing people in by appointment but now have a 25% cap. Not sure how that works as I have not tried to enter but it is by our bike path.....I have never seen more than5 cars in the customer lot since reopening and the lot holds around 40 easily. I haven’t seen a summer reading program of any sort mentioned......that said I am probably not on the proper online page. I did look at the window fliers recently when cutting through the parking lot while the library was closed.
  13. The average age for the positive tests coming out of Oviedo the last time I looked is 22, I think. So students.......going to bars and perhaps protests. The Seminole testing that really kicked this off was very close to UCF if I remember right. On a positive note I saw many more masked people when we were out yesterday........maybe up to 60%. I think people at least know the numbers are climbing and are trying to protect themselves and hopefully others.
  14. Our local University’s team has started practice and they did have player’s report who tested positive.....they are not with their teammates. Unfortunately the decision is financial totally. Even if they don’t let a single spectator in the money for televised will make a huge difference to the University. The player’s want to be there............. Will it work.....who knows. Can’t quite see how you are going to keep that many people in a bubble.
  15. Lately I have been treating myself to reading many contemporary romances.....the quick easy kind my mother loved and I grew up reading with her. I have my giant box of red covers that Dh gave me for Valentines Day❤️ but I have also been grabbing a few author’s books that I remember liking from reading my mom’s books off of Overdrive. These are generally my before bed books as they make it easier for me to sleep peacefully.......these books don’t contribute to any weird nightmares ! And yes when I remember I am keeping them off my Goodreads feed @aggieamy! This morning I finished one by RaeAnne Thayne and I have to tell everyone about it simply because it was clean, as in no adult scenes....... beyond a description of a French kiss. A couple other kisses........I know many have said over the years that they just want a good story and no adult scenes and these may be the author for you!😉. After I downloaded it and started reading I noticed that the title on the top of the page said Snow Angel Cove ( a clean a wholesome romance) which does not seem to be indicated on Goodreads. Not sure if this is a new Harlequin line....https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20821540-snow-angel-cove It’s the first in a series of books so it did have the normal series set up nods. I can pretty much guess who the women are who will find love in the future!😉 speaking of the future........overdrive had the second one so I am set! A very rich computer genius buys a huge house(and accidentally most of a struggling small town) when he wants to spend Christmas with his extended family ( as you do😂). This book is how he fell in love with the woman he accidentally hits with his rental car.........nothing incredible just a nice easy romance like my mom loved!
  16. I wonder if they might be using it for storage. If they own the house the taxes and insurance is likely cheaper than the same sq ft at a storage place.
  17. Before I forget to update my reading I finished listening to The Island by Ragnar Johansson which is the second in his Hidden Iceland series and a rather short (6 ish hours to listen to) example of Nordic Noir. It stands alone just fine even though there are some interesting rather sad references to the past and future of the detective.......which the reader knows the answer to if they have read the first book. The main crime is that of a murder occurring on a remote Icelandic island where four friends are staying for the weekend........who did it and why. They are there to remember a friend who was murdered 10 years before....the old murder must be investigated to solve the case. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/41150509-the-island I also finally finished my Jane Yellowrock reread and was able to finally start Shattered Bonds. I was so glad I had Shattered Bonds ready to go on my Kindle when I finished the rather devastating conclusion to Dark Queen late Friday night. I was happy to stay up even later and get the first couple of chapters read in the new book. I was able to sleep after that at least...... I am back to listening to my Kim Harrison reread and reading a small stack in sort of a grazing way.
  18. My husband has been keeping track of the numbers for Seminole since when reporting started to compare with the numbers in England where we lived. He needs new active cases in order to compare with any degree of accuracy. I normally really like knowing his 7 day active number but lately that has been a bit horrifying. The good news(?) is his graph might be stabilizing to a new normal level instead of climbing.......need a few more days
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