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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. Loesje, Congratulations to your Dd and you. I assume that means your recent exams are complete? Robin, I loved Mr. Penumbra so glad you are enjoying it. Both dc's read and enjoyed it also so your son might like it. My main book this week has been 11/22/63 by Stephen King.https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/10644930-11-22-63?ac=1&from_search=1. I think I first reserved it because of the spooky challenge. I was surprised how much I enjoyed it but it was chunky and proved to be a slow read. Saying that my one complaint sounds silly....the ending was rushed. At pages and pages of build up the conclusion came quickly. This wasn't really horror at all but a time travel book. Ds tried to read it but it wasn't his style. I now know why! :lol:
  2. So far we have had more wet and gusty than last year. Last year was exceptional....generally warmer here than Florida. Really odd. The sun is no longer out but still warm today. Lately we are sunny until 11 than overcast. I have two loads of laundry out so I wouldn't mind a bit of wind to dry it. ;)
  3. Just remember in just a few days we will be getting noticeably more light every single day! When we first moved here I hated the darkness in winter and found the light in summer a bit inconvenient also. Now I love both. I embrace the dark with cozy craft projects and my books. Lots of community activities happen also so the social calender is easy to fill up also. Currently mid 50's and sunny.....pretty good for someone living north of Hudson Bay. Yesterday was wet and cold but overall the weather isn't bad, I am saying this as someone who has lived in Florida for a good chunk of my life. Bugs and extreme heat aren't great either. Cold in Florida means the heat pump doesn't work well. Trade offs. Some things cost more here, like petrol and houses. My grocery bill, electric, heat , and water are considerably less for a similar standard of living. A fuel efficient car works wonders on solving one of those problems. The housing situation depends on where you want to be......renting is a good deal some places, buying is generally expensive.
  4. Anno Dracula is in my abandoned pile. I can't remember why, I suspect life just turned complicated and it needed to be returned. From your description it sounds like something I really should enjoy so at some point I will give it another try.
  5. Fwiw.....The dc's and I were transferring flights in Detroit last winter with some bad weather and sat near two unaccompanied minors, maybe 7and 10.....they were put together but not together. They were being watched by the gate attendant and other staff kept appearing with updates. There was a problem with their flights but I really doubt they were ever flying directly to their destinations (small regional airports). They were bored and the dc's and I heard way too much about their lives imo for privacy.....the boy happily told us entire his life story with no prompting but otherwise reasonably well cared for. Both were experienced travellers.....children of divorce.
  6. Thanks, I just downloaded the Midnight Queen for Dd. It sounds like something she will enjoy!
  7. Double Post So...... Currently reading a book that Kareni found for me by one of my favorite author's.https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/15701533-the-ashford-affair?from_search=true&search_version=service. Willig is switching between past and present again in this book. So far it is an interesting read.
  8. Beautiful photos Jane Since many of us don't make it over to the main board very often I thought this thread should probably be linked here http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/576249-well-educated-mind-new-editionhelp-requested/. Many here have read the Well Educated Mind and SWB needs us. Unfortunately I haven't read it in it's entirety......but I know some of you have!
  9. :grouphug: You are my hero! I love babies and can't imagine letting them go. Praying that 2016 will bring one that can stay...... On a bookish note I downloaded the Kareni freebie that you enjoyed so much. Hogfather, the movie, used to be a bit of a tradition for the dc's with their godmother, who happens to be my best friend. I have never watched the whole thing....they enjoyed it with her while I was doing preparations. Not sure where the dvd is but next time I see it I will watch it. I wish I was going to be there for one of your music gigs. I do think you will enjoy the Tana French book. I have read the whole series except for The Secret Place, which is technically the last in the series. These books are not a typical series...New main characters every book and very little overlap. Interesting setting....we have visited Dublin for a brief overview. These books put my real life exposure into an interesting context. Dh and I keep saying we need to go back but the trip never seems to get planned. The other recommended authors look interesting also. The books are available on my overdrive so I may try them. I have been looking for A Suitable Boy and can't seem to locate a copy of it. Not sure if I am up for it or not since I think I would need to read a hard copy and potentially travel with it. Too chunky. Maybe we can come up with a kindle available alternative. It reminded me of a Shukriyya recommendation that I know I bookmarked and now can't find. I have been searching......I think it was chunky, a saga type of romance, probably set in India, with a pretty cover. :lol: I am sure everyone can understand why I can't seem to find that book in my 20 page list. Planning to look through some of my other lists as time permits.
  10. We started them as read alouds when they were 6 and 8. They loved them. It was very much a shared joy for both dc's with figures and lego appearing for gifts throughout the years. Many hours of HP play at our house. We took a break before they read books 5 through 7 to themselves. I see from you siggy that your dd is a couple years younger, for that reason I would wait and let them share the fun together.
  11. I am liking you JA comment and sympathizing with the cold. Glad you are on the mend and hope the rest of your family stays healthy. I have been busy reading Melissa Olson's Boundary serieshttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/24369122-boundary-crossed. I was already a huge fan of her Scarlett Bernard but might actually like these better. Many of the same elements make up the story but the main character is a bit special, her love for her niece motivates her, and the books seem more realistic (if vampires, witches, and werewolves are ever going to be realistic) than most books in this genre. Kareni recently read most of Melissa Olson's books if this sounds familiar. I am almost done with my non fiction book. Carrying Albert Home https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25143186-carrying-albert-home is a treat and mostly true. ;) I have been to Gatorland many times and never thought gators had much personality but this gator is a hoot. I have already bought one copy to give as a Christmas gift and may buy a couple more.
  12. My wisdom teeth were a nightmare. I had them removed young in two different surgeries because coming in wrong and I was in pain from them before removal. Pretty uncomfortable recuperation, over a week before I was close to normal each time. For dh, he had them out in his forties. No huge need. One had a cavity (his only cavity ever) and easier to remove than fill per dentist. All at once. He took a couple of pain killers that night and stayed home from work the next day because he had scheduled the day off. No drama.
  13. Only read op well but no way would my child go 9 hours away without my approval. The fact dd kept grandmas secret is enough to get her in trouble also. Maybe not huge but certainly part of the cancellation explanation to her.
  14. You are right, dianthus is called Pinks. I just meant dd was using pink flowers...mini carns, lisanthus, baby's breath, and a new to her green filler that has small pink flowers and smells lemony. I had planned for these to be autumn colors and my cards have envelopes to match autumn not pink. So mom is a bit irritated by the flower choice. They are turning out pretty. Village festivities....the last Thursday in November is our tree lightning with carols. Streets are closed, we have shopping stalls, kiddie rides, reindeers to pet.... Big deal for a small place. People come from quite a distance to attend. The church is open with choral and handbell performances. The tower bells will play carols.....we have chimes that can be played because no way to play carols change ringing. Then normal change ringing for an hour or so. When Thanksgiving falls on the same day as the village celebrations our family is always a bit torn. We will do both this year pretty easily because we aren't doing the meal with friends...nice but way too much stress.
  15. Heather, So glad to hear that you are home for the holiday. Hopefully the the added medication has started working and you are now comfortable. I am technically not able to post a flower arrangement so pretend ;) you see one, mainly pinks. Dd is busy doing flower arrangements for a couple of family friends who have been in the hospital recently and are now at home. You would certainly be on our list of flower recipients if you weren't about 5000 miles away! Happy Thanksgiving!!!! I gave in. Dh really wants a Thanksgiving dinner so doing a ham (gamen) with many of the trimmings before the village festivities kick off tonight.
  16. We bought the Lego one when it first came out this year. Ds loves Star Wars and Lego so couldn't skip. I am sure the figures will eventually and up on his Star Wars Lego shelf . We have had the calenders in the past and they really enjoyed them. They take turns building pretty happily with lego.....we buy chocolate calendars too so they each always have a treat each day. I just looked at the Minion one. It is cute and my dc's are minion fans but one is enough plus it costs more than the Lego one did at the time I bought.
  17. What I find really fascinating about the selection of covers is I have clicked on almost every single one of them while browsing in overdrive. A good cover really does go a long way towards attracting a reader. Not sure I have a favourite. Several of those books are on wish lists. I did notice that I seem to skip the ones with a lot of red....love the horse one and the elf. Safe travels to those who are traveling the next couple of days. I read a fun Christmas novella last night by one of my favourite series authors, Laurien Berensonhttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25387258-a-christmas-howl. This is a fun mystery series featuring the niece of standard poodle breeder and her experiences after her aunt gives her one of her award winning dogs. Lots of dogs and dog shows with a bit of murder thrown in. These are definitely cozy mysteries and clean enough so dd read a few when younger. Anyway this novella goes back to the beginning of the aunt's relationship with her niece. Loved the background on the aunt and meeting her husband who is deceased in the actual series.
  18. One added idea....I tried to have an assortment of new activities (sticker books, puzzles, etc) because they were new I would wrap an number them with different paper for each child. I would give them their presents one at a time every hour or two. If they weren't all used, renumber for the trip home.
  19. What about Math U See for the math? I have never used the program with my dc's but I did do some tutoring with someone using it. The pages were uncluttered and it uses rods that have divisions marked on them. They might be easier to use. Also one level just for division. We used both the American History and Geography through Literature courses from Beatiful Feet. We loved the Georgraphy books. One of our favorite curriculums ever. I hope your daughter enjoys her course. I hope someone is able to offer more ideas.
  20. I am glad you are enjoying the St. Cyr books. They aren't right for everyone but I thought you would like them. My reading this week has been rather scattered. I have started many books and plan to continue with all of them but can't seem to settle down and read one. I did manage to finish one by Deanna Raybourn called A Curious Beginninghttps://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/deanna-raybourn/a-curious-beginning/which I really enjoyed. It was set in Victorian England and had a highly independent woman for a main character. I have read her Lady Jane Grey series and enjoyed it. Looking forward to more books with these characters. I am desperately trying to decide if I want to finish Career of Evil by Galbraith/Rowling. I promised my library copy to someone else due to an odd situation. I knew Jenn hadn't liked it and thought it would either be something I would easily abandon or read quickly. I agree it isn't quite right, dark. Almost an I just don't want to read what I think is going to happen feeling. Roughly 70 pages in. As I write this I am deciding just to drop the book off in the morning and skip my planned late night readathon. I can always check it out again. Lol I also have one of Nora Robert's MacGregor series in progress and planning to finish Carrying Albert Home. Some others barely started but doubt I will finish before overdrive takes them and not bothered..... My next Jodi Taylor time travel book (Chronicles of St. Mary's) is due on Thursday and can't be renewed. I will probably start that tonight. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone celebrating. Thursday is the start of the Christmas season in our village with a formal tree lighting, street fair, and lots of bell ringing for the dc's. Some years I have forced a turkey dinner into the madness of the day but not sure if I will this year or not.
  21. :grouphug: I will be thinking of you tomorrow. Let us know how you are doing when possible.
  22. Before I forget I started reading Carrying Albert Homehttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/24585366-carrying-albert-home?ac=1&from_search=1which was a suggestion for a nonfiction book for the challenge a couple of weeks ago. It is wonderful! Three chapters in and I am totally charmed. I was busy reading it tonight to everyone in my family while we waited for our order at a restaurant tonight. They all want more details..... We made our annual trip to visit the baby seals at Donna Nook today.http://www.lincstrust.org.uk/donna-nook/about-grey-seals. They were so cute! This is the first time we went ant the sun was out. For the most part they were all napping and we learned the bulls snore loudly. :lol: For a couple of minutes all we could hear was sleepy sounds coming from over a thousand seals....wow.
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