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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. British cups are more like 10 oz. but no one actually measures in cups normally. Everyone weighs and uses the gram measurements, cooking is exact. Easiest just to set your bowl on the digital scale and zero adjust between ingredients. Things like teaspoons seem to be smaller quantities than what I used to put in for success. I swear that the baking powder is more powerful for instance here, my mom thinks I just may have fresher dry ingredients because smaller packaging in general. Who knows...they really should have tested the recipes before publishing if they did a US conversation. For instance I still can't get my "special" coffee cake to work right here....it never ever failed me before the move and I made at least one a week for something. It fails pretty much every time now and I have no idea why.....the kids don't care because it still tastes right. I can't give them away because they are a mess to look at so we eat them all! :lol: Obviously I make maybe two a year now.....
  2. My dc's have done alot of Coursera. We aren't calling it DE. Some are going on the transcript with the description....many have more than one section especially in the computer ones. My son completed all three parts of bioinformatics with certificates, many many hours of work. Also for some like the economics we did a Clep exam later for college credits. Someplace in my research I found a recommendation that completion a 3 credit university course is worth 6 credits on a high school transcript. Therefore a one semester Calculus class at a university is actually a full high school year etc. Just something to ponder as you work on the transcript.....
  3. Stacia and RedSquirrel thanks for the great lists. I have read a few on the lists and abandoned a few also. A couple just decorated my stacks....:lol: The Kirkus review is one I plan to go back to and do some requests. It is long with a broad spectrum of interests represented. Some of my fluffy historical romance authors are on there. Congratulations on your pregnancy and glad to see you back here. I am another fan of The Rook. Jane and Nan, :lol: about the dh's on horseback. When we were first married I thought it wasn't a good vacation if we didn't go horseback riding, dh felt it ruined the whole trip. Dh made a ride on a peaceful beach go wild. I gave up.....went by myself once or twice. My kids like horses from the ground, take after their dad.
  4. :grouphug: idnib Jane, Your trip itinerary sounds so scenic, all those Isles..... Oddly hectic day here so no reading. There haven't been many days in my life where dh and I have TWO discussions regarding rather to file an insurance claim or not. Nothing earth shattering just costly.....no claims are beinv filed. I am trying to get JD Robb's Devoted in Death started. I am sure that after a few pages it will be a quick read.
  5. Welcome home Jane! Looking forward to hearing about your trip.... I finished The Lake House by Kate Morton this week. http://reviews.libraryjournal.com/2015/07/in-the-bookroom/authors/mystery-and-more-kate-mortons-carefully-structured-the-lake-house-has-broad-appeal/Really enjoyed it. It was a really satisfying read. Typical Kate Morton. Not sure what else to say. ;) I also finished G M Malliet's The Haunted Season.https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/gm-malliet/the-haunted-season/ The is a great series if you like cozy mysteries. English village with a vicar who is a former MI5 agent. This one is a take off on a strangers on a train theme.... Finally I read the latest Agatha Raison. It was just fine. I do think Agatha is getting a bit more likable.
  6. I enjoyed X afew weeks ago. I read the first part of Empty Mansions awhile ago but never finished. I am curious what you think of the whole book. ;) It keeps popping up as recommended and I wonder if I missed out. Butter, I know what you mean about too many books. I can't turn either kindle reader (one is for my account and the other account I share wigh the dc's) wifi on right now because I have several books on both that I waited quite awhile for and and been returned to the library. I also have several paper books that are due with holds next week. I have suspended several holds at least. I am feeling really pressured and it is silly but I still feel a bit stressed by my library situation. I can't believe I let this happen......silly I know.
  7. I think a bingo card with a wide variety of challenges would be perfect. That would give us 25 different challenges which would set a pace of every other week which would work for most....admittedly not everyone for every square. I know I will never manage or even try Moby Dick for instance. I like the idea of armchair travel. The books from the first post this week all sound like something I might enjoy assuming we spread them out.....maybe monthly. It might be fun to read a cookbook from the region at the same time....I doubt North Pole cookbooks exist :lol: but for the other areas people should be able to find something of interest. Our group also seems to enjoy food conversations! Anyway I think the travel should be separate or just a couple of squares on the Bingo card. Female adventurers,Cartel fiction,LotR reread, are others that I know I am probably up for in some form. Some possible fluffy squares would be good too. I really don't anticipate doing much serious reading in 2016, the things that are making my life stressful are unlikely to resolve themselves anytime soon. So I am probably going to continue with my fluffy reads. Personally I have several partially read series that I plan to finish up but that doesn't work for the group. Some other ideas that I would be up for.... Time travel Steampunk Banned book....People enjoyed the BNW read along, maybe another classic (not Red Badge of Courage please!) Maybe 1984....I did a reread already. Anyway I think we should try another read along for BB week. I always enjoy the color, fall, whatever challenges. I liked the challenge where we asked family members for a letter and number (I think that was it) and used those as coordinates in our library to read a random book. It was slightly adjustable because I landed in James Patterson first go and I had read them all. My second took me to a mystery that I really enjoyed.
  8. I just want to welcome you. I think you will receive more responses if you post on a different forum board....the K-8 or General forum boards would probaly work best. The introduction board tends just to be new people doing a test post to make sure they know how. ;) I hope you find some great ideas here. Have you had a chance to read the Well Trained Mind book? It honestly has helped many of my real life friends (and myself) with our homeschool journey.
  9. Negin, I am sure you know this but for others here I have to comment on how quickly the dialets change here. We have a cute village maybe 2miles away where nice houses are comparatively inexpensive for no obvious reason. When we were house hunting really nice houses kept popping up there so we tried shopping there one more time, no one in our family knows what people are saying there. I was telling a friend here who is born Yorkshire that I need to be really nice to the dc's or they will stick me in a nursing home there someday and was shocked when she admitted she can't understand the dialect there either. Two miles and it is literally a different language. Oddly we have no problems a couple more miles down the road. Robin, I just checked out the new Julie Ann Walker. Thank you. I have a question about the world travel books.....Are you planning on one each week, one a month.....They do look good. I definitely can find the first one but my stack is huge. Currently reading The Lake House by Kate Mortonhttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/21104828-the-lake-house. So far it is intriguing. It is going pretty quickly considering how little actual reading time I have been having. I am also trying to finish another Sue Grafton alphabet mystery so I can turn my kindle reader's wifi on!
  10. I prefer to line dry but when the weather is bad (or things aren't completely dry) I use several drying racks. I set up in the living room at bedtime with a dehumidifier and fan. The majority of the laundry is dry in the morning. I keep an IKEA tower type rack in the corner of our bedroom for anything that is still damp the next day. In an emergency I have a rack that fits in our bathtub.....also use this rack for hand laundry.
  11. My dd did it after Algebra 1 (A beka) without a problem. I think she had to look up how to do a couple of more advanced algebra problems along the way but nothing huge. Fyi, It is the only formal geometry book she has ever done so it is pretty complete because she has moved on to other math challenges fine. Good test scores etc. Plans to be a math major.
  12. I decided to try one of Jane's favorite authors for cold war spy novels, John Le Carre. I loved this genre many years ago and don't remember reading this author but am not sure. Pretty sure I never read Our Game as nothing was familiar. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/920799.Our_Game. It is an old book made timely thanks to ongoing issues so it didn't necessarily feel like an almost 20 year old book. A retired British spy who specialised in Soviet issues suddenly finds himself in the center of a situation caused by one of his best friends (former associate) and his current love interest disappearing. His civilian life and his former secret profession collide. I didn't find it as incredable as the Goodreads review seems to but did appreciate it for not being a typical spy thriller.
  13. They were a favourite for both of my dc's. We used bits of other programs but I basically put them in order and we went through each one.
  14. We spent last weekend in Paris. For the Louvre I would pick one of these trails to followhttp://www.louvre.fr/en/parcours. It looks like you won't see much but by the time you go to everything on the list you will have seen quite a bit. Dd and I could have stayed for a couple of days at least....dh and ds saw the Mona Lisa and considered themselves done. The tours are a good compromise. I have heard that there are good real people restaurants if you walk a couple of blocks away. The lines to the top of Notre Dame were huge. Saturday is not a good day to tour.....weddings kept us out once on a Saturday also. Make sure you walk completely around the exterior. The back portion with the flying buttresses is spectacular. Laura's tour of the islands looks great. We have done that but not as organised. The islands are special. Imo
  15. The watch is really important. Also make sure she wears layers so she can adjuust her clothing to the temperature of the room. My kids have had all sorts of odd things happen during testing. Power outages and lack of heating in building (cool day but at least springtime) among the issues, both were fixed during the exam. Snacks are really important, I send something for each break.
  16. :lol: A couple of years ago we had a BaW discussion on if it was possible to browse in an online library in a satisfying manner. At the time I hadn't really perfected my skill. Now I can spend hours looking at cookbooks etc online. Glad you are enjoying your new card which sounds like a really incredible one. :)
  17. I can't find any of these at this time but hope they appear in one of my library's. Dorothy Hughes, one of the authors, wrote one of my favorite books, The Expendable Manhttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12459312-the-expendable-man. It would fit in with some of the books Stacia and Rose are reading. It is a page turner that deals with US race relations in the 50's or 60's from a slightly atypical viewpoint. I don't want to do a spoiler in case anyone wants to add something a bit lighter in with their other reads so am being careful. I found it on overdrive.
  18. I found this table on the University of Sheffield website for entry requirements for EU students. http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/undergraduate/apply/international-qualifications. Hopefully that will help answer your question.
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