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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. My daughter uses swimsuits really hard between boarding and a membership to a water park. The Landsend tugless ones have been her favorite for several years now. On sale they are the same as Target ......her Target suit did not hold up for her at all.
  2. Scarlett, I just wanted to say I think you are handling things really well. Your Dh is being supportive.......going way out of his way to deliver diapers and not putting any pressure on his son. His Ds has a ton of stress between back surgery, a new fort baby, and living with his in-laws. Thinking of your gifts sound perfect.......they know you care. FWIW, Our neighbors had a baby at the end of July and I don’t think many people (if any) beyond the parents have held her. They certainly do not appear to be having many visitors and family is in our area. The neighbors get to look from a distance as they do walk around the neighborhood with the baby in a stroller now. They love showing her off! She is beautiful btw.
  3. I have hauled EPP projects all over the place with me and love the fact that a quart size zip lock holds hours of entertainment. I have been known to tuck it in pockets with nail clippers instead of scissors.
  4. Decided to bump this.......the sad reality is the thread title is still appropriate. One of my “frivolous” purchases was a curved hexagon ruler so I could participate in a quilt along. I am way behind because I started late but here is my quilt so far. It’s English Paper Piecing btw........
  5. I am just glad to hear other people dislike having their dh’s load the dishwasher! 😉. It’s driving me nuts!
  6. My young adults have been vacuuming the house daily since Covid to reduce allergies........one takes care of the ceramic tile areas. Dd spends 10 minutes wandering around dusting. Ds takes care of maintaining our bikes. Both help on other tasks as needed.
  7. Going to throw another favorite historical series out there as an idea for your next book.......Matthew Shardlake, my favorite hunchback lawyer https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/138685.Dissolution?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=pkgx1cu0No&rank=1. I love this series. If you are in the mood to immerse yourself in odd bits of Tudor history this is the series for you........start with Dissolution.
  8. Burning Ridge is the book I am currently trying to finish! 😂
  9. Bumping you for the evening crowd......... Saying this after living through my computer dude extrodinare........my son was fully capable of getting around anything we could put on his computer. We all recognized that fact. He has a degree in Cybersecurity now. Btw. My method was I reserved the right to walk by his room at any moment and tell him to drop it so I could see. The house we were living in was set up so I walked by his room 50 or so times a day so random screen clearing fear of mom’s weekly drop it was probably not worthwhile. Not a key swipe after mom said drop or he was in trouble. The fear of that seemed to work best. Years from now I will be hearing about his exploits but I don’t think there were many. His dad had the right to examine his computer at anytime. Ds never was quite sure what Dh’s capabilities really were.........
  10. I would respect the parents and their dd’s wish to give your daughter a gift from the store. Honestly when they sent that amount for their daughter to spend they knew exactly how they wanted to handle the event. They could easily have sent her with a prepurchased less expensive item but choose not to. Buying the dress was their decision....... and a great idea btw. Even though she doesn’t have an American Girl doll, whatever the reason really is, she was able to have the afternoon tea experience as your daughter’s choosen companion. I suspect her parent’s were pleased she was able to have the experience.
  11. I definitely need to start working on my October Spooky reads. I already have American Demon and We Ride Upon Sticks (both in the reddit thread) already on hold but may not get them in October. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/50215350-we-ride-upon-sticks?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=rhV8MJbMBM&rank=1 The Witch of Willow Hall was also mentioned and is availiable. It might just be my spooky read........https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/37007910-the-witch-of-willow-hall?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=leJnhoS37t&rank=1
  12. @Æthelthryth the Texan I finished The Lies of Locke Lamora yesterday and totally enjoyed it as an audiobook. In the second half all the bits from the really slow first half came together making the second half was quite good...... I gave it a 4* simply because of the first half. 😉 I never would have made it to the second half in book form but enjoyed this audio enough that I am waiting for the second installment on audio. I sort of need to find out what happens to Locke .....😂. For those who didn’t see my previous Locke Lamora post this trilogy consistently appears on lists of best fantasy trilogies.......I think it was recently on a “if you enjoyed Goblin Emperor you will enjoy these books” list. I have had a hold on it since the first part of 2020 so it’s popular too! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29588376-the-lies-of-locke-lamora I have abandoned a couple of books this weekend. The latest Harlan Coben (The Boy From the Woods) had a bit of a planning error......the book started at the end of April 2020 and life was normal. Oops!!! I didn’t abandon it for that reason although I did find it sort of irritating, jealousy perhaps. 😉 It just wasn’t good enough to continue.......I normally read his stand alones after setting this one down because life interrupted found I didn’t feel like continuing. Kindles make it so easy to move to a different book when one is ambivalent. @Robin M I thought Nora Roberts(JD Robb’s) latest Shadows in Death was excellent. I loved learning more about Rouke’s history. I also loved the little shows of genuine affection between Sommerset and Eve. The format was interesting as the murder was solved and wrapped up so early in the book. The one disappointment was Mavis was only mentioned once.....I ❤️Mavis! I have the next Lane Winslow Mystery ready to read sometime soon and will probably consider it my Fall challenge as COLD is in the title. An Old, Cold Grave https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34696033-an-old-cold-grave?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=9AMb0oaSBM&rank=2. @aggieamyHave you had a chance to read the first one in this series? I started listening to the next in the Psy Changling series yesterday. I have Burning Ridge.....a Timber Creek K9 in progress and will probably finish that before starting anything else.
  13. Not counting the times I have moved back and forth between the same two houses because I have done that since childhood......I used to attend 2 different schools each year. They were the same schools, 1400 miles apart. Childhood........3 diffent houses excluding some temporary places. College.......skipping before marriage........3 apartments/condos after marriage.........9 moves in two countries
  14. I finished reading the latest in Elly Griffith’s Ruth Galloway series this morning. I really enjoyed it but doubt someone who did not already love the series would enjoy it. It was very much a book that was carefully crafted to allow fans to catch up with all their favorite characters. 😉 The Lantern Men https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/52331359-the-lantern-men used an old story from the fenlands to create a pretty good murder mystery that even had me surprised by the conclusion. The mysterious lights lure people to their deaths in the marshes. I am currently listening to The Lies of Locke Lamora which is pretty consistently listed as one of the best fantasy series on most lists for the fantasy genre. I have had it on hold for a very long time, super popular. At this point I am halfway through and am somewhat ambivalent to a book that has a whole lot of 5* reviews on GR. 😂 The world building is excellent but .........I hope to love it by the end! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29588376-the-lies-of-locke-lamora I also finished listening to the River of Teeth an alternate history set in Louisiana in the 1850’s. The US decided to raise hippos as a source of meat in the area around the Mississippi. In this book people ride tame hippos......you tame them by living and sleeping with them from birth. The problem in this book are feral hippos which are possibly worse that crocodiles. I will never look at hippos quite the same way.......I don’t plan to continue reading the series as the second book sounds boring.😂. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/31445891-river-of-teeth.
  15. The in England situation is that mortgages on rental property are excluded from the deferment schemes, no idea about here. In our area of England there are no apartment rentals from a large corporate entities. That does not exist so pretty much all rentals are owned by normal people and are let through what we would call real estate agents. For many owning(and mortgaging) 2 or 3 flats is their retirement savings. They live off that income so now they owe their mortgage payments and have no money coming in for other essentials. For those living in greater London it is very common to rent a flat in London to live in and owning a retirement home near where we lived and rent it out, using the rent to pay for your retirement home. Obviously its a mess for those landlords especially those whose London jobs are now redundant.......British papers are talking about it.
  16. In England there is an eviction ban that seems to be causing many problems for landlords. They still owe their mortgages etc. while receiving no income.
  17. Unfortunately no Wegman’s! Btw, the Sam’s Club fizzy is not great......actually more like diet fruit soda.
  18. It basically said that the title wouldn’t get you the book you are looking for....well it does for me many times. My book is almost always one of the choices on the drop down menu. During Covid I have been reading though a box of really old (90’s) Harliquins.........many with similar names. I add the author and it comes up. I have been amazed. My GR email recommendations are rather bad but I find the ones to the right of my book ..........I think titled “readers also enjoyed”.........to be really useful. Of couse people like many of us who read quite a variety of genres are going to send the occasional odd one into those but good overall.
  19. I just ran into this anti Goodreads article https://www.newstatesman.com/science-tech/social-media/2020/08/better-goodreads-possible-bad-for-books-storygraph-amazon?utm_source=pocket-newtab and have to admit that I don’t find basic Goodreads use all that difficult and not sure if this just isn’t the anti amazon 😉. My saying that means it’s pretty easy.😂 I just type in my title (and author name if I suspect it’s a popular title )there is my book 99% of the time. I get the occasional hilarious recommendation but overall my lists and the ability to sort those lists and shelves is awesome compared to my paper book journal of old. So I am curious.....anyone tried The Storygraph. I went into the website but decided I wouldn’t continue because I couldn’t seem to browse much without giving my email etc
  20. I finished The Traveling Cat Chronicles last night after a couple weeks of reading a few pages most days. It’s a Japanese translation by the same translator who works on the Murakami books..........😂cats. This book was a huge bestseller in Japan and has been on my “want to read” list for quite awhile. The book appeared to be a gentile story about an ally cat and his person for much of the book. It actually has a deeper story underneath but for anyone interested simply read it as the adventures of the beloved cat of a really sweet guy and you will enjoy it! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40961230-the-travelling-cat-chronicles
  21. I have been busy reading the TimberCreek K9 series https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/37778530-burning-ridge which has me totally hooked. Also reading some fluffy romances in between......Susan Mallory’s The Friendship List was a good light read. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/52703433-the-friendship-list
  22. I was just talking to my Dh and mentioned you and the fever and he immediately said anxiety can cause fevers. I confirmed it https://www.healthline.com/health/can-stress-make-you-sick I am wondering if the lack of sleep combined with General Covid anxiety may have elevated your temp.
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