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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Maybe that’s why I saw a guy with a Shipt shirt coming out of Publix today as I waited for my curbside😂........yes, they do curbside. You pay the instacart prices for the groceries but Publix employees select your groceries and bring them to your car. Not every Publix does this but 2 of our 5 nearby ones do. Look online. We have done this at least once a week since this all started (well, maybe after the first month) and they have been wonderful. You can chat with them as they shop and we have even been sent pictures to pick what we want. Generally we restrict substitutions or list the acceptable just to make it easier for the shopper.
  2. This is what happened to us last year with Hurricane Dorian which never really arrived in our area. Stay safe!
  3. I remember seeing Catherine House on a list recently and will probably try it eventually. My hold list (I even filled DS’s hold list) is full after this morning. I have a soft spot for Down a Dark Hall https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/538757.Down_a_Dark_Hall?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=o2L6EMWvMx&rank=2 and have loved gothic boarding school type books every since I read that as a preteen. Sorry, I didn’t read beyond the location........now, I am wondering if I want to know.😂
  4. I just spent way too long looking over some upcoming releases lists thanks to Goodreads. I thought I would share a few unexpected highlights.......as in I wasn’t expecting more in these series😉and yes I will be reading them!😂 There are many other new releases that I am interested in but I picked these to share. Ready Player Two........yes two, no description really but the comments are pretty funny https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26082916-ready-player-two The Awakening by Nora Roberts.........not mor of The One but I didn’t expect her to continue writing urban fantasy type books https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/49127421-the-awakening Inspector Gamache........I thought it was over but........https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/49127539-all-the-devils-are-here Yes, @aggieamy I plan to read another one.......make sure you read the description.😉 Finally, Texas I cannot believe it but Pillars continues .....prequel edition.......https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/49018093-the-evening-and-the-morning
  5. I just finished Faith Hunter’s newest Soulwood book Spells for the Dead and really loved it. I have to say it was a really satisfying conclusion for the Faith Hunter reread I have been working through for the past year. I know both @Robin M and @melmichigan have already read it but am not sure if there are other BaWer’s waiting to read this book so let me just say I loved the book’s conclusion and what happened with the vampire tree.....so cool!
  6. Happy Anniversary to Robin and Amy! The strawberry bouquet looks yummy! Almost done with Donna Andrews latest The Falcon Always Wings Twice https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/51169311-the-falcon-always-wings-twice. I love this series! This one is set at a renaissance fair and is quite funny........
  7. My mom always sliced and froze them in roughly the shape of the pan she would be using them in. So pie pan shaped, 9x12’s so rectangles in 9x6 etc and stacked them up in the freezer. Her peach cake was everyone’s favorite and it was frozen peaches with a yellow cake mix (unless she was out of them and made from scratch) mixed and dumped on top. I always just took hers.....terrible daughter!😉
  8. I have the Wahl too. I have never oiled them so need to investigate that.
  9. Thank you! I have been avoiding it becauseI didn’t feel like having to be online to read it. Just put myself on the hold list for Voodoo River which is a Kindle book. 🙂 I was just starting to respond when our power went out because we had another spectacular storm. After living in England which has thunder and lightening maybe twice a year this everyday business is taking some getting used to. Power is back and all is well! I have been busy with the stack of cozyish mysteries that I checked out that all expire in the next few days. I finished The Secrets of Bones https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/51179867-the-secrets-of-bones which was by Kylie Logan who started my search for dog rescue books that were good with the dog actually featured after her first in this series was a flop for me. Secrets of the Bones was much better with a good mystery after a cadaver dog finds a body(skeleton) during the career day at the school where the main character works. Enough dog bits to be acceptable! 😉 I also read the 25th (bingo square) bookin a favorite book series about dogs, usually poodles. Game of Dog Bones was a fun romp with favorite characters. One new to me concept was a doggie coffee shop, where you play with adoptable pups while you drink your coffee. The one in the book left a great deal to be desired as the puppies were actually being sold from puppy mills created to supply the cafe but I hope to go visit one sometime......they have cat cafes too. Yes I googled myself into quite the rabbit trail........I forgot to check for bunny cafe’s.😉 @Dreamergal My Dd was also a precocious reader. She loved mythology ay that age and read several of different retellings. You might want to check out titles at bookshark https://www.bookshark.com/ . We used most of these lists in our home school and most were hits. Each grade has both readers and read aloud. We also loved Wizard of Oz......might still be free on kindle. I think there were 14 volumes......I loved reading these aloud but would Dd read them to me when I closed my eyes! 😂 I used to have to catch up in the morning!
  10. Just glanced at my GR to verify what I remember. I read book 2 and gave it a 4* ( book 1 was 5* btw)........I remember liking it quite a bit, so buy it. I also know I really wanted to continue after Pillars.🙂 I had to wait years for book 3 which I gave 3*.......I can’t remember what but there was an issue that bugged me. I think I read it the same year as Sarum so it may have been something between the two books. 🤷‍♀️Might as well buy it!
  11. We have bought several refurbished iPads and have had no problems with them. They are older models......my kids both have them. Very occasionally they can’t do something my 2yo Black Friday special can do but that’s pretty rare. eta Refurbished was cheaper than the Black Friday new ones.
  12. Adorable picture! I was the blonde little girl with rather old parents with dark brown hair. Everyone asked if I was adopted......so rude. As a teen I ran into a picture of my mom pregnant in a house I knew they didn’t move to until a couple years befor I was born, I was secretly thrilled......I have two much older brothers and one had light hair as a very young child which was almost 20 years before me, and his pictures were all black and white.
  13. @Robin M I love the color.........beautiful car!
  14. Thanks, we are fine! We aren’t in DeLand but yesterday’s storm was really something. I don’t think they have confirmed the tornado but as roofs were ripped off it certainally seems likely. These afternoon storms seem to be much more powerful than I remember them.......I haven’t spent an August in Florida for over a decade. My kids have been biking every day for many miles on the trails and got in seconds before the sky opened yesterday........btw they had texted so we knew they were heading in as we watched the black clouds coming our way.
  15. Thanks, The Other Side of the Coin has been on my list for awhile. Eventually I will get to it......next royal book may be Lady in Waiting https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/49945845-lady-in-waiting?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=L7l38ecAbq&rank=1 The British Press can be mean and Waity Katey experienced more than her fair share......I lived there for most of it. I do love how she supports British fashion and the high street, Dd and her friends really did want the casual clothing she wore. Fortunately Dd was happy with the Tesco etc knock offs. I have never understood how Megan honestly did not know it was coming........especially the press. I got tired of their whingeing very quickly. Brilliant! You were obviously very well prepared.
  16. Great list! I think my mistake was contemplating altering course in the last year to include more modern works like Things Fall Apart which we both liked btw. but her heart wasn’t really in Murakami at that time etc. She wanted to read in French etc. So we happily shelved the whole idea. Something that I loved about home Ed. On a personal note, somehow my AP Lit teacher managed to teach the AP lit class my year and not include a single one of the suggested (on the exam) novels. We simply weren’t prepared to wing it after to listening to him discuss his huge success rate.😂We did get 3’s, all of us......one person got a 5 whose father taught the class previously. So I suffered from huge anxiety regarding that particular exam’s prep for Dd. The Queens Secret is being abandoned. More secrets appeared in today’s reading of twenty pages that are doubtful. This book may ruin my knowledge of WWII and make my dislike the Queen mum. Not worth it!
  17. Our ties to the U.K. are still in place so dh reads a couple of UK papers daily and has been sharing the Finding Freedom articles. I lived the immigrant to England experience and she never really tried......no matter how many protocol binders she carried she appeared totally tone deaf to the general public. She always played to the American audience. It takes years......not weeks to really fit. I tend to prefer the occasional fictional royal history like the Karen Harper’s. 😉 If you haven’t read it, The Gown https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/39893612-the-gown was quite good. All about designing and making the Queen’s wedding gown. I actually planned the Tudors as an area of reading concentration this year and am not making much progress. I am thinking of reworking it as a category featuring British royalty past and present. btw Don’t be embarrassed about wanting to read the Harry and Megan book.......she totally irritates me. Now a book about Kate would tempt me!😉
  18. The Telegraph has some hilarious quotes from that book if you feel like looking. I won’t be buying or checking out btw.😉
  19. At some point I would love to see the book list you settle upon for AP Lit. It is the course that I started all the prep work for with my daughter but we never finished it as she had too many May exams (the SAT subjects) for her languages that year. We were still in England and our drive time was two hours to the exams which added to the stress. Before you ask I can’t remember what we finally picked, we had the gigantic internet list of all questions and all books used since the 70’s and I had it massively color coded with what she had already read etc. btw Love that cover!
  20. Love the book covers! I am very visual and pick many of my books by the cover frequently although I read the descriptions after loving the cover. I plan to go and investigate a couple of those covers a bit further before I pick.......I love the icy cover for Migrations but .......have a feeling I wouldn’t like it from the cover. Beautiful but not inviting! 😉 Woot! So glad you we able to order the car......it will make a great addition to the upcoming bday/anniversary! I finished Cirles of the Moon yesterday and instantly started Spells for the Dead both in the Soulwood series by Faith Hunter. I am not very far as I have several books that Overdrive will snatch away in a few days and my Dd seem to have permanently taken over my reader with the WiFi off for a book she is trying to finish. So I am trying to read other things while wanting to read Spells for the Dead which isn’t due for 19 days. This situation seems to mean I am reading nothing and browsing online a great deal! Trying to finish The Queen’s Secret by Karen Harper and am pretty irritated with it. The “secret” in this case is appears to be something that is probably fictional, definitely scandalous in it’s time ......yes, the book is a fictional account about QE2’s mum, Queen Mary but I was hoping for better secret. At this point her secret seems to be in the background so I will continue reading about how much she dislikes Wallis Simpson, which I am sure was true! Harper’s previous book The Royal Nanny https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26795367-the-royal-nanny?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=jMzClYTGw4&rank=2 ended up being weirdly accurate historically (I met a historian who has access to the Sandringham archives and is the expert on that era right after reading this book.........she happily shared her knowledge of little known facts about the hidden prince in a lecture I attended which lined up well with the book. She was astounded when I mentioned the book as not even the bbc has access to the real royal records. I wonder if she read it as she wrote down all the details I could remember and was heading home to find her own copy). I also have a couple of recently cozy mysteries that if I don’t read now the wait will be long!
  21. You can sign me up as a beta reader too! 🙂 Ugg, glad you found a dealership to work with. I think they are the really popular cool car right now as I see several on the road now that I am looking!
  22. I like Nordic Noir and couldn’t make it through Girl with a Dragon Tatoo. That may be the most identifiable series but wasn’t something I liked. I’m not a Nesbo fan either! 😂 Some of the books I have enjoyed .........Personally I consider Nordic Noir to be an oddly intriguing rather grim genre. The detectives are always flawed......sometimes very flawed. Definitely not cozy’s.......all sorts of trigger warnings generally. This list is not gentle at all, but they are probably my favorites in the genre. The Keeper of Lost Causes...........I ❤️Department Q and have been purposely savoring them so not done with the series........ https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12575824-the-keeper-of-lost-causes Snowblind by Ragnar Johansson .......the author has a couple of series and the ones in this series are the least dark by Johanansson https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25067569-snowblind Snow Angels by James Thompson.......the author was actually an American expat married to a Finn. The characters in the books are reversed.....the police dective is a Finn and the wife an American. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/10112368-snow-angels The Dinosaur Feather was the first Nordic Noir I tried because we had a huge Dino obsession for years at my house. Actually had a paleontology student as a tutor. I loved it but it’s violent, I think the topic carried me through https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/50190686-the-dinosaur-feather?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=WKVXx2ndvy&rank=2
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